Hey everyone – what did you think about tonight’s TNA Bound for Glory 2013 pay-per-view?

We’re interested in hearing your thoughts about tonight’s HUGE Bound for Glory pay-per-view. Did you go to the show live? If so, how was the atmosphere among the live crowd in San Diego, California? What about pay-per-view event itself – did you order the show on pay-per-view or TNAonDEMAND.com? If so, what was the production value like? Was it worth the money that you paid for it? Let us know! We’re interested in your thoughts!
Though I didn’t watch this show live, I followed along Twitter and some other online sources as the show progressed. Without question, my Twitter feed went absolutely bonkers when AJ Styles regained the TNA World Heavyweight Championship from Bully Ray. I mean, you would have thought he just won the… umm, that he just won the… err… well, I guess you would have thought he just won the championship of the world which is what he did. Hmph. Anyway, I’m glad to have Styles back on top of the company and I’m glad to have him as the face of iMPACT Wrestling once again. Frankly, it has been too long without “The Phenomenal One” as the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. Here’s to a very long reign at the top of the card.
Overall, I’m surprised at the number of championships that changed hands tonight – every single one of them! Historically, what this means in professional wrestling is that the people who run the show are looking to totally change things up. I think we’ve seen this bright and on center stage with respect to TNA. Not only are they canceling their upcoming house shows, but they’re going back to the iMPACT Wrestling Zone which is probably a good move for a variety of reasons. I’m glad that the BroMans are being given the rub in the TNA World Tag Team Championship department. If you’re not a hater and if you don’t value your false belief that you’re the smartest wrestling fan on the planet and you just watch these guys for the entertainment value – they’re off the charts good! And whenever you have an entire division in flux like you have with the Knockouts, you have to give that title to the standard bearer. Right now that standard bearer is Gail Kim (and I’m glad for it).

What happens on iMPACT Wrestling this week? How does Dixie Carter respond to her new nemesis taking control of the TNA World Heavyweight Championship?!
Use the comments section below and remember to put your best foot forward and be respectful. The team at IWHeadlines.com and I can’t wait to hear from you about tonight’s show. Enjoy!