-Tom Phillips & Byron Saxton are on commentary.
-Rene Young is in the ring with Paul Heyman.
-Paul Heyman goes on his rant where his client Brock Lesnar conquered The Undertakers undefeated streak. Sheamus interrupts Paul Heyman.
-Sheamus threatens Heyman that if he doesn’t exit the ring in 5 seconds then he is gonna kick Heyman’s teeth down his throat.
-Rene Young leaves the ring as Brock Lesnar argues his point. Paul Heyman exits the ring quickly. Cesaro attacks Sheamus from behing hitting his neutralizer.
-Damien Sandow makes his entrance. Sandow says he has something to say, but is interrupted by Dolph Ziggler.
Match 1: Dolph Ziggler Vs. Damien Sandow – Single
Ziggler nails a sweet dropkick, but is thrown into the turnbuckle. Sandow on the attack with knees to the side and back of Ziggler. Dolph fighting out meets Sandow with a elbow only for Sandow to once again take advantage with the turnbuckle. Damien Sandow nails a couple of sweet punches. Ziggler with a comeback running clothesline followed up with 10 punches in the corner. Sandow retakes control with a roll up for two. Damien Sandow locks on a reverse sharp shooter. Ziggler flips out of a backdrop into a Zig-Zag for the win.
Winner: Dolph Ziggler
-Dolph Ziggler celebrates in the ring.
-Flashback to this past Monday’s RAW main event between Batista and Roman Reigns.
-Emma makes her entrance.
-Alicia Fox YES Alicia Fox is makes her entrance.
Match 2: Emma Vs. Alicia Fox – Single
Alicia Fox has a microphone, and attacks Emma with it. The bell rings and immediately Alicia Fox hits a back breaker. Emma gets tossed outside the ring, Alicia Fox in total control until Emma catches Alicia Fox in the corner. Alicia Fox gets her legs up as Emma dives at her in the corner. Emma with a roll up for the win.
Winner: Emma
-After the match Alicia Fox goes after Emma and throws her back in the ring, but Emma gets away. Alicia Fox stomps on the announcers tables and shoves papers in the announcers mouths for not giving her money. She continues to rant as WWE cuts away.
-Rene Young catches up with Sheamus. Sheamus says it’s gonna be a war tonight!
-RAW Rebound
-The United State Champion Sheamus makes his entrance.
-Cesaro with Paul Heyman makes his entrance.
Match 3: Sheamus Vs. Cesaro – Single
Cesaro start off strong, but Sheamus takes control fast. Both men exchange uppercuts. Cesaro rolls outside the ring, and groups up with Paul Heyman. Sheamus throws Cesaro in the steps. Cesaro regroups once again with Heyman. Sheamus in the ring is met with an uppercut allowing Cesaro to use the ropes to his advantage to control back. Cesaro nails punch after punch in the corner, but Sheamus reverses it. Sheamus goes flying shoulder first into Cesaro then 10 clubbing blows to the chest of Cesaro. Cesaro with a couple of uppercuts and a big boot to Sheamus in the corner followed up with another big one. Cesaro with an uppercut to the back of the head. Sheamus reverses into a rolling sin ton. Sheamus on the top rope gets caught up, Cesaro with an arm drag from the top rope.
Both men exchanging blows, Sheamus knocks Cesaro down and meets him with a knee to the gut. Just as it looks like its Sheamus taking the control, Cesaro comesback with a clothesline of his own! Sheamus catches Cesaro up with the Irish Curse backbreaker. Sheamus with a powerslam, Cesaro kicks out at two. Cesaro dodges both the white noise and brought kick connecting with a German suplex of his own for a two count. Sheamus counters out of the neutralizer into white noise for a close two count. Cesaro climbing to the top turnbuckle gets knocked down to the outside of the ring by Sheamus. Sheamus goes flying into Cesaro from the top rope outside the ring. Cesaro fighting back though throws Sheamus into the time keepers area. Sheamus clotheslines Cesaro over the barricade into the crowd as the referee counts them out.
Winner: DRAW via Double Count Out
Sheamus throws Cesaro into the steps, officials separate the two men. Paul Heyman hands Cesaro a chair and he uses it on Sheamus with a chair to the gut. Cesaro is met with a brought kick inside the ring. Sheamus celebrates as Main Event fades to black.