Source: Impact Wrestling
Despite dirt sheet reports to the contrary, Impact Wrestling will be returning to Universal Studios Orlando for more tapings after the UK tour.
The dates announced are:
– 3/13 (Impact Live in Orlando)
– 3/14 (Impact Wrestling tapings in Orlando)
– 3/15 (Impact Wrestling tapings in Orlando)
– 4/10 (Impact Live in Orlando)
– 4/11 (Impact Wrestling tapings in Orlando)
– 4/12 (Impact Wrestling tapings in Orlando)
– 4/26 (One Night Only PPV taping)
– 4/27 (Listed as TNA PPV event, name of event unknown)
– 4/28 (Impact Wrestling tapings in Orlando)
– 4/29 (Impact Wrestling tapings in Orlando)
– 5/7 (Impact Wrestling tapings in Orlando)
– 5/8 (Impact Wrestling tapings in Orlando)
– 5/9 (Impact Wrestling tapings in Orlando)
Not really thrilled about this schedule. As a viewer on television, I’d rather see 2,000 – 4,000 fans in an arena versus just under a thousand tourists on a sound stage.
I’m not crazy about it either. I wonder with he rumor of the Spike deal
coming up for renewal in later this year, if TNA isn’t using this for
negotiating purposes. Spike has said in the past the favor the arena
setting, wondering if TNA is not wanting to leverage going back to
arena’s for more money on the TV deal. If memory serves Vince back in
the day got USA to pony up to move RAW on the road from the Manhattan
If that’s their strategy, then I can live with it (assuming that this strategy is successful in the long run). However, nearly a third of a year’s worth of iMPACT Wrestling tapings in one sitting is just horrendous. But unlike the hatermarks out there, I know that Dixie is a shrewd businesswoman so I hope that things work out with this approach.
Frankly, I’d like to see them get better cross promotion on other Viacom properties. Having the MTV Networks and CBS in their back pocket – and not being able to use them – is a huge detriment for TNA.
I would also think if last year was not a money losing year by TNA as Dixie said in the SI interview that running in arenas without the burden of a Hogan like contract should be profitable. Granted Hogan will pull in a few more seats, but the Impacts without him did not seem that far off the ones with him attendance-wise. Dixie has kept TNA going along this long so I am sure there is some method to why they are going back, but in my mind that studio holds them back from looking big time.