
Opening Segment
iMPACT Wrestling started with a video package showing how Roode was screwed at Bound for Glory, how James Storm won the TNA World Title, and how Bobby Roode is getting a World Title shot tonight.
TNA World Champion “Cowboy” James Storm comes out to open the show in front of the huge crowd in Macon, Georgia. Storm asks if there are any beer drinkers to a timid response. Storm talks about growing up in the south and his manners and his patriotism, and being a southern gentlemen. He says that you only get one go around and what he is going to put on his tombstone: Son, Brother, Father…Beer Drinker, and World Champion. He talks about coming to iMPACT Wrestling and brings out Bobby Roode. Storm says that Roode got screwed at Bound For Glory and promised him the first shot at the title, but also promised his little girl he’d bring the belt home so she could wear it at Chuck E. Cheese. Roode says he owes Storm for all the success he’s had because they were both struggling as singles wrestlers, but became an overnight success as a team and one of the greatest teams in the history of the business. Storm came up with the names, the merch ideas, and brought something out of Roode he couldn’t bring out on his own. Roode was the happiest man on the planet when Storm beat Kurt Angle, but he’s got another opportunity tonight and he’s damn sure going to bring it because he knows Storm will. Roode wants to do what they’ve been doing for four years, and that’s steal the show and blow the roof off this son of a bitch, and whoever walks out with the title will be the better man. ((Jarrett’s Jab – The promo was boring for me. Storm started rambling until Roode came out. The ‘lets put on a good match’ talk gets old very quickly.))
Don’t forget that James Storm will defend his World Championship tonight against Bobby Roode. Jeff Jarrett & Bully Ray face the odd-team of Ken Anderson and Jeff Hardy, and Ronnie from Jersey Shore will be here!
-Commercial Break-
TNA Knockout Champions TnT (Tara and Brooke Tessmacher) vs. Gail Kim and Madison Rayne (with Karen Jarrett)
Tessmacher starts the match by wringing the arm of Madison Rayne and starts the seqeuence for a minute before tagging in Tessmacher. Tessmacher hits a couple of armdrags and goes to the arm wringer, tagging in Tara and hitting a double suplex. Madison rolls over during a celebration and tags in Gail Kin. Kim explodes on Tara with right hand and kicks, but Tara comes back with a kick of her own and Kim is able to escape long enough to tag a reluctant Madison Rayne. Tessmacher dominates Rayne with clotheslines, and Gail yanks her off by the hair before she can do the stinkface. Gail hits a hanging neckbreaker and then goes to a Dragon sleeper, before palmstrikes Brooke in the face. Brooke gets away and makes the hot tag to Tara. Tessmacher turns her back to Tara to attempt a standing moonsault and Gail blindsides her, but Tessmacher spears Gail out to the floor. Tara hits the Widow’s Peak, but Karen Jarrett jumps up on the apron and distracts the referee while Gail Kim come in and hits Tara with Sole Food, allowing Madison to crawl over and pin Tara.
Winners by Pinfall and NEW Knockouts Tag Team Champions: Gail Kim & Madison Rayne
TNAStars most searched person last week, Garett Bischoff, says that he knows his dad wants an apology, so he’s going to go out there and apologize to his dad tonight.
-Commercial Break-
Garett Bischoff comes out to agonize over the situation with his dad, and he wants his dad to come out so he can apologize face to face. Easy E comes out to hear out his son. Garett tells the old man he’s sorry he didn’t live up to his expectations and let him down at Bound For Glory, and he’s really, REALLY sorry he didn’t grow into the man he wanted him to be, which Eric states that ‘There’s always hope.’ Garett says the thing he’s really sorry about is that he didn’t do this years ago, and he suckerpunches his dad and drills him in the face until Ric Flair and Gunner come running out to make the save. Garett looks really pleased with himself as he backs up the ramp and his dad yells “HOW DARE YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH?” ((Jarrett’s Jab – At least this isn’t the main event this week. If they keep this to a minimum this might turn out well, but they can NOT make this the main storyline in IMPACT Wrestling.))
