Source: Facebook
A few moments ago, Eric Bischoff commented to his Facebook fans that he thinks Bully Ray is progressing very well as a talent. In his brief update, Bischoff notes that he was watching this week’s episode of iMPACT Wrestling for edit notes. Here is the exact text of Bischoff’s comments from Facebook:
Watched this weeks version of IMPACT for edit notes at 3 am this morning. IMO Bully Ray is emerging as one or the top talents in the business today. Flawless.
If there are any additional comments from either Bischoff or Ray on one another or this week’s episode of iMPACT Wrestling, we’ll let you know!
I think that Bully Ray is one of the best things TNA has going for them, and I mean that in the most respectful and positive way possible. The WWE failed to make the Dudleys relevant when they broke them up in 02 (Ironically with Devon becoming the heel “Reverend Devon” and Bubba Ray being a mid-card face), and in 2011 Bully Ray is a main event heel in TNA.
The fact that he hasn’t held the World Title yet is a little shocking considering how great his work with AJ Styles was in their feud earlier this year. I think that sooner than later he will be a World Champion and it will be well deserved.
No surprise there. Bully Ray certainly proved me wrong. He’s now by favourite heel in the business today.