
Opening Segment
A video package opened up Impact Wrestling talking about how Roode stated he learned that doing the right thing never got him anywhere.
Robert Roode made his entrance to kick of Impact Wrestling tonight. Roode talked about being a member of Fortune and being the star of the group. He called himself the true leader of Fortune and the true future of TNA and it was his fault that he allowed those guys to ride his coattails. Roode told the members of Fortune to grow a set and he will not allow them to stand in his shadow any longer.
At this point he was cut off by the music of James Storm. He asks the crowd if he looks like he is going to stand in a jackasses shadow…when that jackass is also a dumbass. Storm gives Roode three seconds to explain why he jumped him last week and Roode asks him to hold on and security grabs Storm. Roode promptly said that he didn’t do it. He wouldn’t have to stoop so low to beat him, and he was in the locker room the entire time and there were a bunch of guys there to vouch for him. Storm says he’s going to find out tonight who jumped him, and Roode’s guilty by association so he’s going to kick his ass for the hell of it. Storm is again restrained by security, and AJ comes out of the crowd and attacks Roode from behind as security leaves Storm and runs into the ring to pull AJ off of Roode. AJ gets a microphone, and we’ll hear from him…after this commercial break!
-Commercial Break-
AJ tells Roode that he turns his back on Fortune and screws them in the process and that makes him a piece of trash. AJ thought putting his foot down Roode’s throat would satisfy him, but it didn’t because Roode can take a hit, but what would make AJ feel a lot better would be beating him for the World Title. Roode says he already beat him fair and square in the middle of the ring and it’s time for AJ to go back to the trailer park and work his way back up because he could have beaten AJ all night long. Security is trying to pull them apart as Sting comes out of the back and says he’s feeling extra crazy tonight, and he’s going to let Storm recover tonight, and since Roode thinks he can beat AJ all night long, we’ll test that theory at Final Resolution when he defends the title against AJ in a Thirty-minute Ironman match.
We go to Taz and Mike Tenay to intro tonight’s show, but quickly cut back to ringside as an irate Bobby Roode goes after Dixie Carter in the front row. AJ comes to make the save, but Roode throws Dixie at AJ and sends them both tumbling to the floor and repeatedly punches AJ in the head while Dixie is pinned underneath him until Sting and security come out and pull him off.
We go backstage where Samoa Joe comes up to James Storm and says he should listen to his buddies because he saw Roode backstage the whole time. Storm asks Joe if he had something to do with it, and Joe says he didn’t because if he came after Storm, he wouldn’t get back up. He shoves Storm in the head, and Storm responds by going after Joe until security separate them.
Now Bobby Roode is walking around backstage and Sting comes up to him and shoves him into the wall. Attacking Dixie Carter is like attacking him, and tonight, we’re doing things his way. Roode says if Sting puts his hands on him like that again, he’s going to get his lawyers to sue him for everything he’s got.
-Commercial Break-
The NEW TNA Television Champion Robbie E makes his entrance to face Devon in opening match for tonight.
TNA Television Champion Robbie E (with Robbie T) vs. Devon
Devon starts with right hands right off the bell and sholder blocks Robbie before sending him into the turnbuckle Devon hits a running clothesline into the corner and a flying shoulderblock followed by a side suplex for two. Robbie T jumps on the apron to try and distract Devon, but Devon sees Robbie E coming and dumps him over the top rope. The Pope comes down to ringside and gets into it with Robbie E as Devon tosses Robbie E back into the ring and Robbie T lays out the Pope. Devon gets a neckbreaker as Robbie T goes after Devon’s kids, and Eric Young comes out and nails Rob Terry with a chair. Devon’s kids jump the rail as Devon hits a spinebuster on Robbie, but Devon starts to yell at his kids. Robbie takes the opportunity to roll Devon up for three.
Winner: Robbie E
Devon grabs his kids by the neck, but they shove him off and go to check on the Pope as Devon just looks speechless. ((Jarrett’s Jab – I wish we were past Devon’s kids by now, but we aren’t. It’s my personal opinion that they need to make Robbie E look strong as TV champion since the X Division belt has a weight limit, but it looks like it’s going to continue to be a comedy prop since EY is apparently still in the running for the belt.))
We go backstage where Sting asks Garett Bischoff how he pulled off what he did last week with Gunner, and Garett says he might not be as green as his dad thought. He asks Sting for an opportunity, and Sting says he’d think about it. Garett walks off as Matt Morgan and Crimson walkby laughing about kicking each other’s asses at Turning Point. Sting says since there are no good teams in the company right now, how about the two of them team up and challenge Mexican America for the title tonight? Crimson says he’s in, but Morgan isn’t into the idea. Sting says to say so if he’s scared, but Morgan thinks a moment longer and says he’s in.
