Xplosion – February 29nd, 2012
From the iMPACT Wrestling Zone in Orlando, Florida
Announced by Jeremy Borash and Mike Tenay
Sarita and Rosita vs. Mickie James and Velvet Sky.
Sarita picks up the mic, and says that while they haven’t been the most popular, they have a present for everyone. They request that everyone stand for the singing of the national anthem! But it’s the Mexican national anthem, to a chorus of boos from the crowd.
Velvet cuts off the rendition and ropes Mickie into singing the American national anthem, to which she obliges, getting the first line out, before Rosita grabs the mic and throws it out of the ring. An argument ensues, and Mickie pushes Rosita to the floor, while Sarita holds her back from attacking Mickie. Sarita gets her to calm down, and we’re off. Velvet with a roll-up and a two… and another… and a two! The bell hasn’t even rang yet!
Velvet on the offense early. Arm drags and an arm bar as she tags Mickie James in. Mickie to the top, and comes down on the arm Velvet has locked in an arm bar. Snapmare. Leg drop to the arm. Pin attempt. Two count.
Sarita gets the upper hand briefly, slapping Mickie on the chest, but Mickie with a baseball slide from the subsequent whip off to the ropes, with Velvet tagging herself in during. Snapmare from Mickie, and a basement dropkick from Velvet. The two go to shake hands, dropping elbows as they shake. Two count from the resulting pin attempt.
A couple of jaw breakers on Velvet’s knee, and a kick to the gut before we leave for some ads.
Commercial Break.
Velvet with a bulldog as we come back, and the two count from a pin.
Velvet with an abdominal stretch on Sarita, while Rosita mouths off at Velvet. Velvet goes for a right on Rosita, who ducks. Velvet then turns her back on Rosita, who jumps on her back, as referee Brian Stiffler pulls Rosita off and protects her from Velvet’s attempts at battling back. Sarita gets the upper hand on Velvet with the distraction, instigating Mickie James’ involvement. The referee turns to see Mickie in the ring, and blocks her from punishing Sarita, allowing Rosita to come in and the ladies of Mexican America to beat Velvet down.
Mickie is escorted out of the ring as Sarita throws Velvet in the “home” corner. Rosita is hot, and wants a piece of the action, but Sarita directs traffic, and tells Sarita to calm down, before punching Velvet in the gut. Arm bar submission from Sarita. Then Rosita is tagged in. Rosita just brawls on Velvet, before putting the boot in her throat in the corner. Velvet with a jaw breaker, but Sarita has been tagged in and cuts off a tag. Headlock. Whip into the ropes, but Velvet with a boot and a head scissors, and tags Mickie. Mickie with clotheslines to Sarita. Into the corner, reversed, but Mickie with an elbow. Hurricanrana, and a neck breaker. Mickie looking for the finish, but Rosita again clambers onto the back of Mickie. Mickie with a snapmare. Rosita gets in Mickie’s face, but Velvet sandwiches her, and she has nowhere to run. Sarita rises to her feet as Velvet turns Rosita around and kicks her in the gut. Mickie locks Sarita in a front chancery, and in perfect harmony, the two finish their opponents, Velvet with a face plant, Mickie with a DDT, and that’s all she wrote.
Winners, Mickie James and Velvet Sky via Pinfall.
Post match, Mickie finishes off the American national anthem, declaring that the win was for “the land of the free, and the home of the brave.”
Music Video – Get Cape, Wear Cape, Fly – “The Real McCoy.”
This music video from a British indie group features Alex Shelley and Austin Aries in action throughout.
Video Package – Against All Odds.
Another recap of Against All Odds, this time with the rest of the event recapped.
Spin Cycle.
Robbie E, Robbie T, Madison Rayne and Samoa Joe on the panel this week. The two Robbie’s make a grand entrance.
ImpactWrestling.com Match of the Week – Victory Road 2010.
Mr. Anderson, Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy and Abyss square off for RVD’s world title in our final piece of this Xplosion broadcast.
The promotional trailer for Victory Road ’12 was shown twice during this broadcast. Xplosion doesn’t normally carry promotional trailers.
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Well… that’s vile.