Xplosion – January 18th, 2011
From the iMPACT Wrestling Zone in Orlando, Florida
Announced by Jeremy Borash and Taz
Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorensen.
Video Package – Kurt Angle/James Storm & Jeff Hardy/Bobby Roode.
We’re shown a recap of everything between these four wrestlers over the past few months.
Spin Cycle.
Robbie E, Miss Tessmacher, Magnus and Eric Young join Jeremy Borash on the panel today, with Tara joining Tessmacher after the introductions. The panel are asked about whether they have any strange habits while they travel in part one of this Spin Cycle, with the rest to air next week.
TNA Underground – Team Canada (Williams, Roode, Young, Devine) vs. Team NWA (Lynn, Sabin, Daniels, Skipper).
Before cutting to the match from the archives, JB and Taz promote next week on Xplosion, with Angelina Love taking on Velvet Sky, with the eight-way World X-Cup Tournament between Petey Williams, Bobby Roode, Eric Young and Johnny Devine vs. Jerry Lynn, Chris Sabin, Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper (a former WCW Team Canada member, ironically) closing off this weeks show.