-Commercial Break-
Ric Flair is backstage complaining to Eric Bischoff about something when Sting comes in to tell Bischoff he rewrote his contract. Bischoff says he’s a man of his word and he let Sting rewrite it, but that’s as far as it got because he never said he’d sign it. Sting says he can’t get rid of him, though he could just drop him on his head on the concrete and he wouldn’t get up for a month. But instead, he says that Garett wanted to get back in the ring with Gunner, and eventually he’ll have his hands around Eric’s neck because unlike Eric, Garett can wrestle. Eric can be in Gunner’s corner, but he’ll be in Garett’s corner. ((Jarrett’s Jab – As much as I hate this angle, it is a nice swerve that Bischoff said he wouldn’t sign.))
Kid Kash & Austin Aries vs Jesse Sorensen & Brian Kendrick
Sorensen goes after Kash and cleans his clock with a pair of high knees. Kash tries to pop Sorensen into the air, but Sorensen came down with a Rocker Dropper and came off the top with a flying bodypress for a VERY close two. Kendrick tags in and gets Kash in a camel clutch so Sorensen can come off the ropes with a baseball slide to the face for two. Kendrick with a dropkick to Kash and a flying forearm, but Kash dodged a dive off the second rope and Kendrick hit the mat hard. Kash went to tag Aries, but Aries refused to tag out and Kendrick small packages Kash for two. Kendrick dropkicks Kash out to the floor and wipes him out with a slingshot dive over the ropes as Aries lures Sorensen into the ring so he can hit a heat seeking missile through the ropes onto Kendrick. Kendrick kicks Aries off and tries an enziguiri, but Aries ducks and fires Kendrick head first into the middle turnbuckle. He tags in Kash and they have words long enough for Kendrick to crawl over and tag in Sorensen, who takes Kash out with dropkicks and a Northern Lights suplex for two. Kash catches Sorensen with a right hand and goes to tag Aries again, and tags him with a slap to the face. Aries gets into the ring and immediately tags right back out and drops off the apron to head for the back. Kash is by himself now and misses a top rope moonsault, and Sorensen finishes with a rolling neckbreaker.
Winners: Brian Kendrick & Jesse Sorensen
Karen Jarrett walks into her crew’s locker room and congratulates Gail Kim on her win, giving her the night off, then sends Madison to the ring while telling Traci to pour wine for everyone except herself.
James Storm is backstage and walks in on Ken Anderson playing Xbox 360 and says he suspects Anderson of jumping him since he’s an asshole. Anderson says that if he was going to jump Storm, he’d see it coming. He asks Storm if he wants to play, and Storm is all like “Yeah, that’d be awesome!” and then yanks out the power cord and walks off.
TNA Knockouts Gauntlet
Velvet Sky and Rosita started the gauntlet match. Velvet hit her butterfly facebuster and pinned Rosita.
Rosita is Eliminated
Velvet shoots off the ropes and eats a clothesline and dropkick from Brooke Tessmacher. Tessmacher stops to shake her rear asset before stink facing Velvet. Tessmacher takes off her shirt and eats a bulldog from Velvet for the win.
Brooke Tessmacher is Eliminated
Angelina Love is the next opponent and takes Velvet out with a clothesline and a front slam for two. Love charges in the corner and eats a boot by Sky before getting chopped and kneed before going for the Underhook, but Love rolls her up and hooks the tights.
Velvet Sky is Eliminated
Mickie James is the next competitor. Angelina runs to the outside and catches James with a big boot before taunting to lead us into commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Earl Hebner is admonishing Angelina Love as we come back from break. Mickie James gets side slammed for two as Love looks on in disbelief. Mickie starts to run through Angelina with clothesline before catching her with a kick for three.
Angelina Love is Eliminated
Sarita is the next Knockout to come out for the gauntlet. Mickie tries to roll her up from the get go, but Sarita hits a dropkick and locks in a surfboard type submission from her back but James fights out and rolls her up for three. Sarita starts hitting rights. Mickie ducks a dive and hits a DDT for the three count.
