Earlier today, the team at posted some questions from social media fans of Dixie Carter. Along with the questions were the answers provided by Carter. You can read the entire question and answer series below.
Jules_Reports OnlineSportsReporter
@TNADixie What made you decide to change the name to IMPACT WRESTLING?
The show has always been called Impact. But as we grew the TNA corporate brand beyond Impact, we felt it was important (and the time) to let Impact stand on it’s own. It’s still under the TNA banner, it’s still the TNA World Heavyweight Title, but the show name is Impact Wrestling.
BenjaminK_UK Benjamin Kinsey
@TNADixie Where in the world would you like to broadcast a TNA Impact Wrestling / PPV from and why?
London or Manchester, England. There are many great places I would love to take an Impact taping, but those two cities have supported TNA in such an amazing way and one of those cities would have to host our first international broadcast. The crowds and their response when we bring the TNA shows there are truly electric.
mattmachinsky Matt
@TNADixie do you have plans to have Impact be live every week? I think it would help your ratings and stop the spoilers on wrestling news sites
I would love Impact to be live each week, but it’s a matter of economics. As far as wrestling news sites are concerned, if you want to be surprised then people should not read them. If people choose to, they certainly shouldn’t judge anything based upon one persons opinion, good or bad. The few times I have seen a spoiler, they always tell a limited, one-dimensional side of a story, and usually a very biased one at that.
IAmF7 F7
@TNADixie What is Bruce Prichard’s role in regards to the creative direction of the product?
Bruce is Sr VP of Programming and Talent Relations. He oversees the creative of Impact and reports directly to me.
DannyVikashNand Danny Vikash Nand
@TNADixie Hello, are the younger talent allowed to do media work such as appearing on chat shows, movies etc so they become household names?
We work very hard to get as many of the younger talent doing media as possible. If I had to guess, Hulk Hogan has done thousands of interviews and of course, everyone in the media always wants to talk to him. It is a top priority to expose the younger talent in mainstream media and in outside film/tv projects. The more they do, the bigger their profile.
CRegal23 Chris Regal
@TNADixie How soon can we expect Impact to go on the road permanently and/or go live? Is it even being discussed as an option?
It is our top priority to take the show on the road on a permanent basis. Hopefully we will announce more live event Impact taping dates soon.
clemsonsteve R S Thomasson
@TNADixie think you can keep Sting around another year ?
I sure hope so. In the past, I have had to convince him to not hang up his boots for one more year. But this year, I think he is more motivated and excited than ever. He truly is an icon and has had a remarkable year. I am so proud of him.
NickyHaynes99 Nick Haynes
@TNADixie are you going to bring back the 6 sided ring to IMPACT WRESTLING?
I liked us using the 6-sided ring for our X Division Pay-Per-View, “Destination X”, this year. We should do that every year, but at this time, there are no plans to bring it back as our permanent ring.
iEncore Reg
@TNADixie How do you deal with all the heat Dixie!? P.S.- You are my business role model.
I think you meant haters. If so, you grow tough skin and know you will never please everyone all the time. You work to please the most people as much of the time as you can.
H2HCrelly Chris Kelly
@TNADixie What are your thoughts on the rebranding and pushing of the X Division?
I am a huge X Division fan. In the beginning, we had great talent representing that division, but those top guys have moved on to other opportunities on the roster. Today, we have the best crop of new and upcoming X Division stars and we are going to give them time on the show each week.
Adam Barlow (via Facebook): How do you feel about a company that uses “Wrestling Matters” as a slogan and then has 7 minutes of wrestling on their program? (the 10/20/11 taping for example)
Very rarely does Impact have that little wrestling, but on occasion, there is a need for that. It was necessary for the 10/20 show to have the focus it did and to bring forward our wrestling stories, and I’m happy to say it was our most viewed Impact Wrestling episode to-date.
Michael Earl (via Facebook): How do you feel about the direction of the company?
I’ve never felt better about every aspect of the company. I think Impact Wrestling is better than it has ever been. So many of the younger talent have stepped up and are earning the spotlight. We are having tremendous international success, and are growing the corporation in many new areas, which are critical to our overall growth. I’m very excited about the upcoming year.
