
iMPACT Wrestling – May 3, 2012
From the iMPACT Wrestling Zone in Orlando, Florida
Announced by Mike Tenay and Taz
Welcome everyone! Jarrett Cox was not able to provide you with your regularly scheduled programming this week so you’re stuck dealing with me and my over use of YouTube videos to show you what happened on tonight’s show. Honestly, I’d write up a full report of the show, but I usually don’t watch my DVR version of the show until Saturday morning (thus proving that I’ll get my Saturday morning wrestling show one way or another – ha!). Enjoy!
This week’s episode of iMPACT Wrestling opens with a video package detailing the whole saga between Eric Bischoff and Garett Bischoff’s feud. The recap includes a review of the elder Bischoff’s crappy sendoff from iMPACT Wrestling. Ric Flair comes down to the ring and wants a piece of the General Manager Hulk Hogan.
Hulk Hogan Gets Ric Flair to Sign on as a Gut Check Judge
As we come back from commercial break, we find Brooke Tessmacher playing second fiddle to the former TNA Knockouts Champion Velvet Sky. Velvet says that she’s had enough of Gail Kim beating everyone through subversive tactics and tonight, she’s out for vengeance.
Knockouts Tag Team Match
Velvet Sky & Brooke Tessmacher vs. Gail Kim & Madison Rayne
Winners: Velvet Sky & Brooke Tessmacher
As we head into the commercial break, Mike Tenay tells us that Rob Van Dam will be choosing Bobby Roode’s opponent tonight when we get back… so stick around!
After coming back from the commercial break we see some footage of Jeff Jarrett taking on Raven for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. If you’re a Twitter person, check out iMPACT Wrestling’s celebration of ten years in business at #TNA10.
Rob Van Dam and Bobby Roode Make Matches
So, later tonight we’re going to get Rob Van Dam taking on Jeff Hardy and Bobby Roode taking on Mr. Anderson. Should be a fun Thursday night! Before we head into the next commercial break, Mike Tenay and Taz sell the remaining hour and thirty minutes of programming tonight.
A Slammiversary X promo welcomes us back to iMPACT Wrestling. Mike Tenay announces that it’s time for our weekly championship match and the most underrated potential star in iMPACT Wrestling – Robbie T. – makes his way to the ring along with the former TNA Television Champion, Robbie E. For a change, Robbie E. checks to make sure the paparazzi aren’t crowding the ring before he and Robbie T. get in the ring and pose for the adoring crowd. And then Devon makes his way to the ring.
TNA Television Championship Match
Robbie T. with Robbie E. vs. Devon
Winner: Devon
Backstage, Al Snow and Ric Flair are talking about tonight’s Gut Check. Snow introduces Flair to Bruce Prichard and Flair immediately jokes about getting a response to his request for a raise. No, Prichard isn’t wearing his Brother Love gimmick, so calm down you nostalgia fanatics.
After the commercials are over, we’re shown a recap of last week’s match between Robbie E. and Alex Silva. We go to the backstage area to see Prichard, Flair, and Snow discuss Alex Silva’s potential. Flair says he’ll never be the World Heavyweight Champion. Snow says to consider the future of the kid, not how he is now. Flair says you can’t make chicken salad out of chicken shit and that he won’t draw ratings during a quarter hour. The camera zooms in and around Flair’s Hall of Fame rings. Prichard says that he’s seen Silva has excelled in other settings and asks Flair to remember that even when he was traveling the world there were people who were saying he wasn’t the real world’s champion. Flair understands and is surprised that he is 20 years old. Snow brings up some feedback from the fans on Twitter and Flair says that it doesn’t matter what the fans think. Snow asks the guys what they think and Flair says when the kid comes to the ring later, he’ll be facing off with a wrestling God. Prichard isn’t sure how he’ll vote. Snow asks Flair to keep an open mind.
Back to the promotion for later tonight with Tenay and Taz hyping the rest of tonight’s show.
Right after the commercials end, Hulk Hogan is seen in the back talking to Mr. Anderson. Hogan surprises Anderson by telling him that he’s fighting Bobby Roode later tonight. Hogan spends a few minutes hyping up Anderson for tonight’s main event. He tells Anderson that there is no disqualification during the main event tonight. Anderson recaps the scenario for the match with no disqualifications and no count out – Hogan confirms and then starts the Mister Anderson chant for the Asshole of the Hour.
Back in the iMPACT Wrestling Zone we have the introduction of the Charismatic Enigma, Jeff Hardy. He’s got that zombie eye paint thing going on again, which is interesting. Anyway, Rob Van Dam makes his way to ringside and we’re off!
Jeff Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam
Winner: Rob Van Dam
After the match is over, Bully Ray is stopped backstage by Joseph Park. Ray says that he’s not giving Park any answers this week to which Park responds that he knows Ray had something to do with the disappearance of Abyss. Bully Ray tells Park not to ever blow up on him and that if he doesn’t back off, they’ll never find out what happened to him when Bully Ray is done with him. This interaction is followed by some more hype from the announcers and now it’s time to make some money with a commercial break.
Jeremy Borash is backstage talking to the man behind the camera. He’s saying that they did what they did to Eric Bischoff last week because he treated everyone like garbage. Let’s watch the video!
Jeremy Borash is Confronted by Bully Ray
Backstage Daniels is warming up for his match with Kaz telling him that Hogan made poor judgment and that he can’t wait to make public the photo they have of AJ Styles. Kurt Angle is in the room and explodes and tells them to shut up because he doesn’t care about their stupid photos or blackmail – he just wants to make AJ tap at Slammiversary. As Angle storms off, Daniels and Kaz wonder why he’s so jumpy and upset.
Mike Tenay reminds everyone that will debut Longnecks and Rednecks tomorrow. He and Taz urge the fans to vote for the video on
In the back, Bobby Roode is complaining about Hulk Hogan saying he wants to know what Hogan’s problem is with the champ. He also says that come Sacrifice, Rob Van Dam will not take the title away from him.
Back in the ring, the hottest ring announcer on the planet – Christy Hemme – introduces the Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle. She then introduces Daniels and Kazarian as a recap of last week plays showing the duo holding Styles hostage with the photo. After they make their way to the ring, a horribly chopped up version of AJ Styles’ intro music plays as Styles, Samoa Joe, and Magnus launch themselves into the ring and the brawl begins. Let’s watch!
Six Man Tag Team Match
AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, & Brutus Magnus vs. Kurt Angle, Kazarian, and Daniels
Winners: AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, & Brutus Magnus
The match is over and Tenay and Taz tell us that Alex Silva’s future will be decided when we’re back from commercial break.
Alex Silva Joins the iMPACT Wrestling Roster
And there you have it – Silva gets a contract with iMPACT Wrestling. Good for him! Tenay and Taz hype next weekend’s Sacrifice pay-per-view and we go right to the ring introductions for tonight’s main event.
Bobby Roode vs. Mr. Anderson
Winner: Bobby Roode
You lucky folks get more of me next week as I’ll be filling in for the great Jarrett Cox once again. See you then!
Apologies up front, folks. I don’t watch the show until Saturdays and I’m already up too late for work tomorrow – but I wanted to get you at least something to scan through before the night was out!
There you go – I went back and added some additional details to the results.