
Opening Segment
The Greatest Man That Ever Lived and the TNA World Heavyweight Champion Austin Aries walks out to a great ovation to kick this week’s LIVE Impact Wrestling episode off.
Aries holds up the belt and says that this belt is power because “this is what makes everything go around.” Aries claims that this belt is the reason that Aces and Eights is chasing after him. He didn’t unmask any members of Aces and Eights, but “I took a chunk out of your ass.” Aries announces that his attention is now at Bound for Glory and he’s facing a man who’s overcome all the odds and invites the winner of the 2012 Bound for Glory Series, Jeff Hardy, to the ring. Aries says that after beating Samoa Joe, surviving an Aces and Eights attack, and beating Ray, he has to take his hat off to him. Aries says that Hardy is a man of little words, and the fans cheer for him. Then he calls himself a man of many words, and no matter how he tries to shush the crowd, they still cheer for him too. Bully Ray comes out to interrupt and says that Aries and Hardy are lucky several times and says that Aries is lucky that Ray isn’t the man facing Aries and that he would have beaten him. Ray tells Hardy that he is lucky because he felt sorry for him and let his guard down just a little. Aries says that Ray must not have very good memory, because the last time they were in the ring, he tapped out, and Hardy beat him at No Surrender. Aries suggest that Bully try to beat Aries tonight, Hardy takes his shirt off, and Bully Ray runs out of the ring. Ray tries to say something, but Jeff Hardy’s music cuts him off. Tenay says the match is on for later tonight, but no explanation on why.
James Storm is shown arriving earlier and Tenay notes that he can’t be happy about how he was cost a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship at No Surrender.
-Commercial Break-
X Division Championship: Zema Ion (c) vs. Sonjay Dutt
Sonjay Dutt still has his right shoulder taped up and Tenay wish Jerry “The King Lawler” the best in his recovery, and Taz says that he knows that The King will be pulling down the strap in no time. Irish Whip in the corner by Ion to start off the match, Dutt is able to knock Ion to the outside and hit a springboard moonsault. Ion slides to the outside for a break and rings the injured shoulder on the top rope before sliding in and hitting a clothsline. Ion charges in the corner and Dutt is able to get the feet in the face and headscissor for two. Sunset Flip attempt by Dutt, but Ion has it scouted and gets an armscissor submission. Dutt uses leverage to roll Ion up for two. Dutt hits a moonsault into the Double foot stomp for two. Ion rolls to the outside and Dutt goes after him and rills him back in. Dutt goes to the well again, but Ion crotches him and rolls him up for the win.
Winner by Pinfall and STILL X Division Champion: Zema Ion
Ion nails Dutt from behind the back of the head with the hairspray bottle and locks him in a variation of the Cross Armbreaker. Ion holds up the belt as the ref checks on
Backstage, Christopher Daniels is mocking Hogan’s voice and ‘Hogan’ congratulates him and Kazarian on their hard fought win Sunday. Kazarian is wearing a ‘Hulkamania’ shirt and Hogan walks in, shocking them both. Hogan tells Daniels to put his feet back up and congratulates them on doing what they had to do to win. Hogan takes a sip of an appletini and says that it tastes like gasoline. Hogan tells the World Tag Team Champions of the World that two teams deserve rematches, and it’s up to Kaz and Daniels if they get them or not because Daniels is facing either Chavo or Hernandez, and Kazarian is facing either AJ Styles or Kurt Angle. If Daniels loses, they have to give Chavo and Hernandez a rematch, but if Kazarian loses, AJ and Kurt will get a rematch. If Daniels and Kazarian both win, no body gets a rematch. Daniels yells that it isn’t fair and Kazarian asked if his Hogan shirt pissed him off.
Bobby Roode is shown walking backstage in a suit and Tenay says that he’s hoping for an explanation for Roode’s actions at No Surrender.
