-Michael Cole & Byron Saxton are on commentary.
-Adam Rose and The Bunny make their way down the asile and join the announce table.
-SlaterGator make their entrance to new music.
-Los Matadores make their entrance next.
Match 1: Heath Slater & Titus O”Neil (SlaterGator) Vs. Deigo & Fernando (Los Matadores) – Tag Team
Bell rings and here we go with Heath Slater already getting distracted by Adam Rose and his rose buds. The Rose buds are partying distracting Slater as Slater gets kicked into O’Neil which leads to a flying crossbody for the win.
Winners: Los Matadores
-Adam Rose, The Rose buds, and Los Matadores celebrate in the ring.
-Mark Henry’s music hits and here comes the Worlds Strogest man in a suite.
-Mark Henry has a letter and he says ” I’ve appaligized to America once, but I’m not doing it again”. Henry blams America for getting him hurt.
-Out comes Big Show.
-Big Show calls Mark Henry his brother saying he feels his pain, and if people are going to boo you then they’ll gonna have to boo me too, and come this Friday on Smackdown he is going to knock Rusev the hell out.
-We get an update on Roman Reigns.
-Divas Champion AJ Lee joins the announce table.
-Naomi is already in the ring.
-Paige’s music hits and Paige comes out looking mad as hell.
Match 2: Naomi Vs. Paige – Single
Really good match to be a Divas match that went a good 4 minutes that ending with Paige using the ropes to pick up the victory.
Winner: Paige
-After the match AJ Lee attcked Paige with the Divas title.
-RAW Rebound
-Rene Young is backstage with The Usos. She asks them about their tag team remtch for the titles this Friday on Smackdown.
-The Usos respond with Smackdown is a new day and its going to get UsoCrazy when they regain the tag team titles.
-Kofi Kingston makes his booming entrance!
-Bo Dallas makes his entrance.
-Bo Dallas gives Kofi a suggestion to succed again with BO BO BO instead of Boom Boom Boom
Match 3: Kofi Kingston Vs. Bo Dallas – Single
Kofi going strong with punches. Kofi connects on a flying crossbody only to miss the 2nd time. Bo Dallas rolls Kofi up for two then corners him, but Kofi counters kicking Bo Dallas in the head followed up with the trouble in paradise for the win.
Winner: Kofi Kingston
-Kofi Kingston celebrates in the ring.
-The Miz acompnied by Damien MizDow are here for MizTV!
-The Miz says what happened Monday on RAW he was robbed of the IC title by a cocky scobb, but he’s to good to complain so Miz welcomes his guest Dean Ambrose.
-They show a replay of Ambrose goign threw the cinder blocks last month.
-The Miz asked where Dean Ambrose disapeared to the past month? Miz then asks a normal person doesn’t walk away from that.
-Ambrose said I’m not a normal person.
-Miz calls Dean Ambrose insane while Ambrose laughs.
-The Miz wants to know how he got out of the room last night?
-Ambrose says “I went out the back door”
-The Miz all of a sudden goes off on Dolph Ziggler for cheating and taking his IC title screaming it in Ambrose face.
-Ambrose head butts Miz then forcing Damien Mizdow outside the ring following up driving The Miz’s head in the ring mat.
-Dean Ambrose picks Miz up and leaves him in the chair in the ring all fixed up like nothing happened.
(The longest match of the night was maybe 4 minutes and it was a Divas match. Kofi Kingston picked up a ware win. not a note worthy episode of Main Event.)