Great replies by Dixie. The wrestling press constantly tries to portray her as a buffoon but her interviews always prove her to be very intelligent and thoughtful.
I agree with William 100% when he said that she proves how intelligent and thoughtful she is with her interviews. The fact that she cares about TNA’s fans shows how much she wants the company to succeed. I am also glad to hear they want to take Impact Wrestling on the road more often.
It really makes a difference when the crowd is red hot for a show, it makes the visual that much better.
William, the wrestling press constantly tries to portray her as a buffoon because that’s what she is. She has NO experience in professional wrestling, NO experience as a promoter. Eric Bischoff was already in the wrestling business when Turner made him head of WCW. Now, ‘ll give credit where it’s due, in that she’s successful in advertising & marketing, as well as in sports & music representation, but that doesn’t translate into being successful as a wrestling promoter. By her placing the company’s flagship show ABOVE the company proves she NEVER should have been put in charge of the company. TNA desperately needs to bring back Jeff’s dad & let him show Dixie how it’s done. The ONLY reason TNA has been successful under her is because she has surrounded herself with people who know more about the business than she does and that, my friend, is a FACT.
Charles, you’ll have to check your wrestling facts against your wrestling opinion. Jeff’s father Jerry Jarrett, who you hold in such high esteem has crashed and burned three separate wrestling promotions including TNA. While I have nothing against him personally, factually he doesn’t seem to be the best choice to run a promotion.
Dixie on the other hand has grow TNA into a worldwide company and branched it out into separate brands including the highly successful Ring Ka King. The only reason I could see anyone recommend Jerry taking the promotion back over is that they would like to see TNA fold and added to the WWE’s film library.
William, as it needs to be pointed out AGAIN, the ONLY reason TNA has survived under the Carters, especially Dixie as President, is because Dixie has surrounded herself with people (such as Bruce Prichard, Dave Lagana, & Matt Conway, TNA’s creative team) who know more about the business than she does. Do you REALLY think that if TNA didn’t have those guys, they’d still be going? If you do, you are seriously delusional. As far as Jerry’s track record with TNA, CWA, & the USWA, he did not “crash and burn” any of them. With TNA, its initial troubles were due to the fact that the investor at that time, HealthSouth, ended up being involved in a scandal & had to get rid of TNA. So, it was NO fault of Jerry’s. Now, as far as the CWA & USWA, the CWA merged with the WCWA (no “crash & burn” there) & that merger created the USWA. Now, the USWA didn’t go out of business until AFTER Jerry’s departure from the company (so, a “crash & burn” there, but not because of Jerry). So, apparently, it would seem I have just proven that YOU are the one in need of checking facts, NOT me. Besides, if Dixie was as successful as you’re trying to paint her, talent like Alex Shelley, Velvet Sky, Angelina Love, & Winter would still be in TNA. Oh, and if anything, the ONLY way I see TNA ending up in WWE’s hands is if Dixie remains in charge. I mean, at least Jerry has experience in running a wrestling company, whereas Dixie has none. The next time you feel like running your mouth, think your words through before you type them, or you’ll end up looking dumb, just like you did this time.
You just contradicted yourself.
You said claim Dixie has no experience running a wrestling company. She has ran TNA for almost 10 years. You cite her surrounding herself with knowledgeable people as a failure, that is the definition of success. I’m sure you have zero business experience based on your comments, news flash, smart business people always gather talent that knows more than they do about specific aspects of the business, that is how you accelerate growth. I’m guessing you think Vince McMahon’s only reason for success is he surrounded himself with Pat Patterson and Gerry Briscoe, two men who knew more about wrestling than he did? Of course not, it’s laughable.Try to sort you emotions out before you post next time.
