Video package opens the show with highlights of this past Monday’s confrontations between Triple H & Daniel Bryan.
Kane’s pyro hits and here comes the big red monster himself!
Byron Saxton & Tom Phillips are on commentary for tonight’s show.
Daniel Bryan is out next and everyone is on their feet chanting YES!
Match 1: Kane Vs. Daniel Bryan – Single
Kane catches Bryan and throws him into the corner punishing him with punches, Kane with a knee to the gut followed up by a dropkick. Daniel Bryan on the outside apron pulls the ropes down causing Kane to fall outside of the ring. Bryan tries getting something going, but is caught and forced into the barricade. Kane using the ring post to stretch the body of Daniel Bryan. Bryan fights out of the submission hold and kicks the rope into the face of Kane following up with several kicks. Bryan targeting the leg of Kane. Kane with a big punch takes control of the match back, Kane with a slam followed up by an elbow drop for a two count. Bryan gets momentum on his side with a running clothesline following it up with several kicks. Bryan charging at Kane in the corner is met with a big boot.
Daniel Bryan hits a tornado DDT before going back to the kicks. Bryan with a dropkick and Kane rolls outside the ring, Bryan goes flying through the ropes into Kane. Daniel Bryan back in the ring connects on a missile dropkick from the top rope. Kane catches Bryan for a slide slam! Kane going up high and nails his flying clothesline. Bryan reverses Kane into a kick to the head followed up by a flying headbutt. Kane with a huge DDT for a close two count! Kane with two clotheslines in a roll and grabs the throat of Bryan only for Daniel Bryan to squirm out rolling Kane up for the victory.
Winner: Daniel Bryan
Highlights of the match are shown. Daniel Bryan continues to celebrate.
Flashback to The Usos tag title win this past Monday.
Kane is angry backstage, and Josh Mathews asks if Kane’s upset with himself.
Match 2: Nikki Bella Vs. Alicia Fox – Single
Alicia Fox misses an elbow drop allowing Nikki to take control by grabbing the arm. Brie Bella and Aksana are ringside. Aksana tries to get involved causing Alicia Fox to take control with a suplex. Alicia Fox has a headlock hold locked on for about a minute before Nikki gets out with a clothesline and dropkick. Nikki on fire! Brie Bella pulls Aksana down off the apron. Alicia Fox attempts to roll up Nikki, but is unsuccessful and Nikki takes control hitting her finisher for the win.
Winner: Nikki Bella
The Usos are out and they’re styling with the tag team gold around their waist.
Rene Young interviews The Usos who say they’re still on cloud 9, also saying their going to WrestleMania.
The New Age Outlaws come out and are in their street clothes. Road Dogg is limping also.
Road Dogg calls The Usos they’re the luckiest dogs around. The New Age Outlaws explain they’re are not 100$.
Brad Madox announces The Usos will defend against Los Matadores.
Match 3: Jimmy & Jey (The Usos) Vs. Fernando & Diego (Los Matadores) – Tag Team – WWE Tag Team Championship.
Bell ring and The New Age Outlaws have joined commentary.
High flying. Mocking each other, and just some awesome wrestling in what little was done. The Usos went flying into Los Matadores outside the ring.
The fans are getting behind The Usos while both men clothesline each other at once. Fernando and Jimmy switch back and forth between moves before Fernando hits a DDT. Jimmy catches Fernando for a Samoan Drop. Jey catches Diego upside down with a super kick. Both Usos hit a double super kick on Fernando followed up by the Uso Splash!
El Torito attacks Billy Gunn which leaves Billy on his back after he receives the Bull Drop from Los Matadores and El Torito to end the show.
Winners: The Usos