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A video package runs reviewing highlights of the 10 year history of TNA Wrestling.
A graphic opening hits welcoming us to Slammiversary. We go live to Arlington, Texas inside College Park Center. Looks like a packed house in Texas.
Hulk Hogan is out first to kick off the show. Huge reaction. Hogan takes the mic and welcomes everyone to Slammiversary… brother. He says tonight is a celebration and 10 years of TNA Impact Wrestling. Hogan said the next 10 years will be twice as awesome. He says as the GM of Impact Wrestling, he loves “pushing people’s buttons around here” and the first button he will push involves the very first match. Hogan said he decided to go old school tonight. The very first match will be Samoa Joe vs. Austin Aries. He says Aries’ TNA X-Division Championship will be on the line tonight.
Samoa Joe’s music hits and here we go. The champion Austin Aries soon follows.
Samoa Joe strikes first with a big shoulder block that drops Austin Aries. Aries goes after the knee of Joe in response. Aries with a few kicks. Joe responds with huge kicks of his own. Aries with a huge chest chop. Aries then takes out Joe with a huricanrana. Joe blocks a suicide dive from Aries with a huge kick to the face. Joe with a big kick to the head in the corner. Joe with an atomic drop on Aries as he comes off the top rope. Aries gets his knees up to block a body splash from Joe. Aries with a huge suicide dive to Joe against the steel guard railing. Joe with a big side suplex driver on Aries. Joe blocks another huricanrana attempt and powerbombs Aries. Joe turns that over into a boston crab. Joe breaks that and gets an STF applied. Joe breaks that and applies a modified abdominal stretch. Joe with headbutts to Aries in the corner. Aries with a huge 450 Splash from the top rope over Joe. Joe and Aries exchange right hands from their knees. Joe has the rear naked choke applied. Aries flips back and counters out keeping Joe’s shoulders down for a close two count. Joe drops Aries with force in the corner. Joe props Aries up on the top turnbuckle, hits a chop, attempts a Muscle Buster, Aries counters out and pulls Joe down to the mat from Joe’s back. Joe took a nasty bump on his neck. Aries with a brainbuster on Joe and gets the pinfall.
Winner and STILL TNA X Division Champion: Austin Aries
After the match, we see highlights leading to the finish.
Mike Tenay and Taz discuss the card for Slammiversary tonight including Bobby Roode defending the TNA Championship against Sting. Plus, the first inductee into the TNA Hall of Fame will be announced.
Kid Kash with a few kicks early on. Hernandez launches Kash across the ring and through the ropes with a big shoulder block. Kash jumps up to the ring apron to complain to the referee and Hernandez launches him back in over the top rope. Hernandez launches Kash to the corner with force. Kash wraps up the arm and shoulder of Hernandez in the ropes. Kash with some big chops to Hernandez. Repeated chops and kicks from Kash. Kash with a springboard huricanrana that sends Hernandez face first down into the mat. Kash follows that up with a huge swinging tornado DDT. Hernandez recovers on the ring apron and then slingshots himself in catching Kash with a flying shoulder block. Hernandez with another shoulder block that launches Kash to the outside. Hernandez hits the ropes and jumps over the top rope taking out Kash! Back in the ring, Kash counters a Border Toss attempt. Kash dropkicks Hernandez into the corner. Hernandez pulls himself up to the top turnbuckle, sends Kash back to the mat and connects with a top rope body splash. Hernandez gets the pinfall.
Winner: Hernandez
Video airs of TNA’s Greatest Moment #3: AJ Styles becoming the first ever X-Division Champion.
We start with Robbie E and Garett Bischoff. Bischoff with a series of clotheslines and a quick scoop slam on E. Robbie T gets the tag and dares Garett to come after him. Garett with a few kicks and dropkick to the gut. T won’t go down. E trips him up when he hits the ropes as T distracts the referee. Madison Rayne is at the top of the ramp watching the match. E gets the tag and works over Garett in the corner. T gets the tag and drops Garett with a side suplex. E tags himself in and comes off the top with a quick shot. E with a headlock on Garett to keep the action grounded. Hot tag to Devon. Crowd in Arlington is great tonight. Devon with a big shoulder block on E, knocks T off the ring apron and catches E with a Lou Thesz and flying headbutt combo. Devon with a modified Rock Bottom on E. Devon with a corner splash and flying shoulder block on E. T gets dumped to the outside with help from Garett pulling the top rope down. Devon with a huge spinebuster on E and gets the pinfall.
