Its the final Main Event before WrestleMania as Sheamus music hits and here comes The Celtic Warrior.
Byron Saxton and Tom Phillips are on commentary.
The Miz is out next.
Match 1: Sheamus Vs. The Miz – Single
Both men lock up forcing Miz into the corner as both men break before locking back up. Sheamus has a good headlock hold locked on before having to break it due to the ropes. The Miz after picking up the pace dodging moves gets a backbreaker putting Sheamus in full control. The Miz in the corner dropkicks the leg of Sheamus allowing Miz to attack with punches. Sheamus gets dumped outside the ring, The Miz follows it up with a dropkick from inside the ring. Sheamus catches The Miz flying, and ends up throwing Miz into the barricade as we go to commercial break.
Both men trading punches back and forth in the corner. The Miz is caught in the ropes and clotheslined outside the ring, Sheamus gets pushed into the ring post shoulder first followed up by a big boot from The Miz. The Miz sets up and connects on his corner clothesline. The Miz has a headlock locked on, but Sheamaus tries only to fail to get out leading to a Miz neck breaker. The Miz and Sheamus trade blows back and forth. Miz sets up, but this time misses the flying corner clothesline met with a clubbing blow from Sheamus. Sheamus building momentum up connects on a rolling sinton. Miz using the ropes to his advantage, as Miz goes up high only to be caught into an Irish curse backbreaker. Both men reverse each others finishers until The Miz hits a planting DDT! Miz targeting the leg of Sheamus. Sheamus misses the brough kick, but Miz gets in position outside the ropes and gets 10 pounds to his chest from The Celtic Warrior. Sheamus going up top is knocked down, The Miz locks on the figure four leg lock. Sheamus gets to the bottom rope and pushes The Miz out of the way. Miz comes running back into a brough kick. Sheamus pins for the win!
Winner: Sheamus
Very AWESOME video package shown hyping Cena vs. Wyatt at WrestleMania.
RAW flash back to last week with Vickie announcing all of AJ Lee’s WrestleMania opponents.
Rene Young interviews The Bella Twins about their title match for the Divas Championship this Sunday.
The Bella Twins come out and THEY ARE LOOKING HOT! it will be Nikki Bella in action.
AJ Lee and Tamnina Snuka come out and Tamina will be in action.
Match 2: Nikki Bella Vs. Tamina Snuka – Single
Nikki gets ahold of the arm pulls Tamina around. Nikki connects with a kick to the head off the ropes. Tamina gets thrown outside the ring, Nikki Bella follows and gets clotheslined. Tamina with a knee drop to the head now inside the ring. Nikki hits a clothesline followed up by a dropkick, knee to the head of Tamina. Nikki gets hit in the face and she rolls outside the ring, Tamina follows and throws her back inside, while outside the ring Tamina kicks Brie in the gut. Nikki Bella fighting hard, but is met with a kick to the stomach. Tamina hits the Superfly Splash for the win.
Winner: Tamina Snuka
AJ Lee is the one celebrating and is all happy hugging Tamina.
The segment from Monday’s RAW confrontation between Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker is shown.
The end of this past Monday’s main event on RAW is shown.
(The Miz vs. Sheamus match was very good. As normal for any show that isn’t RAW right before WrestleMania, this show featured a lot of video packages and segments re-run to fill in the time. Did I mention The Bella Twins were SMOCKING?)