Source: JSO of

The show opened with Gunner looking for James Storm backstage. Gunner told the camera man that when Storm shows up, he doesn’t have a chance in hell.
The announcers noted that Dixie Carter is not in attendance, but she gave matchmaking powers to Bobby Roode, Magnus and EC3 for the night.
MVP came out for a promo with a contract in his hand. He hyped the World Title match at Lockdown and then introduced Samoa Joe and Magnus to the ring. Magnus put down the city of London. MVP criticized how Magnus defended his title with all his shenanigans and announced that the match at Lockdown can only be won by knockout or submission. Joe signed the contract.
Magnus got in Joe’s face and criticized Joe as an unrefined individual who is not suited to represent the company. Magnus signed the contract and the main event at Lockdown is official. Magnus taunted Joe and all hell broke loose. Joe went after Magnus on the outside and beat on him some more.
Reaction: No surprise that another contract signing turned into a brawl. Joe/Magnus is no Roode/Storm, but it was a good interaction and we finally got some face-to-face hype for their match at Lockdown. I like that whole “there must be a winner, fair and square” vibe that they’re going for with Joe’s rules.
Footage aired of the Wolves’ tag title victory at a house show earlier this week. Backstage, the Bro Mans were scattered about their loss and asked Bobby Roode to be on his team at Lockdown. Roode said the Bro Mans could be on his team if they beat the Wolves and Bad Influence tonight.
The Wolves vs. Bad Influence vs. The Bro Mans
The Wolves took the offense early with a quick flurry and dual submissions on Bad Influence. Daniels tripped Richards from the outside and Kaz hit a springboard legdrop. Bad Influence did a double team on Richards. Edwards tagged in and cleaned house. Richards hit a stunner move, but the Bro Mans broke up the pin. Edwards did a suicide dive on Daniels and Richards hit a double stomp on Kaz. Robbie did a blind tag and stole the pin. The Bro Mans are now part of Team Roode at Lockdown.
Reaction: Fun match between the Wolves and Bad Influence mostly. Haha, the Bro Mans did that cheap ass, steal-the-pin tactic in a triple threat match. Smart move to edit out the entrances as well because of the title switch.
Backstage, EC3 said he picked his opponent for tonight and that he would be the new face of American wrestling.
Ethan Carter vs. Doug Williams
EC3 introduced Williams as his opponent tonight. Williams got some quick offense and nailed a flying forearm from the top rope. Williams went for the Chaos Theory, but EC3 countered. EC3 hit a low blow and hit the One Percenter for the win. After the match, EC3 put Williams in a leg lock as the referee tried to pull him off.
Reaction: It was great seeing Master Williams back – the finest thing in life! EC3 got a clean win over a credible opponent and made a statement with that submission after the match. Good stuff.
James Storm came out for a promo. He said this cowboy doesn’t run and called out Gunner. Storm said he screwed Gunner out of his title match. He asked Gunner how it felt to have his hopes and dreams crushed. Storm said he takes a backseat to no one, and that Gunner was an unknown before he teamed with Storm.
Gunner fired back and talked about his military background and how he fought for freedom so guys like Storm can drink cold beer. Gunner said he chooses his own path. Storm said nobody cares about Gunner and the two brawled to the outside. Storm bailed to the crowd as Gunner stared him down.
Reaction: Nice follow-up from Storm’s betrayal last week. I like where this is heading so far in terms of a heated rivalry. Good friends, better enemies, right?
Bad Bones vs. Samoa Joe
Magnus came out and said he went to Germany to find an opponent for Samoa Joe. Magnus put over Bad Bones as a natural born killer. Joe rushed to the ring and nailed Bones with a series of strikes. Joe did the face wash and the running knee on Bones. He finally hit the Muscle Buster and applied the rear naked choke for the win.
Reaction: Wow. You’d think Bad Bones would put up a tough challenge being who he is, but he literally has bad bones after that squash. The idea of Joe winning the World Title is looking more and more real throughout this entire UK tour.
Backstage, MVP said he needed an answer from Austin Aries on whether or not he’s going to join his team. Aries said he’s not about the money but about being great. Aries proposed to be the referee for the main event tonight. MVP was hesitant but agreed.