((Jarrett’s Jab – Really classy move by TNA by wishing Jerry Lawler the best in his recovery. TNA is no stranger to moves like this, including dedicating The 2005 edition of Genesis to Eddie Guerrero, who died earlier that day, despite him never working for TNA. For those of you following the Jerry Lawlerstory, WWE.Com announced that Jerry is now able to move around, which is great news coming off his heart attack Monday during Raw. We here at TNAStars wish Jerry “The King” Lawler a speedy recovery))
-Commercial Break-
AJ is backstage with Kurt Angle and AJ says that he wants Kazarian tonight because he hasn’t gotten his hands on them. Kurt complains that AJ gets all emotional because they tried to end his life, but he will give AJ the match if he can guarantee he’ll win. Wes Brisco comes up to Angle and Angle tells him to watch AJ’s match later.
A replay of the finish to the Bully Ray and James Storm match at No Surrender plays to set up “The It Factor” of Professional Wrestling’s Impact Wrestling return.
Bobby Roode makes his way to the ring and announces that he’s back! Two months ago, Roode claims that he was screwed out of his rematch and because of Hogan’s stipulation; he couldn’t get another rematch while Aries was the champion. He took his ball and went home, and while he was home, he saw his former tag team partner pour his blood, sweat, and tears into the Bound for Glory Series. Roode claims that his redneck former partner that road his coat tails shouldn’t get a world title shot when he can’t, so he took matters into his own hands when he smashed a beer bottle over his head. James Storm comes out and wails on Roode with right hands in a completely one sided fight, slamming his head into the guardrail, choking him with his tie and into the side of the steel staging. Storm fights to a door and we take another break.
-Commercial Break-
A Bound for Glory memory is played with AJ Styles talking about defeating Sting in 2009 in Irvine, California.
Kazarian vs. AJ Styles
AJ wrings the arm, and hits several arm drags as Tenay corrects himself from earlier, saying that he’s waiting on Hulk Hogan’s approval on the Jeff Hardy and Bully Ray match later tonight. Kazarian comes off the top, and AJ almost catches him in a Styles Clash. Kazarian comes off the ropes and is nailed with a dropkick. AJ slams Kazarian head first into the security rail and comes in the ring to break the count as we head to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break and Kazarian is nailing AJ in the corner with right hands. AJ is able to counter an Irish Whip and sends Kazarian flying into the corner. Backbreaker from AJ and he goes to the apron for a springboard move. Kazarian tries to suplex him in the ring, but AJ is able to get him on the apron and goes for a suplex, but slips and it turns out to look more like a brainbuster to the apron. Kazarian holds his head for a minute and AJ goes for an Irish Whip. Kazarian reveres into a monkey flip and slides in the ring, demanding the referee count him out. AJ slides in a three and Kazarian gets two near falls in a row. AJ blocks a punch and flatlines Kazarian with clotheslines and a flying forearm in the corner. AJ goes for the Clash, but Daniels reverses to get him on the apron, AJ gets a right hand and a springboard forearm. Kazarian tries to roll a pin into one of his own and use the ropes for leverage, but AJ kicks out. AJ nails the Pele kick, and the Clash for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: AJ Styles
With that win, AJ and Kurt get a rematch at the World Tag Team Championship. Does that mean the Daniels and either Chavo or Hernandez match is cancelled?
Hulk Hogan tells Brooke Hogan that he wants her to bounce between New York and Los Angles for a while and he wants two bodyguards with her at all times while she’s in the Impact Zone. Joseph Park comes in and talks in lawyerneese about the Aces and Eights case. Hulk said he needs to know some information now, and Park says he has a key piece of evidence coming in next Thursday that he thinks will blow the case wide open. Hulk says he wants to see it as soon as it gets here, and asks him to bodyguard Brooke until he gets back. Joseph easily accepts and after calling Brooke pretty, asks if she has representation.
((Jarrett’s Jab – Does that mean Daniel’s match with either Chavo or Hernandez for later is cancelled? I still don’t understand why Brooke has a job in TNA and you can look at that in a storyline or reality way and either way it makes sense. In storyline, why would you keep her in a place she can be attacked. The reality reason has been harped on so much that it’s ridiculous. And I’m glad that Tenay corrected himself on that Bully Ray/Jeff Hardy match, I’m sure it’ll be made official by Hogan later, but what’s the point of a GM if he’s not making matches?))
-Commercial Break-
Bully Ray walks into Jeff Hardy’s dressing room and says that he didn’t punk Ray out, Ray punks people out. Ray tells him that he’d fight him and for him to make it mean something by putting up his Bound for Glory world title shot…if he had the balls. Hardy said if Ray beats him tonight, he can have the world title shot.
