Xplosion – February 1st, 2011
From the iMPACT Wrestling Zone in Orlando, Florida
Announced by Jeremy Borash and Taz
Doug Williams vs. Robbie E.
Post Match Interview – Doug Williams.
Williams speaks on his match with Robbie E, who garnered a lot of help from Robbie T also. Williams also speaks about the fans in Britain for the Maximum Impact Tour.
Video Package – The Champions.
This segment focuses on the current champions in Impact Wrestling, and their current threats to the gold.
Spin Cycle.
Robbie E, Magnus, ODB and Eric Young join JB this week, with Young constantly making eyes at ODB.
The panel is asked what they gamble money on, and what they are most proud of about their body and looks.
Highlights of the previous week’s table match.
TNA Underground – Team Canada vs. Heavy Metal, Hector Garza and Jerry Lynn.
This match from Nashville, TN, rounds off another episode of TNA Xplosion.