Both the World title and the WWE titles are hanging above the ring with ladders, tables, and chairs surrounding as Josh Mathews welcomes us to WWE Main Event.
Dolph Ziggler’s music hits and here comes the “Show-Off”
Josh Mathews and The Miz are on commentary.
Curtis Axel is out next being accompanied by Ryback.
Match 1: Dolph Ziggler Vs. Curtis Axel – Single
Both men lock up and Axel corners Ziggler. Ziggler fights back before Axel takes control with a shoulder drop followed up with a running drop kick. Ziggler with an arm drag takes back contol and bulldogs Axel face first into the mat. Rybak taunting at Ziggler as Axel gets a neckbreaker delivered to him from Ziggler. Doplh Ziggler goes on a streak of 10 straight elbows leading to a two count. Axel counters back into control and hits elbow after elbow to the back of Ziggler’s head. Ziggler comesback with a couple of clotheslines followed by a drop kick. Ziggler runs towards Axel who moves out of the way sending Ziggler shoulder first into the ring post. Ziggler outside the ring in pain as we head to commercial.
All eyes are on the two World titles being held above the ring, as Ziggler tries fighting his way back into the match only to be knocked back on the mat. Axel delivers a bodyslam followed up by a elbow drop to the chest from the second rope. Ziggler once again knocked down after trying to fight his way back into the match. Curtis Axel gets suplexed face first, Axel in the corner only allows Ziggler to come running in to connect on 10 punches. After a close two count, Axel takes control back with a clothesline to the back of Ziggler’s head. Ziggler applies the sleeper hold only for Curtis Axel to back into the tunbuckles, but Ziggler comes back with a famouser, Ziggler gets a close two count. Dolph going up high, but Axel connects on a Perfect Plex from the top rope for a very close two count. Axel misses a neckbreaker followed up by a Dolph Ziggler DDT. Ryback gets involved only to be knocked off the apron. Ziggler turns around and Curtis Axel connects on his spinning reverse DDT.
Winner: Curtis Axel
Ryback and Curtis Axel celebrate in the ring, replays of the match are shown.
Highlights of this past Monday’s RAW with CM Punk recieving a slammy is shown.
Josh Mathews hypes this Sunday’s WWE TLC PPV match between CM Punk and The Whyatt Family.
Natalaya makes her entrance down the ramp and into the ring.
Alicia Fox makes her entrance.
Match 2: Natalya Vs. Alicia Fox – Single
Both women extange arm and leg holds with Natalya coming up on top. Natalya gets a two count roll-up. Alicia Fox meets Natalya with a huge kick. Alicia Fox locks on a head sisors submission, Alcia Fox suplexs Natalya into a two count. Alicai Fox this time misses a kick and Natalya gets some momentum with a couple of big clotheslines. Natalya applies the sharp shouter for the win.
Winner: Natalya
Several quick highlights are shown from Monday’s main event promo.
A video package is shown hyping the Unification match.
R-Truth is rapping and Xavier Woods is following.
Tons of Funk are out next.
Match 3: R-Truth & Xavier Woods Vs. (Tons of Funk) Brodus Clay & Tensai – Tag Team
Brodus Clay and Xavier Woods start off the mathc, but Brodus quickly tags out. Woods trying his best after about a minute of punches and kicks finally knocks down Tensai. Tensai grabs Woods and trows him in the corner tagging in Brodus. Brodus with a beat down of punches on Woods in the corner. Brodus squashes Woods and elbow drops Woods. Brodus hits a bodyslam on Woods. Brodus Clay now just bullying Woods, Woods with a drop kick allowing him to tag in Truth. Truth with a steam of fire finishes it off with a sisors kick. Xavier Woods jumps over the ropes outside the ring knocking Tons of Funk to the ground.
Brouds Clay knocks Xavier Woods off the apron as R-Truth corners Clay and attempts a DDT, but is tossed in the air crashing. Brodus follows up with an elbow and a tag to Tensai. Tensai is met with uppercut following Truth getting out of his submission. Tensai with an elbow drop and just like last tag he tags in Clay. Brodus Clay with a hand grip submission, Clay connects on a double leg drop on R-Truth. Brodus Clay jumps that’s right jumps off the ropes onto R-Truth. Both men back up and Truth fights back with a leg to the head knocking Clay down. Woods tags in off the hot tag and is going strong with several kicks. Clay attempts a powerbomb, but Woods punches his way out, Clay with a suplex, but Truth made the tag. Truth sweeps in after the suplex rolling Clay up for the win.
Winners: R-Truth & Brodus Clay
Following the match Brodus Clay attacks Xavier Woods and goes up high for a splash, onyl for Tensai to stop him. Both Brodus and Tensai butt heads before Clay stands down and walks away.