Sarita is Eliminated
Tara is the next knockout and she takes to James with a Bridging Chinlock to James. Mickie is able to counter and the two get into a grappling contest. Tara goes for the Widows Peak and James tries to roll over for a pin. Tara sees what she is doing and cinches in a heel hook. Mickie gets to the ropes and Tara drags her in the middle of the ring and hits her standing moonsault for tow. Tara traps James in the Tree of Woe and charges, but James is able to avoid contact and Tara collides with the ring post. James hits the DDT for the pin.
Tara is Eliminated
Winter is the next competitor in the gauntlet and Winter tries a bridging-suplex for two. Winter starts with right hands and rakes the eyes of James in a sinister fashion. Winter drags James up, but is able to counter a clothsline into a backbreaker and torques the back before James knee’s her way out. Winter has James up in a Firemans carry, but James hits the superkick for three.
Winter is Eliminated
ODB is announced as the next competitor and drinks from the flask before running through James with a sholder tackle. ODB with the Fallaway Slam and kip-up before throwing James in a corner and hitting a Big Boot followed by the Bronco Buster. ODB covers for a two count. ODB doesn’t let up on her offence before ODB puts her on the top rope. James comes off the top rope for a Dive and gets the three count.
ODB is Eliminated
Madison Rayne is announced as the last compactor and makes a slow entrance as ODB attacks James and knocks her out. Madison waves, but James catches her off guard with a roll up for the win.
Winner of the Knockouts Gauntlet and NEW #1 Contender for the Knockouts Championship: Mickie James
Bully Ray is backstage shooting down girl with orange hair and telling her how busted she is, but James Storm comes in and accuses Bubba of jumping him. Bubba says he’d love to have laid Storm out, but Bubba says his hands are a little full with Abyss and didn’t want to bother with him. He brings up how many times he’s put Storm about tables and that if he had, he would have known. He will tell Storm, however, that he knows who jumped him and he’s here tonight. Storm goes to walk off, but Bubba calls him back and offers to let him join Immortal, but Storm says his chances of joining Immortal are about Bubba’s chances of getting laid.
Jeff Hardy is backstage, and he’s…WALKING! ((Jarrett’s Jab – Mickie’s DDT on Sarita scared me to death, it looked pretty dangerous. ))
-Commercial Break-
Garret Bischoff is backstage saying he’s happy he got what he wanted, and tonight he’s going to finish the job against Gunner.
Jeff Hardy comes to the ring and says it’s great to be back here on Impact, and he promises that he’ll always be here for us. With that said, it’s time to set his sights on that World Title. Before he gets too far down that road, Karen Jarrett’s music hits and she comes storming out to ask him if he seriously is looking for another shot at the World Title. Karen watched Hardy walk out here and thought that somebody with some balls needs to put her in her place, and we all know she’s got the biggest set here. If Hardy thinks he’s going to walk in here with his puppy dog eyes and beg for forgiveness, that’s not what a man is. She slaps Hardy in the face and says to look at her when she’s talking to him. She’s not here to fight Jeff’s battles because he can do that on his own since he wears the pants in their family, but if Hardy thinks being a man is showing up at Turning Point and using his…tactics to win matches, then he needs to step up and be a man before trying to be any kind of role model. Karen says Jeff was the one man in the business with the set to start a company and give people like Jeff another place to work, and he’s forgetting that his wife Beth and her were friends…or at least Karen played the game and got Beth to tell her everything, including how Hardy couldn’t quite deliver the goods and complete the deal. Okay, so Karen’s basically saying Jeff is sexually dysfunctional so we’ll just cut to the chase and skip to Karen daring Hardy to hit her, and Hardy says she’s more than a man and more than human because Karen and Jeff are two angry bitches. Karen goes to slap him, but Hardy grabs her arm and says they’re the creatures of the night. Jeff comes out of the crowd to try and jump Hardy, but Hardy sees him coming and Karen tries to lowblow Hardy from behind, he catches her arm, but Jeff nails him. Hardy fights Jarrett off and Karen hits the trail with him. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Hardy saying that it’s time to set his sights on the world title when he’s trying to prove himself worthy of one more shot is ridiculous. I’m not sure why Jeff didn’t have a problem hitting Karen because he has attacked everyone else that doesn’t believe he should have another shot outside of AJ Styles. That’s the problem with this whole storyline, Jeff Hardy is suppose to be a FACE, but he acts like a HEEL. Everything that is told about him makes him look like a HEEL, and all of it is TRUE. Karen looked like a face once Jeff put his hands on her and that is not what TNA needs right now.))
Mexican America is backstage saying it doesn’t matter who they’re facing and then Sarita says stuff in spanish.
