Greetings, folks. From time to time, puts out an open call to our valued readers to apply for opportunities to contribute to this website. Why do we reach out to our readers? Simple – make no mistake about it – the people who post the news on our newsboard, write our opinion columns, and post our results are first and foremost fans of professional wrestling just like you! In fact, the majority of this website’s staff was hired through open calls like this one.
This particular open call is to find an ROH news and rumor reporter. already has some opinion writers and a dedicated feed from for the best iMPACT Wrestling coverage on the internet. However, due to some staff changes, will quickly become stagnant with respect to ROH updates.
You can find all of the details about what we’re looking for in a ROH news and rumors reporter by checking out our Open Positions page. And while you’re over there – feel free to apply for the position! We look forward to hearing from you!
Please Note: None of the positions listed as “open” on this page are paid positions. In fact, while we would like to offer some form of financial compensation to the people working at this website, is unable to offer compensation for participation. Please be advised that those seeking to join the team at are agreeing to add content to this site on a volunteering basis only.