
Opening Segment
A video package is shown of Bobby Roode winning the Bound for Glory Series. And Hulk Hogan helping Kurt Angle retain the World Heavyweight Title at No Surrender.
Ric Flair comes out in his black and blue robe to kick off this weeks’ edition of iMPACT WRESTLING. Flair calls out Sting to talk to him “one last time.” Sting comes out in a purple and pink robeand faces off with Flair. Flair says that one will lose and one will go to the hotel room and get drunk. Rlair reminds him of the promise he made Hogan that he’d take Sting out. Sting says that he’ll kill Flair tonight and wants the match now. Flair refuses and security comes to separate them. ((Jarrett’s Jab – For a minute I thought they were going to give the Flair/Sting match away as the opener. Despite me hating the match and assured it would be a trainwreck, it shouldn’t be on free tv, let alone as the opening match.))
-Commercial Break-
A commercial plays for TNA’s Costal Chaos Cruise before Jeff Hardy is shown on screen and tells that he’s happy to be back. He talked about hoping to prove himself to the Impact Wrestling roster and to himself. ((Jarrett’s Jab – I really hope he is sincere, that’s all I can really say.))
Mexican America vs Devon, The Pope, Brooke Tessmacher & Tara
Devon’s kids are at ringside for this match as I’m shaking my head. Devon and Hernandez start the match off and start there smack talking to each other. It finally ends when Devon comes off the ropes and takes Hernandez out with a flying shoulderblock. Anarquia and Pope come in and Pope hits a bunch of atomic drops and a flying shoulderblock. Sarita comes in and grabs Pope from the outside, allowing Anarquia and Hernandez to suckerpunch him and take the advantage. Unfortunately for them, the advantage is short, as Pope makes the hot tag to Devon. Devon hits a spinebuster and the girls wind up in catfight before the Mexicans decide to stop and hit on Devon’s sons. Devon’s kids get all into it, but all hell breaks loose with Devon and Pope knocking Hernandez and Anarquia to the floor while Brooke and Tara hit simultaneous rollups and pin Sarita and Rosita.
Winners: Devon, The Pope, Brooke Tessmacher & Tara
Karen is backstage admiring a giant poster of herself, and Traci Brooks comes in “late,” taking a whole six minutes to get there. Karen tells her to cover up her boobs, and Traci asks her if she’s jealous, and Karen says no because she doesn’t show her stuff off like a five and dime ho. Karen tells Traci to get the Knockouts in there and she has five minutes.
-Commercial Break-
All the Knockouts are in the dressing room with Karen. Karen says Mickie is not getting her rematch and she’s done, and as for the rest of them, they’re going to have three matches in the Queen’s Challenge. She asks if they know who the queen is, and Madison says it’s HER!!!! Madison puts her tiara on Karen’s head, then says it’s going to be Mickie James vs Miss Tessmacher, Tara vs Madison Rayne, and Velvet Sky vs Angelina Love, with the winner challenging Winter at Bound For Glory. ((Jarrett’s Jab – I’m liking Karen in charge all ready. As much as I like Mickie James, this back and forth thing is annoying and to make Mickie seem credible, she needs to earn a shot.))
AJ Styles is in the ring with Fortune and introduces the #1 Contender, his good friend, Bobby Roode! Roode and Storm stare off for just a second before they embrace. Styles says as a former Heavyweight Champion, what Roode did in the BFG Series was impressive and he will be the next World Champion. Daniels says that he’s done a lot, including beat Styles, and can appreciate Roode for winning the series. “Roode fought from underneath and beat Bully Ray in overtime, which is just as inspirational as me beating AJ Styles in Huntsville, Alabama.” Daniels brings up beating AJ again and Fortune laughs. Kaz says that Fortune has done more to build TNA than anyone else and they all strive for greatness and no one deserves to be champion more than Roode. Storm talks about how they threw him and Roode together and they made it work. Storm said while he wish he was challenging Angle, he’s glad that it is Roode. Storm says that he’s sure the fans wanted to see wrestling, and he wanted to make Roode cry, “Kurt Angle, Sorry bout your damn luck!”
Kurt Angle comes out and says that they are all right and Roode clawed and scratched his way to become the #1 Contender, and did it injured. Angle says that it’s awesome, but asks with this musketeers act? “That crap only happens in movies!” Angle exclaims and tries to egg on Fortune to see if they are jealous. He says that everyone is here for the same reason, the Impact World Heavyweight Championship. Angle says that since Fortune won’t tell how they feel, he’ll say it for them: “They are jealous.” Angle announces that Roode for the next few weeks, Roode will take on members of Fortune. And he says that if Roode is beaten, whoever beats him will be on the “top of the totem pole” after Bound for Glory. ((Jarrett’s Jab – I like that concept. All the members of Fortune are good wrestlers and it would give the viewers a chance to see it, especially with someone like Storm who doesn’t normally wrestle in singles matches.))
