-Michael Cole & Byron Saxton are on commentary.
-The United States Champion Sheamus makes his entrance.
-Curtis Axel makes his entrance next without Ryback.
-Before the match gets going Cesaro’s music hits and here comes the Swiss Superman in a suit to join commentary.
Match 1: Sheamus Vs. Curtis Axel – Single
Both men lock up to start the match while Curtis Axel tries to get something going, but can’t as Sheamus reverses his every move. Curtis Axel rolls out of the ring, but takes control of the match quickly as he gets back inside. Both men trading blows only for Axel to come up with a kick to the shoulder, but Sheamus quickly retakes control as he sets up for the 10 beats to the chest only for Axel to fight out. Curtis Axel hits a high knee knocking Sheamus outside the ring. Back inside the ring Axel gets Sheamus leg caught in the top turnbuckle upside down, Axel uses the 5 count to his advantage as he breaks a hold on the count of 4 following up with a kick to the head of Sheamus.
Curtis Axel has a headlock hold locked on, but Sheamus fights out only to miss a clothesline, Sheamus goes for a flying shoulder only to miss into a PerfectPlex by Curtis Axel for a two count. Curtis Axel slaps Sheamus in the chest over and over. Sheamus now fired up comes at Axel with clotheslines and a shoulder drop off the top rope, Sheamus this time hits the 10 beats to the chest of Curtis Axel followed up with the rolling sin ton. Sheamus prepares for the Broug Kick and connects.
Winner: Sheamus
-Cesaro walks around the ring holding Sheamus’s Untied States Championship. Cesaro gives it back to Sheamus as he hints at wanting a Championship match.
-We go backstage to Triple H who has breaking news announcing John Cena’s rematch request has been accepted for the WWE Night Of Champions PPV.
-Nikki Bella makes her way to the ring. A Replay of last nights segment on RAW between Brie & Nikki is shown.
-Emma is already in the ring.
Match 2: Nikki Bella Vs. Emma – Single
Short Divas match that had a lot of “You Sold Out” chants at Nikki. The finish came when Emma missed a flying cross body followed up with a elbow to the head of Emma which led to Nikki dropping Emma on her shoulders as she fell to her knees.
Winner: Nikki Bella
-Rene Young is backstage with Big Show & Mark Henry. Big Show jokes around as Mark Henry says go win so we can go eat. Big Shows says that’s exactly what I’m going to do.
-Already in the ring are Titus O’Neil & Heath Slater (SlaterGAtor)
-Los Matadors making their return as a team make their entrance. Hornswoggle joins them in a cow costume .
Match 3: SlaterGator Vs. Los Matadors
Heath Slater and Diego start the match off. Diego connects on a flying cross-body. Fernando tags in with a double team. Heath Slater fighting back only to fail, but Slater comes back with a clothesline. Titus O’Neil tags in picking Fernando up driving the side into his knee. Slater tags back in with the double team as Titus holds Fernando and Slater punches. Fernando fights out of the neck hold sending Slater face first into the mat as Diego tags in and connects on headbutt after headbutt. Titus O’Neil saves Slater. Titus gets knocked outside the ring then Slater sends Fernando outside the ring. Diego rolls Slater up for a two count. Heath Slater counters into a DDT for the win.
Winners: Heath Slater & Titus O’Neil (SlaterGator)
-Heath Slater has some fun with El Torito before Hornswoggle saves the day. Heath Slater gets knocked into Titus O’Neil and outside the ring. Slater & O’Neil rush the ring as El Torito & Hornswoggle quickly escape.
-Luke Harper says “That we all have to pay for our sins” Erick Rowan says “Big Show, RUN”
-A recap of everything that has went down between Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins in the past 3 days is shown.
-We get an update on Dean Ambrose.
-Rene Young is backstage with Mr. Money in the Bank Seth Rollins. Rene asks Seth if he has an explanation for his actions Monday night? Seth responds the blood is on the WWE Universes hands as they chose the stipulation. Seth Rollins explains everyone has falling on hard times lately and goes through a list of all superstars that have especially Jack Swagger who let his country down.
-Jack Swagger interrupts the interview and challenges Seth to a fight right now. Rollins however says he’ll fight Swagger, but just not now. he’ll see Swagger on SmackDown.
-Big Show with Mark Henry makes his entrance.
-Erick Rowan with Luke Harper makes his entrance next.
Match 4: Big Show Vs. Erick Rowan – Single
Big Show meets Rowan with a BIG shoulder drop then knocks Rowan over the top rope outside the ring. Big Show outside the ring gets thrown into the ring post. Erick Rowan now on the attack, but its short lived as Big Show comes back with a few slaps to the chest. Big Show running strong gets hit at the knee. Big Show now in the corner gets his leg up, but its caught by Rowan and Rowan drops it on his shoulder. Erick Rowan runs full speed into Big Show who is in the corner and covers him only for Big Show to kick out. Big Show fights out of Rowan’s fist squeeze on his head, but once again Rowan knocks Big Show down and goes back to squashing the head of Rowan. Big Show back up only for Rowan to jump off the ropes with a flying elbow. Rowan body slams Big Show just like Hogan did Andre. Big Show back to his feet hits the knockout punch for the win.
Winner: Big Show
-Replays of the match are shown. Luke Harper looks on as Big Show stands tall in the ring.