A montage from the Aces and Eights “fight” and situation at No Surrender played.
Hulk Hogan makes his entrance inside the Impact Wrestling Zone. Hogan says that this Bound for Glory Series put TNA in a high gear and when he thinks about the 12 superstars that made this happen, it blows his mind how big this was and the Creatures of the Night won. Hogan says that Hardy is from a different universe and after he sacrificed everything to win, and put everything on the line to prove that he can keep it. Hogan announces that Bully Ray vs. Jeff Hardy with the #1 Contendership on the line for later is now official and it’s time to get real about all the crap going on around the Impact Zone. Last Sunday was a game changer and the Impact Zone being locked down, this place is for the fans and the Impact Zone will remained lock down forever. Aces & 8s appeared on the big screen. The Vice President said Hogan is a better chess player than they thought was possible. The VP questioned whether Hogan has locked them out or locked them in now that he’s locked down the Impact Zone. The VP said Hogan’s head will be on a swivel. He said Hogan has to wonder about whoever approaches him and he won’t know whether the person is Aces & 8s until it’s too late…
((Jarrett’s Jab – I’m not a fan of the Bound for Glory Series title shot being on the line after the series ended, but I’m not a fan of who won it either. I just don’t think Hardy needs the series to get back in the World Title hunt, while Bully Ray does since Hogan is making Kazarian and Daniels walk through hell.))
-Commercial Break-
A replay of Hogan’s segment that happened right before the break, aired.
Backstage, Chavo and Hernandez are talking and Chavo is upset that Daniels and Kazarian stole the lie, cheat, and steal gimmick he invented (and yes, he actually said that.) Chavo said they’ve got another chance and Chavo is going to beat Daniels and take it.
Christopher Daniels vs Chavo Guerrero, Jr
Daniels runs to the outside as soon as the bell rings, and takes his time getting back in the ring. The two finally tie up, and Daniels takes Chavo to the corner and tries a cheapshot. Chavo ducks and unloads with several right hands, then whips Daniels to the opposite corner to beat him up some more. Daniels tries to whip Chavo into the corner, but Chavo hits the ropes instead and hits a clothesline. Daniels tries a hiptoss, but Chavo counters to a monkey flip and goes to a side headlock. Chavo dumps Daniels out to the floor and Chavo comes off the apron with a rolling sention, and then unloads with a series of European uppercuts. Chavo sends Daniels back in the ring and stops to high five a fan, but Daniels seizes the opportunity and boots Chavo into the guardrail and then rams him into the ring apron. Daniels covers when the two get back in the ring, but Chavo kicks out at two. Daniels traps Chavo in a double standing chickenwing, ramming several kneelifts into Chavo’s ribs followed by an STO for another two count. Daniels applies a bearhug, but Chavo fights his way out. Daniels connects with a palmstrike, but charges right into a windmill backbreaker from Chavo. Chavo fires at Daniels with a series of shoulderblocks and a flying headscissors, then a dropkick, but only gets two. Chavo hiptosses Daniels out to the floor, Daniels grabs his tag team title belt and tries to swing it at Chavo, but Chavo ducks and nails Daniels, then hits the Three Amigos. Chavo goes up top for the frogsplash for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Chavo Guerrero, Jr
We go to a video package of Evan Markopoulos, this month’s entrant into the Gut Check competition. He never watched cartoons or anything when he was a kid, but always liked wrestling and decided to train at Killer Kowalski’s school. He’s only 18 years old, but he’s going to show Al Snow, Taz, and Bruce Prichard that he deserves to be the next TNA superstar.
Tara is backstage walking.
-Commercial Break-
James Storm is asked if he got enough of Bobby Roode, and Storm says no and he will make Roode’s life a living hell, and next week is Open Fight Night. He says he can call out anyone he wants and that is good for him, but bad for Roode.
A Gail Kim Bound for Glory memory is played from 2005 when Kim became the first Knockout Champion.