-Commercial Break-
Sting is backstage walking and Samoa Joe comes up to him and asks if he needs help with anything, then says he wants to show his appreciation for the shot he got last week. Sting says he’s welcome, but Joe says if he doesn’t get the respect he deserves, people around here have a way of getting hurt, and asks if Sting understands him. Sting says he’s got it and Joe leaves, and then Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair come up to Sting and says they made sure to have ironclad contracts so Sting couldn’t fire them, so now they want Garett in the ring for a match and says that he’ll give him the right to rewrite his contract if he does. Sting proves himself the best wrestling administrator ever when he says he’ll talk it over with Garett before making a decision.
Christopher Daniels is walking around backstage raving about his wins over AJ Styles that never happened and reiterates the trickery AJ tried using, and says that he won because he walked out and AJ didn’t. He wants shots at the TV Title and World Title, and says he even beat RVD last week. RVD walks up behind him looking really pissed off as Daniels denies needing a screwdriver to beat Bob Van Dam, and then Daniels turns around and Bob kicks his ass until Daniels turns tail and runs, and RVD says he’ll see him at Turning Point. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Should be a great match, not sure why Daniels wants a TV Title shot. It’s worth less than the replica at Toys R Us at this point.))
-Commercial Break-
Jesse Sorensen vs. TNA X-Division Champion Austin Aries
Sorensen tries a quick rollup and gets two, then a backslide for two. Aries applauds him and extends his hand as Kid Kash is shown on commentary ranting about Sorenesen. Aries shoots Sorensen off the ropes and hits a standing elbow drop for two. Aries goes for the Brainbuster, but Sorensen drops Aries on the floor and misses a dive over the ropes. Aries hits a suicide dive and does a victory lap around the ring before dragging Sorensen back in for two. Sorensen comes back with a pair of high knees and a dropkick for 2, but misses a dive off the ropes. Aries hits the kick to the head and the IED in the corner, but foregoes a brainbuster to hit a second IED as Kash yells at Aries to kick his face in. Aries goes for the brainbuster, but Sorensen small packages Aries and gets a three count.
Winner: Jesse Sorensen
Aries meets Kash on his way to the back and they head off together to plan their revenge on Sorensen.
Robbie E and Rob Terry are backstage, and they’re…WALKING!
-Commercial Break-
The saving grace of the Television Championship in Robbie E makes his entrance with Robbie T.
Mike Tenay notes that Jeff Hardy has been recently reinstated on the TNA Roster and Karen Jarrett looks on disgusted during Hardy’s entrance. Teany notes it greatly that Jeff Hardy has to earn the respect of the lockerroom.
Ray and Hardy tie up to start the match and backs Hardy into the corner. Ray hits multiple hard right hands to the ribs and head of Hardy. Hardy gets an advanteage with a clothsline and wrings the arm of Ray before Ray just slams him down and tags in Jarrett. Hardy takes advantage of Jarrett with an Irish Whip to the corner before Ray gets in the ring to distract the referee while Karen trips Hardy. Ray gets tagged in and calls Hardy a drug addict while stomping on him. Big splash by Ray gets him two before he starts to elbow the skull of Hardy and tag in Jarrett who stomps on HRady and uses the ropes to choke Hardy. Jarrett uses the opportunity to strut for the Macon crowd and that opportunity allows Hardy to fight back with rights. Jarrett attempts a sleeper which Hardy breaks as they both crash to the mat. Anderson gets the hot tag and clears house of the now legal Bully Ray. Double sledge by Jarrett breaks up Andersons pin attempt. Anderson gets on all fours so Hardy can hit Whisper in the Wind to Hardy and Anderson. Anderson and Hardy both go up top and Steiner grabs the rope, crotching Anderson and causing the Disqualification.
Winners by Disqualification: Ken Anderson and Bully Ray
The Immortal Trio clear house of Hardy and Anderson: first with a chain and then with Jarrett hitting the stroke on Hardy while Bubba nails Anderson with the Bubba Bomb. Immortal poses to take us to commercial. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Anderson’s brown hair looks ridiculous, but that may be for me because I’ve seen him with white hair since 2005. Luckily, and I NEVER thought I’d say this, Steiner came and improved the whole match/segment by giving Jarrett the heat he needed.))