Winners: Devon and Garett Bischoff
Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with TNA Tag Team Champions Christopher Daniels and Kazarian. Kazarian talks about being involved in many “firsts” in TNA. Daniels raises a glass and issues a toast for himself and Kazarian.
When the bell rings, Jeff Hardy goes after both Rob Van Dam and Mr. Anderson. Hardy splashes both in the corner. RVD drives his shoulder into the body of Anderson in the corner. RVD works over Hardy and then drops Anderson with a quick clothesline in the other corner. We get an almost Tower of Doom spot, but Hardy drops down and crotches himself and Anderson dumps RVD to the outside. Anderson with a superplex on Hardy and RVD immediately follows with a Five Star Frog Splash that he misses when Hardy moves. RVD catches Hardy with a kick from the top rope. RVD with a quick corner moonsault over Anderson. RVD with a monkey flip on Anderson and Anderson crashes over Hardy. Anderson with a backslide pin on RVD and Hardy drops his legs over the legs of RVD for a close two count. Anderson with a flipping senton splash on Hardy and knocks RVD to the outside. RVD pulls Anderson to the outside. The two throw right hands. Hardy comes off the top turnbuckle and takes out both on the outside. Hardy with a huge Whisper in the Wind on RVD. Hardy hits the Twist of Fate on RVD. Hardy connects with the Swanton Bomb over RVD. Anderson pulls the referee out during the pinfall. Anderson dumps Hardy to the outside. Hardy takes a nasty bump into the guard railing. Anderson with the Mic Check on RVD. Anderson gets the pinfall.
Winner and new #1 Contender for the TNA Championship: Mr. Anderson
Taz reminds us that Mr. Anderson will challenge the TNA Champion this Thursday night live on Impact Wrestling.
Backstage, Crimson reminds us he has been “perfect” for over 470 days and says no one will ever beat him.
Big reaction for James Storm. Storm hits the ring and clotheslines Crimson over the top rope. Crimson is back up on the ring apron and Storm clotheslines him back inside. Storm mounts Crimson and connects with some big right hands. Storm with big chops to Crimson. Crimson then fires back with a shot to the back of the head. Storm still had his jacket on and Crimson started to choke him with it. Storm with an atomic drop and backcracker combo on Crimson. Storm has the crowd in Arlington fired up. Storm catches Crimson with his Last Call superkick. Storm gets the pinfall. Crimson’s undefeated streak is over.
Winner: James Storm
After the match, James Storm has a beer celebration with the fans in Arlington. We see a shot of Storm heading up the ramp looking into the camera saying, “I’m back.”
Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with TNA X Division Champion Austin Aries. Aries said just a year ago he was fighting for a contract and now he continues to defy the odds. What he wants next is to “be the man who sets the bar that everyone else has to reach for.” Aries says he wants to be the main event and he will do everything he has to in order to get there.
Video airs of TNA’s Greatest Moment #2: Hulk Hogan signs with TNA.

TNA Hall of Fame Ceremony
TNA President Dixie Carter comes out to the ring. She announces this is the largest live crowd for TNA in the United States. Carter thanks every wrestler for stepping in the TNA ring making the company what it is today. She invites all TNA wrestlers and staff to walk out to the stage. AJ Styles is up front. Dixie introduces the first inductee into the TNA Wrestling Hall of Fame…Sting.
A video package airs featuring Hulk Hogan, Kurt Angle and others talking about Sting’s career. Sting being very humble as he hugs Dixie in the ring. Dixie announces the formal induction will take place at Bound for Glory in October. A loud “THANK YOU STING” chant starts up. Some “YES!” chants as well. Sting takes the mic and says he wasn’t prepared for this. He thanks Dixie, the men and women of the TNA roster and a thank you chant for the fans.
