Xplosion – January, 2012
From the iMPACT Wrestling Zone in Orlando, Florida
Announced by Jeremy Borash and Taz
Maximum Impact Tournament Final.
Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels.
Joe starts off with kicks to Daniels legs. Moments pass without contact and Joe attempts the same again, but Daniels sees it and locks on a headlock. Joe gets Daniels off the ropes, attempts to shoulder him down, but fails. Daniels with strikes, then bounces off the ropes but Joe knees him down this time. More strikes and a chop from Joe. Into the corner goes Daniels. Running back-splash and bicycle kick from Joe. Foot stomps on Daniels, then a running kick into the face.
Daniels staggers up and attempts to mount a comeback. Joe cuts him off with his own. Daniels propped up on the ropes, Joe runs for him. Daniels ducks, pulling the rope down and causing Joe to exit the ring hard.
Commercial Break.
Daniels throws Joe back in the ring as we come back from the break. Daniels with lots of strikes and attempts a pin, but only a two count.
Chin lock from Daniels, but Joe gets momentum and strikes out of it. Off the ropes, Daniels cuts him off with a dropkick. Daniels rains right hands down on Joe’s head, then stomping on his head. He picks him up and chokes him in the corner, still throwing right hands on the back of Joe’s head. Running forearm on Joe from Daniels, who then grabs Joe by the ears and taunts Joe face to face. Daniels then tries another forearm, but Joe manages to get his arm up and throws Daniels down, rolling through to catch a running Daniels in an overhead release belly to belly suplex. Both men stay on the ground, and the referee issues the count. When both finally get up, Joe delivers an atomic drop, big boot and senton back-splash combo, only getting a two count from the pin.
Daniels runs off the ropes, but gets powered down with a snap slam, but Joe only gets a two again.
Joe feels the momentum on his side, and he picks Daniels up, but Daniels gets the jaw breaker on, quickly runs off the ropes and clotheslines Joe in the back. Two count.
Daniels picks Joe up, but Joe slaps Daniels repeatedly. He misses a couple, allowing Daniels back in with his own. He runs off the ropes, but receives a kick in the gut from Joe. Joe then runs the ropes and receives a dropkick from Daniels. Joe staggers into the corner, with Daniels running in behind, but Joe again powers Daniels down with his side slam. Joe, now pumped, sets for a Muscle Buster, spinning Daniels around a few times before bringing him down hard for the finish, and a successful three-count.
Winner: Samoa Joe via Pinfall.
Samoa Joe will face World Champion Bobby Roode for the title on a February episode of TNA Xplosion.