-Commercial Break-
Bischoff is on the phone with Hogan and they both agree that Angle’s idea is great as Angle happily sits and soaks in his praise.
Queens Qualifer Match: Angelina Love (w/ Winter) vs. Velvet Sky
Velvet Sky has “Let the Pigeons Lose” on the butt of her gear and when Taz gets to say his catchphrase, Angelina knocks her off the apron and slams her face into the ring apron before throwing her in the ring to start the match. Quick cover by Angelina for two. Velvet hits a running bulldog on Angelina before she is pulled to the floor to take us to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Angelina is in control with elbows to the back as Tenay notes that Angelina almost won during the break. Angelina pulls Velvet by the hair and slams her head into a corner before stomping on Velvet’s midsection and mocks her. Angelina charges only to eat a boot from Velvet. Angelina quickly gets the advantage with a chinlock, but that doesn’t last too long either before Velvet fights out. Velvet rebounds off the ropes; Winter grabs her foot, allowing Angelina to get the advantage with a quick pinfall attempt and another chinlock. Angelina is almost slammed into Winter, but that causes Velvet to get control with several kicks and a dropdown before Angelina rakes the eyes. Winter swings the Knockouts belt, but accidentally hits Angelina. Velvet pins quickly to advance to Bound for Glory.
Jeff Hardy walks into the Fortune locker room. AJ says that now is not the time, and he’s held all the titles, been the backbone of this company. In one night Jeff Hardy almost killed the company because he’s selfish. People talk negative about Impact Wrestling because of Jeff, AJ’s not on drugs; he’s just killing himself for the company. AJ says they will never be a time or a place for the two of them. ((Jarrett’s Jab – I’m REALLY glad they did that. Every bit of it is true in my opinion. AJ Styles is the backbone, the heart of TNA, he shouldn’t be cool with Jeff Hardy trying to ruin TNA, if I was in his position I sure wouldn’t. Straight to the point and realistic, just the way it should be with the way TNA are handling this.))
-Commercial Break-
Hogan arrives and Flair meets him at the door. Hogan tells Flair that they have a Plan B as Sting walks behind them. Sting puts his hands around the two and asks if he could be let in on the plan. Hogan freaks out and Sting says “How about we go with Plan Stinger? Love ya Ric, but I’m going through ya. Love ya Hogan, but I’m gonna destroy ya. Ta-Ta for now.” Sting walks off and Hogan says that Sting is off his rocker, and is going to ‘smarten’ Ric up on the plan.
Crimson is shown via satellite talking about being cost the opportunity to headline Bound for Glory. Taz asks what the bad blood is, and Crimson says he doesn’t know what it is, but Joe made it personal and he will pay. Tenay asks when we will see Crimson back on Impact Wrestling, and Crimson said two weeks.
Submission Match: Samoa Joe vs. Matt Morgan
Morgan gets the advantage early with the rapid fire elbows before Joe hits the jawbreaker and sweeps Morgan’s feet out from under him. Joe gets a chinlock, but Morgan quickly gets to the ropes. Morgan tries trading rights, but eats an elbow to the face instead. Joe starts stomping on Morgan’s left foot and locks in the chinlock again, but Morgan gets to the ropes quickly. Joe starts hitting right hands, but Morgan starts hitting open thrusts to Joe’s throat before taking him down with the discus clothsline. Taking Joe down with the Sidewalk Slam, Morgan hits the sitdown slam. Morgan goes for a triangle armbar, but Joe gets his foot on the rope. Morgan goes for the Carboon Footprint, but misses. Morgan tries a chokeslam, but Joe drags the ref in between them before thumbing his eye. Joe cinces in the heel hook in the center of the ring and Morgan taps out.
Winner by Submission: Samoa Joe
Sting vs. Flair is still to come tonight, as well as Robert Roode vs. Kazarian.
-Commercial Break-
Angle comes in the Fortune lockerroom and asks Kaz if he’s ready. Angle says that he knows Kazarian can be the top guy in Fortune
Devon is backstage telling Jeff Hardy that he’s been real with him for twelve years and they’ve been up and down the highway for twelve years, and he doesn’t care what anybody else thinks because he cares about Jeff and won’t turn his back on him, but he’ll be damned if Jeff throws it all away like that. He knows Jeff Hardy can be the showstopper and be the one that comes up like any other, and he needs Jeff to get it straight. He won’t turn his back on Jeff, he’ll grab him by the neck and throw him through the wall to get him on the straight and narrow, and asks Jeff if he knows what he’s saying. Jeff says he does, and Devon says that’s good because if he screws up this time, it’s over. Jeff starts to leave and Devon says that if Jeff needs him, he’s got Jeff’s back.