Gail Kim tosses Miss Tessmacher aside early in the match. Kim bails when Tessmacher appears to attempt a back suplex. Tessmacher with a head scissors takedown on Kim. Kim drops Tessmacher chest first over the top rope. Kim keeps the action grounded working over the left arm of Tessmacher. The two girls exchange right hands. Tessmacher gets the better of Kim and then follows with a series of clotheslines. Tessmacher with a flying forearm that drops Kim. Tessmacher launches Kim to the corner with a dropkick. Kim with a quick neck-tie neckbreaker. Tessmacher blocks an Eat Defeat attempt. Tessmacher with a flash rollup and gets the pinfall.
Winner and NEW TNA Knockouts Champion: Miss Tessmacher
At ringside, Christy Hemme is with the new TNA Knockouts Champion Miss Tessmacher. Hemme asks what it is like to win the title in her home state of Texas. Tessmacher calls it truly epic and adds, “God bless Texas!”
Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with Bully Ray. Ray says he is from God’s country…New York City. He tells Joseph Park that he has him right where he wants him in a wrestling ring tonight. Ray says what he does tonight will be an all out assault. He pulls out the contract to remind Park that if he severly injures him, he won’t be responsible and anything goes.
A video package airs focusing on Joseph Park trying to find his brother Abyss.

Bully Ray vs. Joseph Park
Loud “YANKEES SUCK” chant from the crowd in Texas towards Bully Ray. The bell rings and here we go. Ray gets in a quick slap. Park swings repeatedly and misses. Ray puts his hands behind his back. Ray with another slap to Park and then spits in his face. Ray charges, Park moves and Park with a huge slap to Ray. Ray then pounces on Park dropping him. Loud “NEW YORK SUCKS” chant. Ray grabs a steel chair, gets in through the ropes and Park kicks the ropes. This crotches Ray. Park picks up the chair. Ray drops to his knee and begs. Park turns his back on Ray and Ray again takes him out. Ray cracks the chair over the back of Park. Ray with another shot using the chair. They brawl to the outside and Ray cracks a water over Park’s head. Ray with right hands to the head of Park against the guard railing. Ray tosses Park back in, gets up on the second rope, screams “NEW YORK CITY!”, jumps and misses a body splash. Park with rights and lefts to Ray’s body. Ray then levels Park with a big boot. Ray grabs a table and sets it up in the ring. Ray also grabs a kendo stick, but Park punches him in the gut when he goes to use it. Park grabs the kendo stick and cracks it over the head of Ray. Ray then levels Park with a comeback. Park bails under the ring. Abyss comes out and chokeslams Ray through the table. Abyss goes back under. Park is back out, rolls in and covers Ray for the pinfall.
Winner: Joseph Park
After the match, Joseph Park celebrates his win with the referee raising his arm.
Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with TNA Champion Bobby Roode. Roode calls himself the best of the best. He congratulates Sting on his Hall of Fame induction, but says he doesn’t give a crap. Roode says the only thing people will remember tonight is when he ends his career and remains TNA Champion.

Hulk Hogan is out once again. He wants to continue the surprises and introduces current WWE star Christian (Hogan introduces him under his TNA name of Christian Cage). “WELCOME BACK” chant starts up. Christian grabs the mic. “So can you guess the question I’ve been asked the most this week? Are the rumors true? Will you be appearing at Slammiversary this Sunday? Well drink it in. *YES! CHANTS* Who would have thunk it huh? Christian Cage standing right here in a TNA ring. One…two…three…it seems to me the last time I was here there were a few more corners here.” He adds that while things change, the fans don’t change and congratulates TNA for existing for 10 years. Christian calls for everyone to get on their feet. He presents the #1 moment in TNA history. The #1 moment is the return of Sting in 2006.
