Source: Twitter, YouTube
TNA Impact Wrestling star Crimson posted the following on his official Twitter account this morning, “Big thanks to @jaredblakemusic to include me in his music video..& smacking me w a chair in #dontmind ..check it out RT”
You can check out the video below:
Music video by Jared Blake performing Don’t Mind
Good for Crimson! He’s one of those guys that has that look – the type of look that could make him a successful actor one day. No, I don’t think he’s the next Robert Di Nero, but I can see him starring in an FX or Tru TV type of show, you know? If I were Crimson, I would spend a lot of my free time hanging around with Hulk Hogan and, especially, Eric Bischoff. Those are the guys who have connections in the entertainment world and those are the guys who can make him a bigger star than he’s currently becoming. I wish him luck.