As many of you may or may not have read the interweb is ablaze with rumors that WWE pro wrestler sports entertainer John Morrison is finishing up his WWE contract and heading to TNA Impact Wrestling with Melina.
We rarely cover dirt sheet rumors as historically speaking they are not very accurate, for every dirt sheet rumor that comes to fruition there are literally dozens that never pan out. There are two types of dirt sheet rumors, those pulled out of thin air, and those planted by someone inside for gain. Of those pulled out of thin air, enough guesses are made that sometimes they work out, usually they don’t. Of those “leaked” by insiders, they sometimes have a grain of truth, they sometimes are very accurate, the later being the exception.
The John Morrison rumor is gaining a lot of traction. So much so that the dirt sheets are now issuing a counter rumor to cover their tracks. The latest counter rumor is Morrison has now decided to pursue other TV and movie gigs instead of TNA Wrestling.
Morrison himself said the following on Twitter yesterday, “I’ll post more about the future next week. Right now I’m planning on tearing the house down at RAW tomorrow in Columbia SC! #JoMoSapiens”
Not a lot of information in that post, but a ton of grey area that the dirt sheets can feed off of. Morrison could indeed be leaving WWE for TNA and have told someone as much. He also reportedly extended his contract 30 days last month with WWE and could have leaked this info for leverage on a longer term contract ala Matt Hardy the first time he left WWE. He may have in fact decided to pursue TV roles and his notice sprang this rumor, the truth is nobody but John Morrison and TNA would know for sure.
One thing is for sure, if and when we hear something official we will pass it along.
Love how you have “pro wrestler” crossed out. Cuz that company doesn’t have wrestlers.
Not familiar with his work. Saw a pic of him…might make a kool tag partner for Pope.
Attire: color: black
Accessories: Sunglasses, mouth cover(similar to what pope use to wear during his entrance)
Gimmick: flamboyant, playaz, rebels
Music: Either Hip hop or Rock with a deep baseline
Maybe a female(eye candy) that can accompany them to the ring.
I don’t know how I would feel if he did join. TNA has enough talent now. I guess they could utilize Morrison well if they made him the heel like he was back in 2008/2009, but I don’t see him going many places.
Then again though, I have said that before about other people currently in TNA, and TNA has often proved me wrong (one fine example is Bully Ray’s single run).
But for the love of GOD. If they bring in Morrison, they better not let Melina in!
You know, you can’t call him a “sport’s entertainer” anymore either, because you can’t say “sport”. I might actually agree with this one, as pro wrestling is not a competition … but if you notice, The Rock has to say, “the most electrifying athlete in ALL of entertainment,” now, instead of “sport’s entertainment.”
So, apparently, wrestling now simply = entertainment, in the WWE.
Anyway, Morrison is extremely talented and I’d love to see him in TNA.
I had noticed they are dialing back the “sport” aspect as well. I always found it a bit ridiculous for WWE to pair sport and entertainment together anyways. Televised sports are for entertainment.
Not to mention the whole reasoning Vince made, that he wanted people to know it wasn’t pro wrestling, but actually Hollywood tv. It would be understandable if he wanted to stress that in press interviews, but it always seemed awkward and out of place on the shows. I can never recall a single episode of NYPD Blue where the officers declared, “Open up, it’s the Police Entertainers, we have a warrant!”
William, that’s an extremely good point. I never considered that aspect of it, that’s it’s actually breaking down the fourth wall quite a bit.