Source: JSO of

Austin Aries was shown in the arena earlier in the day and talked about his match against Lashley tonight.
Team Dixie came out for a promo. The fans booed Dixie as she was talking. Rhino demanded that the fans show Dixie some respect. Dixie ran the old ECW and put over the real stars of hardcore. EC3 said he is the general and introduced his army: Rhino, Ryklon, and Snitsky. The fans chanted “You sold out” at Rhino. EC3 proposed one final battle to Team 3D and Dreamer. EC3 said he’ll put the old ECW down forever.
Reaction: Dixie got a ton of heat from the crowd. EC3 did a great job putting over his hardcore army and set up the final battle against ECW. I’m looking forward to the brutality next week.
TNA World Tag Team Title Match
The Wolves vs. Hardy Boyz
Jeff and Davey kicked things off. Davey knocked down Jeff as the Hardys went for the Poetry in Motion. Eddie tagged in and unleashed a fury on the Hardys. The Wolves did a double suicide dive to the outside. Back in the ring, the Wolves double teamed Jeff with a German suplex into a jackknife cover for a two count. The Hardys did a Poetry in Motion to the Wolves on the outside.
The Hardys did the Twist of Fate and Swanton, but Davey broke up the pin. Matt nailed a moonsault, but Davey broke the pin again. The Hardy did a double guillotine submission on the Woves, but Davey dropped Jeff on top of Matt. The Wolves hit the flying foot stomp on Matt for a two count. Eddie took out Jeff on the outside as Matt hit the Twist of Fate on Davey for a two count. Matt went for a superplex, but Eddie came in and grabbed Matt in the powerbomb position. The Wolves nailed the Force of Nature for the pin. Both teams shook hands after the match.
Reaction: Awesome match. The action was so fast and furious from the get-go, and both teams hit some cool double team spots. Thank you TNA, Wolves and Hardys for a dream come true.
A video packaged aired on Low Ki putting over the X Division. Low Ki came face to face with Samoa Joe backstage.
X-Division Qualifier
Low Ki vs. Manik vs. DJ Z
Low Ki and Manik exchanged a quick flurry to start. DJ Z did a springboard dropkick on both guys from the apron. Low Ki knocked down DJ Z with a spin kick. Manik had a Indian death lock on DJ Z as Low Ki kicked him repeatedly in the chest. Manik hit a Northern Lights suplex on Manik for a two count. Low Ki nailed a running dropkick on both guys. DJ Z went up to the top rope, but Low Ki knocked him to the outside with a cartwheel jump kick. Low Ki reversed a Manik suplex into a rollup and a double foot stomp. Low Ki hit the Ki Krusher on Manik for the pin.
Reaction: Strong start to the X-Division qualifiers. It’s so great to have Low Ki back in the company (as well as Manik in a TV role). I enjoyed the quick offense from all three guys.
James Storm came out to the ring and ran down the Great Muta. Storm said he is the leader of a new revolution and called Sanada his friend. Storm introduced Sanada to the ring for the next match. Storm and Sanada had a deep staredown with each other on the ramp.
X-Division Qualifier
Sanada vs. Brian Cage vs. Homicide
Cage used his strength to take control early on. Cage picked up Sanada and Steve on his shoulders and took them down with a double fallaway slam. Cage flipped Sanada to the outside. Steve hit a sunset flip powerbomb from the top rope on Cage for a two count. Cage suplexed Steve but missed a moonsault. Sanada hit a Tiger Suplex on Steve for the pin.
Reaction: Brian Cage had an impressive showing, but that was really it. I’m definitely intrigued by the Storm/Sanada revolution, and it makes sense that Sanada broke out of his slump here.
Backstage, Team 3D and Tommy Dreamer said they heard the challenge from Team Dixie and headed to the ring to give their answer.
Backstage, Bobby Roode gave Austin Aries a pep talk for the World Title match tonight.
Team 3D and Tommy Dreamer came out to address the challenge by Team Dixie. Devon put down EC3 and said they know how to finish a war. Dreamer cut a passionate promo about the wars he’s been in and called out Team Dixie to fight. EC3 came out and said they will go to war next week. Bully pumped up the NYC crowd and said he could start a riot anytime he wants. Bully proposed a hardcore weapons match and vowed to put Dixie Carter through a table.
Reaction: Game on! The ECW guys really know how to sell a war. The weapons stipulation is a nice touch to add to the intensity and violence next week. Someone’s gonna die, and it could be Dixie going through a f’n table.
Backstage, Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle had a private conversation. Angle told the cameraman that the X Division is about to have no limits.
Backstage, Dixie Carter gave a pep talk to her troops for the hardcore war next week.
Backstage, the Beautiful People talked about ruining the Gail/Taryn match last week. Angelina said he is making an announcement next week.
A Terminator-like vignette aired to hype a new wrestler. It looks like Jessicka Havok.
X-Division Qualifier
Samoa Joe vs. Homicide vs. Tigre Uno
Homicide exploded with a flurry to start. Tigre hit a splash on Homicide for a two count. Homicide hit a DDT on Tigre for a two count. Homicide went for a Gringo Killer, but Joe broke it up. Joe powered down Homicide with a uranage. Tigre went for a hurricanrana on Homicide but changed his mind and missed a corkscrew on Joe. Joe hit the Muscle Buster on Homicide for the pin.
Reaction: I’m okay with Joe back in the X-Division if it gives him a purpose again. Homicide got a nice reaction and looked solid in his return, although I’m surprised he ate the pin.
Backstage, Abyss challenged Bram to a Monster’s Ball match next week.
TNA World Heavyweight Title Match
Lashley vs. Austin Aries
Both guys had a feeling out process to start. Aries went for the Last Chancery, but Lashley powered out. Aries hit the running dropkick and targeted Lashley’s leg. Aries went for a double ax handle on the outside, but Lashley caught him and nailed a belly to belly suplex as the show went to commercial.
Back from the break, Lashley continued to punish Aries in the corner. Lashley picked up Aries and rammed his back into the ring posts. Lashley put a bear hug on Aries to wear him down. Lashley went for a running powerslam, but Aries slipped out and unloaded with strikes. Aries snapped a neckbreaker on the ropes followed by a missile dropkick. Lashley recovered and hit a powerslam. Aries countered a spear into the Last Chancery, but Lashley powered out again and tossed Aries across the ring. Aries hit a brainbuster for a two count. Aries missed a suicide dive and crashed hard into the guardrail. Lashley finally nailed a spear for the pin.
Reaction: It’s fitting that Destination X ended with an X-citing main event. I absolutely loved the story they told in this match, with the size vs. speed dynamic between the champion and challenger. Aries endured some punishment and exploded with his usual offense, but once again Lashley asserted his dominance.
Great show. I love how they’re building Lashley. Aries gave him everything, and it wasn’t enough. He looks like a credible champion and a threat to anyone. I hope the reign lasts a long time.
I agree. I wouldn’t even mind if he winds up keeping the belt through Bound for Glory. Maybe have him lose it at next year’s Lockdown – or even later in the year. Wrestling has needed a dominant heel champion for a long time and it looks like Lashley is going to be the one!