Lots of brawling early on between AJ Styles and Kazarian. Styles drops Kazarian and then a running in Daniels with two big dropkicks. Angle with a jumping clothesline from the ring apron to Daniels on the outside. Styles drops a knee over the head of Kazarian. Tag to Angle. Styles and Angle with a double suplex on Kazarian. Daniels drops Angle with a quick kick. Angle responds with a high back body drop. Tag to Styles who connects with a backbreaker over the knee on Daniels. Styles gets hung up on the top turnbuckle as Kazarian gets the tag connecting with a huge kick. Daniels gets the tag and he drives his foot down into the chest of Styles on the way down. Tag to Kazarian who hits a few forearms to the back of Styles. Hot tag to Kurt Angle getting a big reaction. Angle with a quick flying forearm on Daniels. Belly-to-belly on Daniels and german suplex to Kazarian. Angle with a german suplex on Daniels. Angle Slam on Daniels. German suplex on Kazarian, second german and then a third bringing Daniels with him. Angle with an Ankle Lock on Daniels. Kazarian breaks it up with a kick to the head. Styles with a reverse DDT and normal DDT on both Daniels and Kazarian. Daniels with a twisting facebuster on Styles. Angle with a T-Bone suplex on Daniels. Kazarian slingshots in with a DDT on Angle. Styles with a facebuster on Kazarian. Angle with a top rope superplex on Kazarian. Daniels plants Angle coming off the ropes. Daniels plants Styles with a modified Rock Bottom. Daniels misses the BME and Angle connects with a release german suplex. Styles with the Pele Kick on Kazarian. Tag to Angle. Angle with a splash on Kazarian and Daniels pulls the referee out. Styles with a springboard shooting star press to the outside over Daniels! Angle with an Ankle Lock on Kazarian. Kazarian taps.
Winners and NEW TNA Tag Team Champions: Kurt Angle and AJ Styles
After the match, Kurt Angle and AJ Styles celebrate with the TNA Tag Team Championships. We see highlights of the match leading to the finish.
A video package runs hyping Bobby Roode vs. Sting.

TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Sting vs. Bobby Roode
Jeremy Borash handles the ring introductions for the challenger Sting and champion Bobby Roode. Roode shoved the referee out of the way during his introduction. Crowd in Arlington is still on fire. Top notch atmosphere for TNA tonight.
The bell rings and Roode bails right away. Roode gets back in, Sting moves in and Roode bails a second time. Back in the ring, Roode connects with chops to Sting. Sting with a high knee, goes for a Scorpion Deathlock and Roode again bails. Back in the ring, Sting with right hands and a quick hip toss. Roode with boots to the shoulder of Sting and then drops an elbow across the throat on the outside. Roode with chops to Sting. Roode with a snapmare and blockbuster combo on Sting. Sting fires back with elbows. Roode levels Sting with a big boot in the corner. Roode gets a sleeper locked on Sting. Sting fights out and gets a sleeper on Roode. Roode quickly counters with a jumping back suplex. Sting with a superplex on Roode. Sting with the Scorpion Deathlock applied. Roode is reaching for the bottom rope screaming in pain. Roode gets the bottom rope and Sting is forced to break it. Both brawl out of the ring near the entrance ramp area under the stage. Sting gets the better of Roode dragging him to the end of the ramp and landing a big right hand. Sting launches Roode back in the ring and Roode rolls out on the other side. Stinger Splash to Roode on the guard railing. Sting has Roode up on the announce table. Sting applies the Scorpion Deathlock on Roode over the table. Roode taps. The referee tells Sting he needs to get back in the ring. Roode sees a six pack of James Storms’ beer at ringside. Roode grabs the beer, is tossed in and grabs a beer. Roode grabs a beer, Sting blocks it and the referee takes the beer from Sting. Roode grabs another beer and cracks it over the head of Sting. Roode covers Sting and gets the pinfall.
Winner and still TNA Champion: Bobby Roode
After the match, a crazy looking Sting stands up and stares down Bobby Roode holding up the TNA Championship. Sting clotheslines Roode over the top rope. Sting then decks the referee. Sting grabs Roode and gives him a suplex at the top of the entrance ramp. Sting then sends Roode face first into a steel structure holding up the screen. Sting then grabs Roode and drags him to an elevated part of the stage. Sting drops back giving Roode a Scorpion Deathdrop through a series of covered tables. The PPV goes off the air with Sting standing over Roode.
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