Results source: The team at

The Great Muta, Sanada and Yasu defeated Bad Influence and Chris Sabin when Muta hit Daniels with the Shining Wizard followed by a Moonsault by Sanada.
Rockstar Spud came to the ring and introduced Dixie Carter. Carter ran down the crowd and hyped up her surprise from New York. She also said that because Jeff Hardy was still suspended, she would make sure that he couldn’t get into the arena tonight.
Samuel Shaw came to the ring. Christy Hemme was absent from ringside so Samuel Shaw grabbed a mic. He climbed the cage and threatened to “professionally end it all.” Mr. Anderson interrupted him and told him to find somewhere higher to jump off of. Anderson told him to wait after the match to get it done.
Samuel Shaw defeated Mr. Anderson in an Escape the Cage Match. Christy Hemme came down ringside to support Anderson. The referee got knocked out when Shaw sent Anderson into the cage. Anderson ended up escaping the cage but Shaw grabbed Christy and pulled her into the cage through the camera hole. Anderson came back in to help Christy but ended up in Shaw’s finisher. Shaw walked out of the cage to officially win the match.
EC3 came out for his Open Challenge. He ran his mouth about Kurt Angle and then called out his opponent. The person to accept was…Bobby Lashley. EC3 complained saying Lashley wasn’t on the roster. He tried to attack Lashley but Lashley ended up Powerslamming and Spearing EC3. Lashley celebrated with the crowd as EC3 made his way to the back.
Tigre Uno defeated Manik with the Sabertooth Splash (Phoenix Splash) in a good match. Good X Division action.
Gunner defeated James Storm in a great Last Man Standing Match following a Superplex through two chairs. This was was very violent. Storm had a whole new look and intro.
Madison Rayne defeated Gail Kim to retain the Knockouts Title following a Spear from the top turnbuckle. Moments before, Rayne fought off Gail on the ropes and knocked Tapa down on the outside. Another good match.
Magnus defeated Samoa Joe to retain the World Heavyweight Title by chokeout. Joe had the match won when a hand came out from under the ring and pulled Samoa Joe in. When Joe emerged, he was enraged and went after Magnus. Abyss showed up behind Joe and attacked him with Janice. Magnus smiled at Abyss and then locked in Joe’s own Coquina Clutch. Magnus and Abyss left the ring together.
Team MVP defeated Team Dixie to win control of wrestling operations. After seven of the eight men entered, Willow debuted for Team TNA (and it was heavily implied that he was Jeff Hardy). The roof lowered and weapons came into play. Dixie Carter came out and introduced her insurance policy, the special referee, Bully Ray.
The next few moments were chaotic. The end came when Bobby Roode was going to put MVP through a table with the Roode Bomb but Bully stood in his way. Roode shoved Bully but Bully took him down. MVP followed this up with the Drive-By Kick to give his team the win. Dixie Carter freaked out after the match. Bully Ray powerbombed Roode through the table to end the show.