WWE Main Event: 1/9/14
R-Truth, Xavier Woods, and The Funkadactyls make their way to the ring dancing and Truth singing.
The Real Americans are out next.
Match 1: Xavier Woods & R-Truth Vs. Jack Swagger & Antonio Cesaro (The Real Americans) – Tag Team
R-Truth and Jack Swagger start the match and both men lock up. Swagger with a slam and puts a belly hold on Truth but Truth gets out into a neck hold of his own. Swagger sends Truth off the ropes before connecting on a shoulder drop. Truth gets back up and does some dancing leading to a punch. Xavier Woods tags in and meets Swagger with a dropkick. Swagger corners Xavier and tags in Antonio Cesaro. Woods with a running cross-body. Truth tags back in and gets an arm hold before tagging Xavier back in. Cesaro takes control with a body slam, Swagger tags back in and hits a leg drop on the already down Xavier Woods. Swagger with an arm hold can’t keep control as Xavier Woods slides between Swaggers legs making the tag to Truth. Truth meets Swagger with a couple of clotheslines and a roll up before sending Swagger outside the ring. Truth following Swagger around the ring takes a shot at Antonio leading to a distraction allowing Swagger to attack the leg of R-Truth. WE THE PEOPLE!!!
Back from commercial and both of The Real Americans slams Truth knee into the mat. Cesaro pushes Truth into the corner and meets him with several shoulders to the gut. Jack Swagger tags back in and hits his running belly splash on Truth in the corner. Cesaro tags back in and jumps over Swagger’s shoulders landing his feet on R-Truth. Cesaro gets a neck hold locked on, but Truth gets out and tries his best to roll up Antonio and does so, but Swagger made the tag attacking Truth while he’s down. Truth knocks Cesaro down. Both men crawl and make the tags. Xavier Woods using his speed to knock and keep Cesaro down. Jack Swagger saves Cesaro from a roll up pin, Truth sends Swagger to the outside, Cesaro sends Truth outside the ring as well. IT’S MORPHIN TIME! Fandango’s music hits and Xavier Woods forgets about the match and turns his attention to Summer Rae and Fandango. Antonio Cesaro takes advantage and hits a huge uppercut on Woods for the win.
Winner: The Real Americans
The Real Americans celebrate while Xavier Woods and R-Truth look up the ramp at Summer Rae and Fandango.
WWE.com exclusive with Michael Cole interviewing Triple H about the debut of something big tonight. (The WWE Network)
Alberto Del Rio’s music hits and here comes the Mexican aristocrat.
Justin Gabriel makes his blood pumping entrance as Del Rio looks ready.
Match 2: Alberto Del Rio Vs. Justin Gabriel – Single
Del Rio starts with a quick attack. Gabriel finally gets something going by grabbing the head of Del Rio with his legs and sending him outside the ring, Gabriel follows it up by jumping over the ropes crossbodying Del Rio. Gabriel goes up high only to be knocked down by a kick to the head by Del Rio. Del Rio locks the neck hold on, Gabriel fights back and tries getting something going, but Del Rio hits a back breaker. Del Rio once again slowing the match down with a neckhold. Gabriel delivers several kicks in a row and a diving splash into the corner, Gabriel connects on the flying crossbody covering Del Rio for a close two count. Del Rio catchs Gabriel in the corner and stomps him into the ground allowing Del Rio to set up and connect on the superkick to the head of Gabriel for the three count.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio
Alberto Del Rio has a microphone we think he may have something to say… Del Rio calls all the fans a bunch of animals just like Batista.
Rene Young catches up with Fandango and asked why he interrupted Xavier Woods match tonight. Fandango’s response is Woods brought it on himself. After Fandango walks away Summer Rae tells Rene Young “Don’t even think about it, he’s taken”
Raw rebound showing highlights of this past Monday’s Old School RAW.
The WWE Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes and Goldust make their bazar entrance.
3MB are out and YES Heath Slater is back!!!
Match 3: Goldust & Cody Rhodes Vs. Jinder Mahal & Drew McIntyre (3MB)
Goldust arm drags Drew McIntyre, Mahal tags in and is arm dragged multiple times. Heath Slater just joined commentary. McIntyre tags back in and corners Goldust with several kicks. Mahal tags back in and hits a knee on the head of Goldust, McIntyre tags back in and the double team takes effect. McIntyre uses the ropes to his advantage, Goldust fights back but is met with a huge dropkick from Drew McIntyre. Heath Slater and The Miz are on commentary arguing, Slater says “They’re going to replace MizTV with reruns of the Andy Griffith Show” Jinder Mahal tags in but tags back out quickly. Goldust meets Drew with a backwards flying elbow. Goldust slaps Jinder Mahal in the face folling it up with a power slam. Goldust tags Cody into the match for the first time, while Heath Slater is on commentary screaming and going berserk. Cody with clothesline after clothesline and a roll up only for two. Cody with a kick to the gut then a kick to the gut. Cody connects on his signature kick to the face off the ropes.
Winners: Cody Rhodes & Goldust
Cody Rhodes & Goldust celebrate with the tag team titles while 3MB look on.
Kaitlyn makes her final entrance as this will be her final WWE match.
AJ Lee the WWE Divas Champion is out next with Tamina Snuka.
Match 4: Kaitlyn Vs. AJ Lee – Single
Both divas shake hands. Kaitlyn knocks AJ down, but AJ gets her back by pulling Kaitlyn down by her hair and screams “You started it” AJ extends the hand and kicks Kaitlyn in the gut. AJ immediately runs outside around the ring and Kaitlyn follows until she comes up on Tamina. Both Divas get back in the ring, AJ looks on a hold but its short lived as Kaitlyn hits a dropkick. Kaitlyn sends AJ into the corner and follows it up with a clothesline. Kaitlyn picks AJ up, but Tamina gets up on the apron causing a distraction pulling Kaitlyn into the ropes hitting a running dropkick for a two count. AJ locks on a headlock slowing the match down. Kaitlyn punches her way out but catches an elbow from AJ. AJ now jumps on the back of Kaitlyn with her legs wrapped around the waist also providing a sleeper hold. AJ gets knocked off, but kicks Kaitlyn in the back. Kaitlyn sends AJ off the ropes catching her for a backbreaker. Kaitlyn building momentum with an elbow and a couple of clotheslines. Kaitlyn picks AJ up and hits a gut buster. AJ locks on the submission hold, but Kaitlyn once again uses the corner to her advantage. Kaitlyn has AJ up only for AJ to roll Kaitlyn up for the win.
Winner: AJ Lee
After the match AJ jumps up looking Kaitlyn in the eyes and looks like she’s about to kiss her. AJ jumps down and Kaitlyn turns around into a superkick from Tamina. AJ Lee dances and prances to close the show.