As we previously reported ESPN will be airing a special about former TNA/WWE/WCW star Scott Hall.
ESPN has posted a broader preview of the story which is set to air Wednesday. In the piece they talk to TNA star Hulk Hogan about the differences in lifestyle of today’s wrestling stars vs. during his heyday:
“Wrestlers have been more educated, more up to speed. I mean before, back in the day, you’d have the match at Madison Square Garden, the Boston Garden, all the wrestlers would see each other down at the Marriott bar. Nowadays, all the guys go up and they go to the room and play video games, or go on their computer.”
Hulk Hogan also talks about how his and other stars of his generation still around have adapted, “You calculate every move. You don’t jump off the top rope anymore. You keep your boots on the ground. You definitely make sure you paint with broad strokes and you make sure you capture the audiences’ emotions early.”
ESPN seems to love wrestling now !!