Source: Twitter
After iMPACT Wrestling scored its highest rating of 2011 and brought in the most viewers in the show’s history this past Thursday night, Eric Bischoff took to Twitter to make a brief comment on the historic success. Bischoff has never been one to back away from the internet wrestling media, choosing to call out the various conjecture-reported-as-fact situations that are posted to the more popular wrestling websites. For some time now, Bischoff has noted that he believes the loudest, negative voices online represent only a small fraction (by some estimates, about 1%) of the entire viewing public.
As a part of that theory, Bischoff has consistently noted that the popular internet wrestling writers fabricate stories to push their own personal view of what professional wrestling should be in 2011. He mocked their point of view with the following tweet yesterday:
Ever notice how the shows that the dirt sites put over get the lowest ratings and the ones they bury get the highest? hmmmm.
This observation was made by Bischoff after the outpouring of disgust from the dirt sheets after they took Hulk Hogan’s anti-Bobby Roode and AJ Styles pre-Bound for Glory comments as fact. This also plays into Bischoff’s overriding theory (admittedly, I agree with him on this point) that the folks who write those dirt sheets are the biggest marks in the wrestling world – either on or offline.
i dont care what anyone says..bischoff is a smart man
Totally agree.
All i know is a 2 hour show that has just 3 matches that last barely 10 minutes cant keep my interest.I turned it off in the middle of the long opening monologue….Wrestling matters…to know one anymore…thank god for MMA.
I agree. Eric is smart. He knows what hes doing.
Thanks for the comments, Patrick and Jacob. @Patrick – a lot of folks are complaining about the lack of in-ring action from this past Thursday’s show. Totally understandable. However, I think they needed to have a talk-heavy show to wrap up the storylines that had a larger spotlight from the pay-per-view. Just my opinion, though.
@Jacob – I agree completely. Lots of smarks out there love to hate on Eric Bischoff when the truth is that he’s usually playing them against their own blind allegiance to an anti-TNA point of view. Few folks are even ready to admit that he and the entire iMPACT Wrestling team hit a grand slam this past Thursday night. But hey – haters gonna hate, right?
Personally, i dont care many or how long the matches are. As long as the show(and the matches they do have) is entertaining, I have know problem with it. You got to have a balance. WCW hand better matches during WWF’s attitude era but RAW was more entertaining. Its not all about wrestling. If it was, i wouldnt watch. I need unpredictable storyline & entertaining characters to keep my attention. MMA is real. wrestling is fake so straight matches with no storyline is stupid. The highest rated segment in wrestling was The Rock Mick Foley segment(when mick was bring everyone from rock’s past out, & that segment went on for about 30 min.
Oh & that’s y ROH will never make it. You can have the best matches but if Im not into the character, who effin cares. That’s why Hogan can go out & have a terrible match but the crowd loves it.
To all the internet dirt sheet writers and their copy and paste zombies:
Sorry about your damn luck!