Xplosion – July 4th, 2012
From the iMPACT Wrestling Zone in Orlando, Florida
Announced by Jeremy Borash and Pat Kenny
Pat Kenny takes credit for obtaining the rights to Bound for Glory Series matches to be aired on TNA Xplosion, announcing that they will take place on every broadcast between now and the end of the Series.
Bound for Glory Series – Magnus vs. ‘The Pope’ D’Angelo Dinero.
We tie up after Pope gets the crowd pumped. Arm bar from Magnus. Rolled through and reversed by Pope. Magnus gets Pope into the corner and breaks the hold with an elbow to the face, then locking on a side headlock. Off the ropes, Magnus powers Pope down with a shoulder, but Pope is back with a clothesline, a kick and a DDT. Rolls through and puts Magnus and slaps on a front headlock. Magnus attempts to roll out but Pope keeps it locked on. Magnus gets to the ropes to break it.
Magnus backs into the corner seated, and as Pope advances, grabs the tights to drag him head first into the turnbuckle as we go to a break.
Commercial Break.
Right hands from Pope, but a back elbow from Magnus sends Pope down hard. One count from the pin.
Head lock from Magnus as the crowd get behind Pope again. Into the ropes, Pope ducks a clothesline, but Magnus just picks Pope up with ease and snaps off a great vertical suplex, but only a two count.
Pope attempts to get up, but Magnus can get a choke on him using the ropes. The referee, Earl Hebner, breaks that and Pope goes to the corner. He gets the upper hand with an elbow, but Magnus with an eye rake. Into the other corner hard goes Pope, and sends him down. Magnus snapmare and a sleeper hold. Pope again gets momentum from the crowd and gets up. Right hands to the stomach, but Magnus again with a rake of the eye. Both into the ropes, and a double clothesline.
Both men up at five, and a back-and-forth of punches, with Pope gaining momentum. Clothesline, atomic drop and a dropkick from Pope. Some elbows to Magnus who falls on the ropes, and Pope with his trademark run-and-jump through the ropes, thrusting Magnus’ neck onto the middle rope. Pope to the top rope, Magnus runs in to avoid the move. Magnus drags the referee in just after Pope has jumped off the top rope. Pope runs in and delivers some rights to Magnus as Hebner regains his balance. Pope backs off and takes down the kneepads to signal his trademark knees in the corner, but Magnus moves, leaving Hebner to take the bump. Pope stops before he connects, but this allows Magnus to regain focus. Pope up for the ride with a scoop, and a sit-out slam from Magnus for the three-count! 7 points for Magnus in the Bound for Glory Series.
Winner: Magnus via Pinfall.
TNA Today – Robbie E.
Borash is taken around the home of Robbie E, and an insight into his crazy world.
Destination X 2011 – Daniels vs. AJ Styles.
The Impact Wrestling Match of the Week to prepare for Destination X 2012.