Greg Gumbel who is a broadcaster for CBS Sport’s NFL games made some derogatory remarks about TNA Wrestling star Hulk Hogan this past Sunday. During the Arizona Cardinals vs. Pittsburgh Steelers some stats came up on the screen regarding NFL star Tim Tebow’s Sunday performance. Gumbel then went on a bizarre tirade against the Hulkster saying, “Remember a few weeks ago Hulk Hogan came out and ripped Tim Tebow and I was thinking to myself, I must have been out of the country when Hulk Hogan..when people cared what he thought about anything other than play acting and a fake sport”.
Gumbel’s panties were in a twist over a promo Hogan cut on ESPN against Tebow at the requests of the ESPN hosts. Gumble who for some reason thinks calling pro wrestling fake is an insult, obviously thought Hulk Hogan’s promo was real. What kind of irony is it that such a sophisticated(sarcasm) man was fooled by the very fake sport he was insulting. Hulk Hogan was play acting the bad guy part, and Greg Gumbel fell for it hook, line and sinker. You can check out Gumbel’s goof below:
Easily one of the dumbest comments that I’ve ever heard a “mainstream” sportscaster make – and I suffer through Cris Collinsworth each Sunday night!
Well at least this qualifies him for dirt sheet duty when his tv career ends.