– Once again this week Triple H did a interview Michael Cole on WWE.com. The Game stays in character & announces that the Big Show is “Banned” from WWE for life. You can watch it at this link
– WWE.com has a top ten tips to battle WWE Zombies. You can read it at this link
– You can watch the top 8 revealing unmaskings in history at this link
– WWE.com is looking back on the best & worst of WCW “Halloween Havoc” at this link
triple h should be banned from wwe not big show
No argument here, Bobby!
i did like triple h and stephanie as a good person but what big show got nothing to do with that by giveing triple h wmd because at summer slam he was ref against daniel bryan vs randy orton that is not best for bussiness he screw daniel bryan from his title he cant put his hand on no body when you are a ref you should be fired and noe triple h is banned big show triple h should banned him self not him