-Commercial Break-
Sting catches up with Garett Bischoff backstage and presents Eric’s request that Garett get into the ring and face an opponent of his choosing so that if Garett wins, Sting gets to rewrite his contract. Sting says “No, this was a bad idea, forget I said anything,” Garett begins actually begging Sting to let him fight an unnamed opponent for someone else’s gain, so Sting says “Okay, you got it!”
Matt Morgan comes to the ring and calls Crimson out, and Morgan says they stood together against Samoa Joe, but now he gets hundreds of messages on Twitter asking him if he can beat Crimson. He’s worked his ass off to become a main eventer in this company that he loves, but he gets off on competition and wants to give the fans the dream match they’re looking for: Crimson, the irresistible force, taking on Matt Morgan, the immovable object. Crimson says this has been blowing up his Twitter too, and he says his winning streak can’t be the real deal until he takes out everybody in his path, including Morgan. He’s going to see Morgan’s challenge and face him at Turning Point.
-Commercial Break-
TNA World Heavyweight Championship: James Storm (c) vs. Bobby Roode
After hyping Five Hour Energy, and Jeremy Borash’s introductions, The two fistpump and the bell rings. The two trade off hip locks and Roode cinches in a chinlock before Storm counters into the armwringer. Roode with a sideheadlock is quickly reversed into an armbar and the two stand up, at an empass. Storm goes for the headlock and Roode gets out and misses a kneedrop. Storm tries the same thing and gets two . The two face off again and a trade of armwringers occurs before Roode gets an arm and another face off leads us into commercial
-Commercial Break-
We are back and James Storm has Bobby Roode in the corner, ramming sholders into Roode’s ribs. Storm and Roode start trading chops and Storm gets a snapmare and a high knee for two. Storm throws Roode in the turnbuckle and starts nailing him with clothslines and right hands before whipping him into the opposite corner and eating a clothsline by Roode. Roode goes up top and Storm meets him there and hits a superplex. The referee starts counting and almost gets to ten before Storm gets on his feet and the former tag team champions start trading right hands. Strom hits a backbody suplex but Roode is able to get to the top and hits a neckbreaker for two. Fustration builds in Roode as he gets whipped to the coerner and gets kicked in the back of the head by Storm. Storm goes up top and hits a crossbody, but gets reversed in the pin attempt that follows that gets two. Storm quickly gets backbreaker and gets a two count. Storm sets up for the Eye of the Storm, but Roode drops down and hits the Double A Spinebuster for two. Storm sends Roode and himself outside with a running clothsline. Storm gets in the ring at the count of eight to break the count. Storm goes for the Hangman DDT, but Roode reverses into the crossface. Storm tries to get to the rope, but Roode quickly lets go and hooks in the Rings of Saturn instead. Storm gets his foot on the rope to break the hold as a ‘This is Wrestling’ chant starts. Roode goes for a superplex this time, but Storm knocks him off and nails an elbow, but gets a very close two count. Storm sets up the Last Call Superkick, but Roode catches him and goes for the suplex and gets thrown off. Storm gets sent into the corner and almost hits the referee, Roode charges after him and eats the turnbuckle as the ref goes to the outside and hurts his knee on the steel guardrail. Roode grabs the Beer Bottle on the ringsteps and smashes it on Storms head and get a three count to a huge heat from the Georgia crowd.
Winner by Pinfall and NEW TNA World Heavweight Champion: Bobby Roode
A ‘You Suck’ chant starts as soon as Brian Hebner hands him the belt and he steps on Storm and poses to close out the show as Tenay yells that it’s complete ‘Bullshit.’
((Jarrett’s Jab – I loved the live crowd, they really make iMPACT WRESTLING that much better. The crowd immediately started booing Roode when he grabbed the beer bottle which showed how captivated they were by the match. I do not like how Hardy sold little of Jarrett’s offense because if it took Bully Ray and Karen for Jarrett to get an advantage, why should I buy the Pay-Per-View when I know who is going to win?))