Jeremy Borash was out to induct Kurt Angle into the TNA Hall of Fame. A video package on Angle aired on the big screen before Borash introduced Angle to the ring. Borash presented Angle with a Rolex. Angle took the mic and gave a speech about how the TNA Hall of Fame is all about the fans. Without the fans, TNA wouldn’t exist. The crowd was super loud for Angle. He thanked all of his supporters and ended by saying it’s a great night to be Kurt Angle.
EC3 came out and pretended to be emotional. EC3 rolled a funny video package showing his attack on Angle a few weeks ago. EC3 got in the ring to share some “big news.” He said Angle had a torn ACL and a torn MCL, and told Kurt to retire. EC3 said the internet dirtsheets saying they’re right 50% of the time. Angle said the actual source is 100% right and since he is the actual source, he confirmed that he is healthy. Angle said he understands that EC3 is trying to make a name for himself, but asked why he would pick Angle and then nailed him with a punch. Angle said MVP gave him a Hall of Fame gift and announced that he will face EC3 in a steel cage match at Lockdown.
Reaction: That was a very special moment in front of a lively crowd. You know, I wouldn’t mind if TNA decides to hold the Hall of Fame during the UK tour from now on. EC3 coming out was a simple, effective segue way to set up the match at Lockdown. All in all, awesome segment. Congrats to Kurt on the Hall of Fame induction.
Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne vs. Lei’D Tapa and Alpha Female
Velvet hit some quick strikes to start the match. Velvet sling-shotted Sabin into the ring from the apron and went for a powerbomb, but Alpha broke it up. Tapa missed a splash and Madison went for the pin, but Sabin distracted the referee. Gail hit Madison from behind and Tapa hit her finisher for the pin. After the match, the heels attacked the Beautiful People until ODB came out for the save and cleaned house.
Reaction: Eh, the match was fine for what it was. At least the Beauty and the Beast thing was somewhat different from what we normally see in the Knockouts division.
A vignette aired hyping the debut of Tigre Uno at Lockdown.
Backstage, Samuel Shaw talked about what happened last week with Christy Hemme. He said the people don’t understand that he’ll do anything for Christy and went out to the ring.
Samuel Shaw said great men are misunderstood. Shaw invited Christy Hemme to the ring. Shaw talked about how all men want to do is lust over Christy and he’s just looking out for her. Anderson came out and told Samuel to shut up. Anderson called Shaw a “creepy bastard” and got the crowd chanting it at Shaw. Anderson said Shaw’s relationship with Christy is not real and then asked the crowd if they want to se a real ass whooping.
Shaw said he’s been nothing but a gentlemen but if he were to make advances towards Christy, he knows she would be receptive. Shaw said women like Christy are always available. Christy slapped Shaw and as he went to do something, Anderson came in the ring. Shaw threw Christy into Anderson and then applied the standing choke.
Reaction: I really like the way Shaw talks in this character. Creepy bastard is right. I remember when Anderson got himself over with the asshole nickname; he did the same thing for Shaw right here. This was a good kickoff to the Anderson/Shaw feud.
Another vignette aired hyping the debut of Willow.
Storm and Gunner were shown fighting outside the arena. The agents broke it up and Gunner promised that Storm will be done at Lockdown.
Backstage, Eric Young talked about Abyss leaving to find help. EY said he hopes his friend got better and that the man he fought doesn’t come back.
Special Referee: Austin Aries
Bobby Roode vs. MVP
Basic chain wrestling to start. Roode took control and hit a knee drop for a near fall. Roode hit a blockbuster for another near fall. Roode missed a knee drop and MVP fired back with some strikes followed by a T-Bone suplex. MVP hit the Ballin’ Elbow and a fisherman suplex for a near fall. Roode countered the Playmaker and nailed a spinebuster for a near fall.
Both men exchanged strikes and Roode nailed an enzigiri. MVP went for the Driveby Kick, but Aries nailed MVP with a forearm. Roode hit the Roode Bomb for the win.
Reaction: Great main event. I’d like to see Roode/MVP in an actual singles feud sometime in the future. I’m not sure what to think about Aries turning on MVP, but I guess it served its purpose. If they want to go with Heel Aries again, then I have no complaints.