Source: JSO of

Bully Ray came out and boasted about putting Dixie Carter through a table last week. Bully thanked the fans for all their help and brought out Devon. Devon said it feels good to be home and praised the fans in New York City. Devon said now that Dixie Carter is gone, it’s time for them to get down to business.
The Hardys came out and said it’s been 12 years since all four guys have been in the ring together. Matt congratulated Team 3D on their Hall of Fame induction. They ran down their history as the fans chanted “One more match!” Both teams shook hands and agreed to wrestle tonight.
Backstage, Samoa Joe said he will reinvigorate the X Division and prove why he is the best.
Reaction: Nice opening to start the show. That was such a cool moment to see the Hardys and Team 3D in the ring again on national TV. I liked how they ran down their history and got the fans pumped up for one more match. It’s guaranteed to be an exciting main event.
Backstage, Bobby Roode and Eric Young were watching the footage of Dixie’s table bump on a cell phone. Austin Aries came in and got them ready for their match.
X Division Scramble
Low Ki vs. Homicide vs. Manik vs. Crazzy Steve vs. Tigre Uno vs. DJ Z
This was an elimination match with Tigre and Steve kicking things off. Tigre hit the Sabretooth Splash to eliminate Steve about a minute into the match. Manik and Tigre exchanged some lucha moves before Manik hit a double knee drop to eliminate Tigre. DJ Z nailed a springboard dropkick on Low Ki and Homicide. DJ Z rolled up Manik and used the ropes to get the pin.
Low Ki and Homicide double-teamed DJ Z for a bit before Homicide hit the Gringo Killer to eliminate DJ Z. The match came down to Homicide and Low Ki. Homicide and Low Ki exchanged strikes. Low Ki countered the Gringo Killer into a Ki Krusher for the win. Low Ki is the new #1 contender and will face Samoa Joe for the X Division Title next week at Hardcore Justice.
Reaction: Solid match, although it felt more like a highlight reel than an actual match. Everybody got eliminated way too fast and way too easily with two or three moves and then a finisher. Still, I’m looking forward to Samoa Joe vs. Low Ki next week.
EC3, Spud and Rhino came out and talked about Dixie going through a table last week. Spud asked for a moment of silence for Dixie, but the crowd continued to make noise. Spud freaked out and said he hates New York City. EC3 got on the mic and demanded Bully Ray’s termination from TNA.
Kurt Angle came out and said EC3 is wasting everybody’s time. Kurt told EC3 to either wrestle or get out of the ring. EC3 refused to wrestle since he bled last week and continued to demand Bully’s termination. Kurt called out the NYC police. Spud started to yell at the cops and claimed he had diplomatic immunity. The cops took down Spud and arrested him. EC3 complained and threw money at a cop but got handcuffed as well. The cops took away EC3, Spud and Rhino to end the segment.
Reaction: Spud and EC3 are so freaking entertaining, but we already knew that. Team Carter did wrestle (with the cops) and got the hell out of the ring… so nice job, Kurt. Mr. Authority.
Backstage, Gunner and Samuel Shaw talked about Mr. Anderson. Gunner told Shaw not to worry and said he will settle his differences with Anderson tonight.
Backstage, Team Carter tried to talk their way out of being arrested but the cops escorted them out of the arena.
Gunner vs. Mr. Anderson
Gunner and Anderson shoved each other to start the match. They locked up and did some chain wrestling on the mat. Gunner nailed a backdrop for a two count. Both guys exchanged strikes. Samuel Shaw came out and tried to stop the match, but Anderson knocked him down. Shaw speared Anderson as Gunner pulled him off.
Reaction: Pretty straightforward match to advance the storyline. I feel indifferent about the execution thus far – basically it’s just Anderson having trust issues.
Backstage, the Beautiful People tried to clear the air and went out for the Knockouts match.
Post-show footage from last week aired. Mike Tenay said he will conduct an interview with Dixie Carter next week.