No, William, you THINK I contradicted myself. You’re definitely coming off as a Dixie Carter mark & it’s tainting your argument, making it biased, which is why, as I warned, you’re ending up looking dumb. The point I made (that you just tried to twist in your response) is that the reason why TNA has been going for almost 10 years now with Dixie in charge IS because of the people she surrounds herself with. If Dixie didn’t have people knowledgeable about wrestling or the wrestling business surrounding her, then by now, much like WCW at the start of the 2000s, TNA would already be no more, as it would’ve already been acquired by WWE. Plus, to let you in on some information that I’m not sure whether or not you’re aware of…..Vince McMahon grew up in the wrestling business. Dixie did not. Vince’s dad, Vince McMahon, Sr. was a wrestling promoter. Hell, that’s how Vince took over WWE, when he bought the company from his father. It’s because of being raised in the business that Vince has had soo much more success with WWE than Dixie has had with TNA. To put it this way…according to your logic, Vince should hand over control of WWE to someone in charge of an entertainment company, such as the head of MGM, as they would know more of how to produce an entertainment product better than Vince. The problem is, with that person having NO knowledge or experience in or of wrestling, under that person’s control, WWE would end up going under within a couple years or so. So, next time, I would suggest leaving your bias towards Dixie out of the debate/argument, or you’re gonna end up continuing to look dumb.
Well, William, apparently, it would look as if the one who needs to keep his emotions in check is you, because it’s apparent you’re in love with Dixie Carter. The ONLY way TNA would end up being bought by TNA is if Dixie Carter remains in charge of the company. Plus, to quote you, “news flash, smart business people always gather talent that knows more than they do about specific aspects of the business, that is how you accelerate growth.” Really? If that’s true, WWE wouldn’t be as large as it is, as Vince knows more about the wrestling business than the people he’s hired as executives for his company. I think it’s about time you bowed out of this discussion, as you’ve already proven what a complete moron you are towards not only the business aspect of wrestling, but business, period, & how much of a fanboy you are towards Dixie. So, with that having been said, this will be the last time I check this article, as both myself & Charles have clearly proven our points, whereas you have yet to prove a damn thing. So, you can continue running your mouth about something you know nothing about & make yourself look smart, while those who have been proven to be smart bask in their victory & move on to other, better things. Hell, maybe if you suck up to Dixie, she’ll hire you to work for her company, that is until it bombs soo much under her leadership that Vince & the WWE buy it out. It is marks like you that give the rest of the wrestling fanbase a bad name. I’m certain that it will be an embarassement to you & Dixie Carter when she’s removed from power, Jerry Jarrett’s brought back in as President, & the company ends up succeeding more under his watch that it did Dixie’s. So, I will end my involvement in this discussion by saying farewell you Dixie Carter fanboy mark. May your fellow Dixie Carter fanboy marks kiss your ass & treat you better than any REAL wrestling fan would.
Erin, I could not have said it better myself. It’s armchair wrestlers like William & his buddies that are making the rest of the wrestling fanbase look like idiots. He knows NOTHING of business, yet tries to make it seem like he’s an expert. Plus, he uses lies & misinformation to try to get a point across. He is the wrestling version of the GOP, especially their Presidential candidate Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney & Romney’s running mate & the GOP’s Vice Presidential candidate U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (WI-1). In both cases, both entities have no problem with lying. William, you need to get your wrestling history straight. Jerry Jarrett has a proven track record running wrestling promotions, whereas Dixie Carter has NEVER had ANY experience in pro wrestling in her life up until her daddy decided, for whatever insane reason, that she was better than an experienced wrestling promoter & put her in charge of TNA. William, there is NO doubt in my mind WHATSOEVER that if Dixie remains in charge of TNA, it won’t be too long until the company dies & its remains scooped up by Vince McMahon & WWE. William, you have proven you are an idiot when it comes to business as it concerns pro wrestling. And, with that, much like Erin, this will be the last time I go to this page. And, I would also like to say farewell you Dixie Carter fanboy mark. May you live out your fantasies through successful people instead of having your own success.
I’m closing down the comments on this thread. The conversation has quickly devolved into personal attacks and that is unnecessary.
I am closing down the comments on this thread. The conversation has quickly devolved into personal attacks and that is unnecessary.