From this fan’s perspective, Taeler Hendrix sounds a little bit bitter about her entire experience. In addition, she sounds a little bit unrealistic about what “success” means in professional wrestling (not every successful person is signed to a big contract in a big company making millions).
It’s sad that so many TNA hate sites have misconstrued Hendrix’s words about money in the company. She knows absolutely zero about TNA’s finances and I think that came through relatively easily in the interview. She did, however, refer to the fact that some of the wrestlers at OVW have personal financial issues (which is not the problem of iMPACT Wrestling – or any company that employs any employee anywhere on the planet).
Given some of the comments in this interview, I might retract my statement from when Hendrix left the company and I commented that she left with grace and humility. Those adjectives seem a stretch at best after this interview. She could learn a great deal from working in the real, professional business world for a while.
I’m compelled to note that the guy who conducted this interview is, of course, a terrible interviewer. Aside from fumfing and bumbling his words, his questions aren’t probing and they don’t lead the interviewee to divulge precise details. However, I’m refraining from making too much fun of him because he noted on his YouTube page that he has a speech impediment that he works through in these interviews. So… it is what it is, I guess.