Xplosion – December, 2011
From the iMPACT Wrestling Zone in Orlando, Florida
Announced by Jeremy Borash and Taz
A change has been made in the Tournament bracket. Out goes Matt Morgan, to be replaced by Rob Terry, who will now face Devon.
Maximum Impact Tournament, Round 1 – Match 4.
Robbie T vs. Devon.
Lots of strikes and submissions from big Robbie T, as well as interference from Robbie E when Devon tries to get the upper-hand. Robbie E’s interference costs Robbie T his place in the tournament, after Devon mounts a comeback. Devon throws Robbie E into the ring, who then runs into the corner while Robbie T recovers. Robbie T charges at Devon, who moves, leaving the two Robbie’s in a mangle in the corner. Devon with a spine-buster, and the pin.
Winner: Devon via Pinfall.
Maximum Impact Tournament, Round 2 – Match 1.
Daniels vs. Devon.
Devon struggles throughout to keep the crowd on his side. Daniels is his usual, hyperactive self, cheating to get the win by putting his feet on the ropes for leverage during the pinfall.
Winner: Daniels via Pinfall.
Maximum Impact Tournament, Round 2 – Match 2.
Samoa Joe vs. Kazarian.
Joe’s power is displayed consistently through the match with various submissions keeping Kazarian on the ground. Kaz mounts a couple of comebacks but Joe is quick to cut him off at each attempt, bringing Kaz back down to the mat quickly to keep the advantage. As the match goes on, Kaz finds more openings. Joe tires, missing punches and taking strikes from Kaz, until he plays possum in the corner, suplexing Kaz to regain the advantage and get the Muscle Buster for the pinfall.
Winner: Samoa Joe via Pinfall.
My apologies for not writing up these episodes in their entirety. A busy Christmas and New Year have prevented me from watching TNA as much as I’ve wanted to, but the next report will be back to normal.
Have a fantastic 2012!
Thanks for posting these results, Mark! And we look forward to your regular results updates each week letting us know what’s going on with Xplosion!