Tara says she wants to take this time to congratulate her friend, the Knockouts Champion, Miss Tessmacher. Tessmacher comes out and a picture is shown of her from Sport Illustrated’s website as being the Lovely Lady of the Day. Tara says that part of her is upset, and another part of her is happy, and she says that she will always be her best friend and her boo and she loves her. Tara says she wants to properly present Tessmacher with the championship belt. Tara holds it up and staps it around her waist and introduces her best friend and the Knockouts Champion Miss Tessmacher. They hug and Tessmacher goes on the top rope to pose to the crowd. Tara goes to the outside and applauds. After a minute of celebration, Tara nails Tessmacher and hits the Widows Peak on her. Tara pats the belt still strapped around Tessmacher and stares at her.
A replay of Jeff Hardy being jumped by Aces and Eights and highlights of the Bound for Glory Series finals played
-Commercial Break-
Dixie Carter is backstage with Hulk Hogan, Brooke Hogan, D-Lo Brown, Al Snow, and the Director of Talent Relations Bruce Prichard, and she’s wondering what’s going on with Aces & Eights because she’s looking over her shoulder everywhere she goes. Hogan tells a story about how his brother ran with a bad crowd in Oakland before he died, and Hogan had no choice but to walk away from him. D-Lo says they should just let the door open so they can come in and face them straight up, and Hogan says that’s a good idea since they’ve already proven they can get in. Dixie brings up that the scary part is that they’ve already got someone on the inside, and Bruce Prichard says they’ve already got them all looking at each other suspiciously. Brooke wonders how they’re going to stop them if they keep adding people to their posse, but they’re in agreement that the best way to handle this is to let them in and look them in the eye.
Bound for Glory Series Final: Jeff Hardy vs. Bully Ray
If you’re confused with the above, it’s basically the Bound for Glory Series Final all over again, whoever wins, gets a World Title Shot at Bound for Glory. Ray starts with clubby blows to the back of Jeff Hardy, Hardy is able to turn it around with right hands, a frankensteiner and an inverted enzeguri for two. Crossbody by Hardy onto to Bully Ray and Hardy tries to start a chant with the crowd as we head to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break, and Ray hits a clothesline for a two count as we go to ANOTHER commercial break.
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break again, Hardy gets the feet up when Ray comes charging and hits a splash for two. Ray connects with a big boot and taunts the crowd before getting a two count. Big elbow from Ray for two before he cinches in a chin lock. Hardy fights out and Ray hits a right hand a splash of his own for two, then drops the elbow for another two. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate and Ray sends Hardy injured shoulder first into the steel post. Ray interrupts the referee’s count by standing beside him, just to see if Hardy is too hurt to get in the ring. Hardy rolls in at nine to break the count and Ray hits a double sledge to the back of the neck. Sending Hardy back in the ring, Ray hits a stiff chop to the chest and a splash off the Irish Whip. Ray tries the splash again, but Hardy hits the Whisper in the Wind, and the referee starts counting them both down. Tenay reiterates that the winner will face Austin Aries at Bound for Glory and the two get to their knees at six and start slugging it out. Ray hits a kick to the midsection to stop the slugging, but gets an atomic drop and dropkick by Hardy for a near far. Hardy unzips his shirt and goes for the Twist of Fate, but Ray reverses into the Bubba Bomb. Ray goes for the Bubba Bomb again, but Hardy counters into a jumping DDT for two. Hardy goes up top for the Swanton, but Ray shakes the ropes and Hardy crotches himself. Superplex by Ray gets him a close two count and Tenay talks about how resilient Hardy was at No Surrender and again tonight while Taz notes that Hardy keeps grabbing his injured shoulder. Bully Ray goes for the Vader Splash and misses, and Hardy misses the Swanton as well. Ray connects with the Bubba Bomb, but still only gets two. Ray goes for the big boot, but Hardy hits two Twist of Fates and a Swanton Bomb for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Jeff Hardy
((Jarrett’s Jab – This makes zero sense, I’m sure Hardy and Aries will be a great match, but if Ray wasn’t going to win, why make the people who paid the money for No Surrender be cheated by having the Bound for Glory Series basically end on free TV. I’m surprised there was no Aces and Eights attack, especially with their promo earlier. With Hardy keeping his shot at the World Title, I can safely say we haven’t seen the last of Aces and Eights. That’s it for tonight. Next Week is Open Fight Night and so far, Storm has guaranteed that he’s calling out Bobby Roode…that should be interesting.))