Source: Interweb
I’ve been seeing a lot of mocking of TNA for running in high school gymnasiums this year, and I can only surmise it is coming from people who do not understand the pro wrestling business or business in general. Many “big time” pro wrestling organizations have done this in the past including WWE.
To put into perspective, getting into a full time arena takes certain minimum ticket commitments, and certain levels of insurance ect that may not be cost effective for your current level of ticket volume in a particular area. Venues that are not primarily entertainment arenas, often charge a low flat rate and do not require insurance commitments as high as arenas.
Below are a couple of posters from the late 80’s and early 90’s WWF (WWE0, where they performed in an Armory and a Community College gymnasium 9doing a fundraiser no less). The WWF had been in business over two decades by this point and TNA has not nearly eclipsed that point. no shame then and no shame now, the name of the game is making money and the less you give to venue and unnecessary insurance the more that goes back into the companies coffer.