Several websites have reported that Mick Foley will be making his return to the WWE on the 11/14 edition of Monday Night RAW, a 3-hour show airing live from Boston. He has already been advertised locally for the program. As already announced, this 3-hour episode of RAW is the go-home show for the Survivor Series PPV and will also feature Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, as the company is rumored to build up to a Survivor Series match featuring The Rock and John Cena as teammates.
(Thanks to reader Steve Fuller.)
Yes, One of My Favorite Wrestlers and My Favorite Author is coming back home! Mick Foley should be inducted in to the WWE Hall of Fame soon, if not 2012 than 2014 when the 30th Wrestlemania is Held in Mick’s Favorite Arena, The Holy ground of WWWF,WWF and WWE, Madison Square Garden!
Having Foley back on RAW might be enough to get me to tune in and see what he’ll be doing. Especially if The Rock is going to be in attendance – those two are great together!