Bobby Roode vs. Kazarian
Roode and Kazarian shake hands before typing-up. Kazarian goes for an armbar, but Roode reverses and gets one of his own. Fast Chain Wrestling occurs by the two before they have a faceoff. Another tie-up ends with Roode getting the advantage with a headlock. Kazarian fights out and backs into a corner. Roode rings the arm of Kazarian, but Kazarian flips out. Going for a legdrop off the second rope, Kazarian slips and Roode gets a Northern Lights Suplex for two. Kazarian backs Roode into a corner and hits several right hands before Roode snaps and hits a few rights of his won and a running clothsline, knocking Kazarian to the floor. A shoving match occurs between the two and Kazarian wins, getting Roode into the ring and hitting his second rope leg-drop for two. Suplex by Kazarian gets him a two count as Kazarian tries a chinlock. Roode fights out and hits several rights and throws Kazarian overhead. Kazarian tries a piledriver, but Roode locks in the crossface and Kazarian has no alternative but to tap.
Winner by Submission: Bobby Roode
Kurt Angle is shown watching from a monitor and isn’t too pleased. Roode picks Kazarian up, but Kazarian isn’t too pleased either. The two end up hugging it out and Kazarian tells Roode that he is ready. ((Jarrett’s Jab – Kazarian has never looked better and this concept only helped both men. Roode looked strong and showed the audience his new submission hold and Kazarian looks to be pushed for the first time since 2007 when Kurt Angle was the champ. How ironic is that.))
-Commercial Break-
A video package plays hyping Kurt Angle’s new move: Warrior.
Kazarian said that he’s pissed that he isn’t in the position Roode is in, but he lost and he lost to the future World Champion. More of this video is available on
The NEW X Division Champion Austin Aries is talking about his win at No Surrender. He said that he’s thinking about renaming the X Division Championship, the A Double Championship. He says that he will defend the Championship next week and that he is on the A Double Level, and that is a level above everyone else.
Taz and Tenay hype up next week’s edition of iMPACT WRESTLING which will include Austin Aries’ first defense of the X Division Champion. Bobby Roode will have to face another Fortune member in “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels and Jerry Lynn will tag with Immortal’s Bully Ray to face Rob Van Dam and Ken Anderson.
On that note, Jerry Lynn is shown backstage talking about how RVD should have seen all of this coming, but he couldn’t clear his smoke-filled brain. Lynn says RVD is gullible for not realizing what Lynn was doing getting him disqualified every week. He’s going to beat RVD’s brains in, and Bully Ray is going to put his chain through Anderson’s head when the two of them face Rob Van Dam and Ken Anderson next week.
Sting vs. Ric Flair (If Sting wins, he gets Hogan at Bound for Glory; if he loses, he must retire.)
Jeremy Borash gives the in-ring introductions for the main event match. Tie-up to start the match and Flair is shoved to the other side of the ring. Another tie-up and Sting headlocks Flair and then sholderblocks him. Flair wrings Sting’s arm, but Sting backs Flair into a corner and he’s forced to break. Flair goes for an armbar, which is quickly reversed by Sting. Flair uses a toehold to get out and floats over. Sting is able to get a hammerlock and Flair yells at the ref “Get him off me!” as he grabs the ropes. Sting and Flair face off and Flair flops to the ground as we take a commercial break.
-Commercial Break-
Back from the break, Sting is nailing Flair with right hands, but Flair kicks low to get the advantage. Flair goes up top, but as always gets slammed back to the mat. Sting clotheslines Flair to the outside as referee Earl Hebner starts to count. Sting heads to the outside and Flair whips Sting into the guardrail and Sting whips off those like ropes to nail Flair with a clothsline. Sting fires up and drags Flair in the ring, hitting ten right hands before Flair lowblows Sting while Hebner is reprimanding Sting. Sting and Flair trade off hits and Sting gets the advantage. Sting goes for the Stinger Spash, but Flair ducks out of the way and chops Stings left leg. Flair locks in the Figure Four, using the ropes for leverage. After Flair uses the trick three times, Sting rolls over and it takes Flair a minute to roll-over to the ropes. Flair stomps on Sting’s left knee as Taz discusses his experiences with Figure Four Leg locks, and thankful that it wasn’t Flair executing them. Sting is backed into a corner and is chopped repeatedly before Sting Hulks-up. Flair begs off in the corner, and rakes the eyes but Flair goes up top again. Instead of knocking him down, Sting meets him up top and hits a superplex. Sting covers, but breaks up at two when Immortal charges to the ring. Ray goes for a cheapshot but is stopped with Anderson’s entrance, running him off with a chair. Hogan hands Flair the brass knuckles as Anderson heads out of the ring. Right hand by Flair knocks him out cold. Flair drops down for a pin, but only gets two. Flair freaks out and Sting gets to his feet and hits the Stinger Splash and Flair flops. Sting picks up the brass knuckles and applies the Deathlock. Flair taps and it’s over.
Winner by Submission: Sting
((Jarrett’s Jab – An alright match between the two considering what they are capable of. Sting gets Hogan at Bound for Glory. I’ve noticed there has been a lot of Submissions tonight. In Roode’s case it is a great thing because it shows how dangerous he is heading into Philadelphia and Joe looks Strong being the monster heel he is.))
Was there any chance that Sting would lose that match? I don’t think so.