Knockouts Title Match
Gail Kim vs. Taryn Terrell vs. Angelina Love vs. Velvet Sky
TBP took down Gail with a sidewalk slam/neckbreaker combo and double teamed Taryn in the corner. The match spilled to the outside as all four ladies brawled on the floor. Gail knocked down TBP with a flying clothesline from the apron. Taryn nailed a flying crossbody onto Gail and TBP. Taryn hit a running neckbreaker on Angelina, but Gail broke the pin.
Angelina hit the Lights Out for a two count. Velvet went for the cover, but Gail kicked out. TBP pulled each other off as they went for pin attempts on Taryn. TBP started to argue and Taryn knocked them both down. Gail hit the Eat Defeat on Velvet for the pin.
Reaction: Good match that served its purpose. Gail got another successful title defense, Taryn had a nice performance, and they’re teasing a breakup of the Beautiful People based on egos. By the way, Taryn looks glowing in gold.
Backstage, MVP, King and Lashley put down Dixie’s table bump and said they make the headlines in TNA as they went out to the ring.
Six-Man Tag Team Match
Lashley, MVP and Kenny King vs. Bobby Roode, Eric Young and Austin Aries
King attacked Roode to start. Lashley and EY tagged in and exchanged strikes. EY went to the top rope, but King shoved him off. Lashley hit a neckbreaker and tagged in MVP. The heels isolated EY in their corner and made quick tags. EY leaped across the ring and tagged in Aries. Aries cleaned house and hit a suicide dive on Lashley on the outside. Aries nailed a missile dropkick on King. Lashley tagged in and went for the spear, but Aries countered into the Last Chancery. Each guy hit a sequence of finishers. MVP nailed Aries off the top rope with a crutch and Lashley capitalized with a spear for the win.
Reaction: Nice back-and-forth match between the two teams. The crutch spot really wasn’t necessary since Lashley would’ve won clean anyway, but that’s MVP’s shtick… so no big deal.
Backstage, the Wolves talked about their victory over the Hardys at Destination X. The Wolves offered Team 3D a shot at the Tag Team Titles.
Abyss came out and called out Bram. Magnus and Bram came out with Janice in hand. Abyss demanded that Bram return Janice, but Bram refused. Abyss asked if Bram wants to get extreme and proposed a Stairway to Janice match. Bram accepted the challenge. Magnus taunted Abyss, and then Abyss attacked the Brits and chucked Bram out of the ring. Abyss picked up Janice and went after Magnus, but Bram chop-blocked Abyss and took Janice again.
Reaction: This is quite the sadistic feud, isn’t it? Two monsters fighting over a board with nails – I’ve enjoyed the brutality in the previous Monster’s Ball matches, and now they’re upping the ante with a big Stairway to Janice finale at Hardcore Justice. Bram has some great facial expressions.
James Storm was shown manipulating Sanada (who had darker hair). Storm said he would turn the Japanese star into the Great Sanada.
The Hardys vs. Team 3D
Bully and Devon wore their old camouflage gear. Devon and Matt started the match. Jeff worked over Devon’s arm, but Devon fought out and tagged in Bully. Team 3D took down Jeff with a sidewalk slam/legdrop combo as the show went to commercial.
Back from the break, the Hardys hit a double legdrop on Bully followed by Poetry in Motion in the corner. Devon grounded Jeff on the mat and tagged in Bully. Team 3D isolated Jeff in their corner and made quick tags. Bully went for a splash from the middle rope, but Jeff cut him off and hit a hurricanrana for a two count. Matt and Devon tagged in and exchanged strikes. Matt nailed a Side Effect followed by a moonsault, but Bully broke the pin attempt.
Team 3D hit the Doomsday Device and a Wassup headbutt. Bully and Devon pulled a table from under the ring, but Jeff flew over the top rope onto both guys. Matt hit a Twist of Fate on Devon followed by a Swanton from Jeff for a two count. Team 3D hit their finisher on Matt for the win.
Reaction: I agree with the crowd; that was awesome. Thank you, TNA, for another treat in NYC. That was straight-up tag team wrestling at its finest. With the Wolves teasing their involvement in this feud, the TNA tag team division is about to get red hot in the coming weeks.