Xplosion – September 19th, 2012
From the iMPACT Wrestling Zone in Orlando, Florida
Announced by Jeremy Borash and Pat Kenny
Hernandez vs. Kazarian.
Big shove from Hernandez once the bell rings, shaking Kazarian up.
We look to tie up but Kazarian has other ideas, going behind Hernandez and clamping on a headlock. Off the ropes goes Kazarian and a big shoulder. Kaz with an attempted biel attempt, obviously blocked by Hernandez who biels Kaz himself. Hernandez sets him with a gut-wrench and a big back breaker. He then clotheslines Kazarian out of the ring, and sets up for a high-risk over-the-top-rope move. Kazarian moves, halting Hernandez’s attempt, then moving around to the camera-facing side and pulling Hernandez down throat-first into the top rope. Hernandez staggers back as Kazarian enters the ring and we go to a break.
Commercial Break.
Kazarian throttling Hernandez on the middle rope as we come back, striking him after the five count. Hernandez kneeling in the corner with his eyes raked on the rope by Kazarian. Kaz then does some sort of weird hip-thrust chant before raining a right hand down on Hernandez. He taunts the crowd, allowing Hernandez chance to recuperate. Hernandez pushes Kaz away from him as he comes back, but Kaz comes straight back with a kick as Hernandez deals with his blindness. Snapmare from Kazarian, and into a surfboard. Hernandez powers out but Kaz cuts him off with an elbow, then throttling him with his bandana. Kaz into the corner though, back-body drops Hernandez to the apron, and Hernandez steams back in with a massive over-the-top-rope shoulder block sending both down to the mat.
Succession of clotheslines and back elbows from Hernandez, but Kaz gets a boot in. Both run at each other and Hernandez with a massive Pounce-like move on Kaz sends him flying to the other side of the ring. Pin attempt from Hernandez, almost a three.
Kazarian fights out of a gut-wrench, bouncing off the ropes, but back into a gut-wrench and a massive inverted sitout side powerslam that really needs a finisher name for the three count!
Winner: Hernandez via Pinfall.
Spin Cycle Round 3 – Sting, Austin Aries, James Storm, Kurt Angle.