Ric Flair and Eric Bischoff are backstage telling Gunner that he has to go out there tonight and destroy Garett Bischoff, don’t worry about anything, just go out there and hurt him.
World Tag Team Title Match: Mexican America vs Crimson & Matt Morgan
Crimson and Anarquia start us off and Crimson dominates with a back elbow and vertical suplex for 2. Crimson with a three quarter nelson with kneestrikes to the skull and a rolling neckbreaker for 2. Hernandez lays Crimson out with a clothesline from the floor and Anarquia pounces, firing off right hands and then tagging Hernandez in to hit a hard bodyslam and cover for 2. Mexican America with the Beverly Drop for 2, then Anarquia getsa chinlock. Hernandez gets in and gets a head vice, then flattens Crimson with a Pounce for 2 and goes back to the neck vice. Hernandez tags in and Crimson spears him out of his shoes and makes the hot tag to Morgan, who comes in and plows through both Anarquia and Hernandez. Morgan with a fallaway slam to Hernandez, thena corner clothesline on Anarquia, one for Hernandez, and a chokeslam for Anarquia for 2. Hernandez goes after Morgan and beats him down in the corner, but Morgan lays both members of Mexican America out with a double clothesline. Crimson comes in to neutralize Hernandez and clothesline him to the outside, then hits an exploder suplex on Anarquia. Morgan with the Carbon Footprint and we have new champions!
Winners and NEW World Tag Team Champions: Matt Morgan & Crimson
James Storm is backstage and says he knows who jumped him backstage, and he’s going to out him after this next match. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Glad we have new Tag Team Champions. Hopefully with Crimson teaming with Morgan, the fans can start to feel a connection to the undefeated superstar and the fact that he is undefeated will matter.))
-Commercial Break-
Gunner (with Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair) vs Garett Bischoff (with Sting)
Garett ducks a shot and comes off the ropes with a flying forearm. Gunner backs off and circles Garret, and then Garett ducks again and fires off kicks and punches before Gunner just picks Garett up and dumps him. Garett misses an elbowdrop, and Gunner rips his head off with a clothesline. Gunner hits back elbows in the corner and then tries to twist Garett’s head off right in his father’s face as Eric tears into his son from ringside. Garett dodges a corner charge, but Gunner picks him up and tosses him across the ring. Gunner’s shoulder seems to be hurt, but Eric grabs his son’s foot from ringside as Gunner hits a charging clothesline in the corner and a HARD back suplex. Gunner with shoulderblocks to the midsection in the corner as he belly-to-belly suplexes Gunner and gets the win.
Winner: Garett Bischoff
Sting raises Garett’s hand, and then we go to James Storm as he’s backstage, and he’s…WALKING! ((Jarrett’s Jab – Not a fan of Garett main-eventing Impact, but at least he’s not bumping Storm out of the last segment.))
-Commercial Break-
James Storm makes his entrance to call out who attacked him last week. Storm says that no matter where he goes, and what he accomplishes, because he talks with a little twang, wears cowboys, or that he wears tight jeans; that he should be looked over for someone that is more correct. He states that he’s been doing this for 15 years and he’s as tough as they came. He shared a funny story that the doctor didn’t slap him on the ass because he knew better, they had a shot of whiskey together instead. He said he was going to blame everyone in the back, and he starts by calling AJ Styles out. AJ obliges and comes out with a surprised look on his face.
AJ asks Storm if he’s kidding. Storm said he wasn’t and called him. AJ said he wanted to get Roode because of him. Styles states that he went and saw him in the hospital and checked on him at home. They argue back and forth before Kazarian comes out to try and play peacemaker. Kazarian tells AJ to leave and AJ reluctantly does and Kazarian follows suit. Storms music plays and Storm leaves the ring and high-fives fans as Kurt Angle comes out from under the ring and nails Storm from behind. Angle grabs Storm by the hair and nails his head against the ring steps and throws him in the ring and hits an Angle Slam. Angle grabs a mic and informs Storm that it was as Angle, guilty as charged. Angle tells Storm that if he wakes up, to tell his daughter that Angle gave him a concussion as the dramatic music plays us out.
((Jarrett’s Jab – First off, I loved the beginning of the promo. It seems like wrestling in general shuns southern people, and as a Kentuckian, it makes me sick. I liked that they tried to pin this on AJ as he is a out-of-the-park choice that makes sense to swerve the audience before Angle attacked. Not a fan of the dramatic music at the end, sounds like someone watched a Vincent Price movie and thought “Hey, why not?” It just sounds weird, especially with the piped in cheers. Impact needs to get on the road bad.))