Xplosion – December 7th, 2011
From the iMPACT Wrestling Zone in Orlando, Florida
Announced by Jeremy Borash and Taz
A change has been made in the Tournament bracket. Out goes Matt Morgan, to be replaced by Rob Terry, who will now face Devon.
Maximum Impact Tournament, Round 1 – Match 3.
Doug Williams vs. Samoa Joe.
We tie up, and Joe backs Williams straight into the corner. The referee breaks it.
We tie up again, and Williams gets an arm bar on, which is reversed by Joe. Williams rolls out, and snaps a right hand that rocks Joe. Joe returns the right, and a forearm battle ensues. Joe ends with with a clothesline. Williams in the corner receives a splash and a bicycle kick from Joe, with some shots with the boot for good measure. Joe runs in, but Williams slips out of the ring. The referee calls for him to come back in, and he does so, ejecting the incoming Joe out of the ring. Williams follows with a running knee on the apron into Joe’s face.
Back in the ring, Williams is on the receiving end of some Joe chops. Joe off the ropes. Williams attempts a leapfrog but doesn’t get enough elevation on it and clatters into Joe, then falls to the mat.
Back up, Williams sweeps the legs of Joe and drops the knee in the face. Some right hands in there for good measure also, then a front chancery. Side headlock. Joe elbows out. Off the ropes. Williams again with the leapfrog, but an atomic drop from Joe, then the running senton, into a pin, but only a two.
Williams off the ropes, into a snap powerslam and another two count from a pin attempt.
Joe drills Williams into the turnbuckle. Sets him for a Muscle Buster, but Williams punches out. Running along the apron, mounts the top rope and flies with an uppercut to Joe. Attempted pin fall, two count only.
Williams signals for the Chaos Theory. Gets into position and rolls Joe through, but Joe converts it into a rear naked choke! After a moment, Williams manages to break free of the grapevine, and a rope break.
Williams on the apron, attempts to fly over, caught by Joe in a fireman’s carry, and dropped in his ankles. Joe then clamps on an inverted figure four, with the leg underneath the leg instead of over. Williams can’t take the pain, and taps out, with Joe breaking the hold after a second or two.
Winner: Samoa Joe via submission.
Post-match Interview – Doug Williams.
Williams speaks about his disappointment, but honour, at having a chance to compete for a shot at the world title. He says that Magnus has guaranteed him a shot for the British Invasion against the tag team champions but did not state when or where.
Spin Cycle.
“Champions Edition” continues on the Spin Cycle this week, back with Crimson, Morgan, Roode and Robbie E. Questions include who their toughest opponent has been, and what they’re good at outside of the ring, and a special appearance from Austin Aries.
TNA Underground – Kid Kash vs. Jerry Lynn.
From the Nashville days of NWA-TNA, where Kid Kash puts the X-Division Title up against Jerry Lynn.
Post-match Interview – Samoa Joe.
Joe talks up winning the tournament, stating that the people want, and need him as a champion. He also puts over the British fan base massively, calling them the “most insane fans in the world”, and anticipates the “olé olé” chants he receives every year.
Before the Bell – Final Resolution.
Xplosion ends with a look at Final Resolution, in the form of a Before the Bell production.
tres excellent quant-on voi les lutteur en action je prefere mieux