-Byron Saxton and Tom Phillips are on commentary.
-We get started with The Miz making his way out in a suit for MizTV.
-The Miz reads off a letter that he’s leaving Cleveland because Hollywood is his home now. “Because he’s The Miz and he’s A STAR”
-Sheamus music hits and the United States Champion gets in the ring and says for The Miz to leave before The Miz calls Sheamus jealous.
-Sheamus goes for the brogue kick only The Miz gets out of the way. Sheamus music plays as we are shown who all is in the WWE BattleGround Battle Royal for the IC title.
-Emma’s music hits and oddly here she comes to the ring.
-Naomi is at the announce table on commentary.
-Cameron makes her entrance next.
Match 1: Emma Vs. Cameron – Single
Just your standard Divas match. Not much happened in the 4 minutes they fought. The finish came when Emma rolled up Cameron for the three count.
Winner: Emma
-After the match Cameron attacked Emma only for Naomi to make the save.
-RyBaxel make their entrance.
-Big E makes his entrance next then out comes his partner Kofi Kingston.
Match 2: Ryback & Curtis Axel Vs. Big E & Kofi Kingston – Tag Team
Kofi Kingston and Curtis Axel start the match off. Big E tags and and Curtis Axel tags out bringing in Ryback. Ryback corners Big E and stomps away, then locks in a headlock, but Big E gets out and after going back and forth running he meets Ryback with a BIG clothesline. Kofi tags into the match and hits a flying foot stomp to the back of Ryback and Big E tags back in. Big E connects on a belly to belly suplex followed up on a dropkick from Kofi. Curtis Axel rolls outside the ring and Kofi goes flying landing on both Axel and Ryback outside the ring.
Big E is driving his shoulder into Ryback in the corner. Curtis Axel tags and only to be knocked down with Big E connecting on the splash. Axel rolls outside the ring, Big E gets thrown into the barricade. Ryback tags back in and repeatedly knees the side of Big E in the corner. Curtis Axel now in the match hits three shoulder drops in a row to Big E. Big E fights back, but Axel counters out attacking the leg of Big E. Ryback tags into the match and hits a splash of his own. Ryback going for a power bomb gets countered. Both men make the hot tag. Kofi Kingston is going strong hitting clotheslines and dropkicks followed up with a Boom Boom drop! Ryback comes in distracting Kofi, Curtis Axel can’t capitalize as Kofi goes to the top rope hitting a flying crossbody. Ryback comes in and picks Kofi up for the shell shock, but Big E makes the save sending Ryback outside the ring. Big E drops Curtis Axel following up with a trouble in paradise by Kofi for the win.
Winners: Big E & Kofi Kingston
-Big E & Kofi celebrate after the match.
-Rene Young is backstage with The Miz.
-The Miz tells Rene that he’s a mega star and that tonight just like at Battleground he’s putting his money on The Miz.
-The Miz is already in the ring.
-Sheamus makes his entrance next.
Match 3: The Miz Vs. Sheamus – Single
The Miz protecting his face early on. Finally Sheamus hits a shoulder drop, but that’s the only thing for now as Miz avoids getting hit and rolls outside the ring. The Miz back inside the ring attacks Sheamus with kicks, but Sheamus comes back strong and hits a clothesline, The Miz rolls outside the ring once again to avoid getting hit, as Sheamus attempts to get Miz back in the ring he gets caught and gets pulled down into the ropes. Miz in control now as he his a running clothesline in the corner. The Miz goes up high and misses while Sheamus hits a clubbing blow to the stomach. Sheamus catches The Miz in the ropes and hits four blows to the chest of Miz before he counters out. Sheamus now chasing The Miz around the ring finally catching him with an attack to the back of the head. Miz back inside the ring punching Sheamus whose on the apron gets met with a shoulder to his gut allowing Sheamus to attemp a flying shoulder over the ropes, but Miz counters sending Sheamus flying to the outside ring floor, The Miz on the attack throws Sheamus into the barricade. Sheamus at the count of 9 gets back inside the ring. The Miz can’t keep his momentum as Sheamus fights back with punches and a big high knee. Sheamus after getting kicked counters into a power slam. Sheamus looking for the brogue kick misses only to roll The Miz up for the win.
Winner: Sheamus
(A good episode of Main Event. Besides the Divas match the Tag Team match and main event between Sheamus and The Miz were both good matches. The opening MizTV segment brought me more into wanting to see the main event which is what we need more of. If you haven’t subscribed to the WWE Network yet I suggest you DO if your a big wrestling fan! For the price they’re offering its a STEAL. With all the on demand content, new content being added daily, specials, shows like Main Event & NXT, and PPV’s its really worth it.)