Source: & JR’s Blog
Good ‘Ol JR, Jim Ross is back with another insightful blog this week. In it he covers current TNA Impact Wrestling star Hulk Hogan, and former stars Matt Hardy, and Kevin Nash in his Q&A segment. You can check out his TNA related comments below and the rest at the link above.
“Was I surprised at the live audience’s reaction during the Rock-Hulk WM18 bout? Absolutely. I did not think that Hogan would be the overwhelming crowd & sentimental favorite in that match. It was quite a moment.”
“Will the nWo return to WWE? Not sure why we get SO many questions on this one other than many fans seemingly long for content that stood out back in the day and the fact that Kevin Nash made an impactful visit to Buffalo Sunday. My ‘guess’ would be no but I wouldn’t wager on it either way.”
“Will Matt Hardy ever return to WWE? That’s not my call nor do I have any imput in the matter but my view on Matt Hardy is simple….go to rehab and invest totally in getting clean and sober and then cross future, professional bridges when you come to them. Right now getting healthy and STAYING healthy should be the only item on Matt Hardy’s agenda. I’ve always liked and supported the Hardy brothers and wish them nothing but good health and happy days.”
As always JR’s blogs are a fun read, JR even managed to squeeze in an Impact Wrestling pun in the Kevin Nash portion of the Q&A.
As always, if anybody has a question for JR, his answers might as well just be “I don’t know. We’ll have to see”.
“his answers might as well just be “I don’t know. We’ll have to see”.”
To be fair though, I don’t think JR has much to do with talent acquisition these days. he’s just trying his best to answer the questions that the fans ask him, its better than ignoring them right!
Sorry Pete, I got to agree with Radiitz’s comment on this one!