WWE Main Event gets going with a new theme song.
R-Truth’s music hits and Main Event gets going with some Truth.
Alberto Del Rio is out next.
Tom Phillips and Alex Riley are on commentary.
Match 1: R-Truth Vs. Alberto Del Rio – Single
R-Truth gets going with an arm drag, Del Rio on the other hand tries getting himself going as well but is thrown over the top rope. Truth follows and goes flying over onto Del Rio outside the ring. Del Rio gaining heat from the crowd causes him to lose control of the match. Truth thrown into the corner tries to block, but can’t as Del Rio connects with a kick to the side. Del Rio goes up high and hits a flying knee/elbow to Truth. Del Rio connects on a huge clothesline after Truth turns around. Alberto Del Rio misses R-Truth and goes flying outside the ring once again as we head to commercial.
Del Rio in full control of the match after a kick to the head while Truth was hanging off the ropes. Del Rio targeting the arm of Truth. As Alberto Del Rio continues to garner heat from the crowd he runs and misses a upside down R-Truth causing Del Rio to hit the ring post shoulder first. Both men are down following a dropkick from R-Truth from the top rope. R-Truth’s momentum is stopped with a backbreaker from Del Rio. R-Truth connects on a DDT off of a Del Rio missed kick. R-Truth reverses Del Rio into a scissors kick for a close two count. R-Truth and Del Rio both on the top rope only for Del Rio to knock Truth down looking up. Del Rio stomps R-Truth into the mat from the top rope for the win.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio
Replays of the match are shown as Del Rio celebrates in the ring.
We go backstage and Aksana, Alicia Fox, and Tamina Snuka are confronted by The Bella Twins and Natalya. The divas trade words back and forth.
Natalya is storming out to the ring!
AJ Lee’s music hits and here comes AJ and Tamina Snuka.
AJ Lee joins the commentary table.
Match 2: Natalya Vs. Tamina Snuka – Single
Tamina throws her vest at Natalya. Natalya comes back with a clothesline, Tamina rolls outside of the ring as she grabs Natalya pulling her down. Tamnia in control picks away at the leg of Natalya. Tamina picks Natalya up for a Samoan Drop. Tamina misses her signature super kick which allows Natalya to roll her up for the win.
Winner: Natalya
AJ Lee immediately attacks Natalya. Tamina Snuka super kicks Natalya as AJ rubs it in. Naomi and Cameron make the save and attack Tamina. AJ escapes leaving Tamina to fend for herself, Naomi hits the rear view on Tamina and taunts AJ Lee.
WWE.com Exclusive set down between Triple H and Michael Cole they discuss Brock Lesnar and a blockbuster announcement that this Monday on RAW the WWE Tag Team Titles will be on the line in a steel cage match between The New Age Outlaws and Goldust and Cody Rhodes.
The Raw Rebound recapping the main event between The Shield, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, and John Cena.
The Usos are doing their traditional dance and they make their ecstatic entrance. Big E Langston is out next to join them.
3MB only gets half an entrance.
Match 3: Big E Langston & Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso Vs. (3MB) Heath Slater & Jinder Mahal & Drew McIntyre – 6 man tag team
Heath Slater and Jey Uso trade arm and neck holds back and forth before Slater gets a knockdown. Jimmy Uso tags in and the double team clothesline and elbow drop works. Slater corners Jimmy and tags in Jinder Mahal. Jimmy Uso with a huge punch knocks Mahal down. Langston tags in and drops Mahal on his leg 3 times. Jey Uso tags back in and hits a corner splash and clothesline on Mahal. Big E Langston and Drew McIntyre tag into the match and 3MB continues to get dominated, as Drew gets dominated in the corner. Big E Langston with the mega clothesline. The Usos go flying over the top rope onto Slater and Mahal while Big E spears McIntyre off the apron.
The Usos and 3MB in control. Drew McIntyre tags in Heath Slater and Slater stomps away at Jey Uso in the corner before tagging in Mahal. Jimmy tags in and he’s flying around hitting Mahal with move after move. Jimmy Uso gets double teamed by 3MB. Heath Slater with a neckbreaker tags in McIntyre afterwards which is followed up with another 3MB double team this time a suplex. Jinder Mahal tags into the match. Jimmy takes out McIntyre and Mahal before tagging in Big E Langston. Langston on fire follows up all the knockdown moves with a splash for a two count, Slater and Mahal get knocked down allowing The Usos to hit their splash’s while Big E hits his Big Ending all at the same time.
Winners: The Usos & Big E Langston
The Usos and Big E Langston celebrate and dance to end the show.
(Good episode of Main Event which featured two great matches being Truth Vs. Del Rio and the 6-man tag. The only thing that I could say was bad about this weeks show is the divas match. Its pretty bad when the divas have such bad matches week after week to where its hard for me to even call them. Like always Main Event is defiantly worth the hour of your time. @13rogersC)