Opening Segment
Sting winning the World Title last week was shown as we cut into the Impact Wrestling Zone to see Sting enter.
He tells the audience that he’s going to get Hogan and Bischoff because they still have something he wants. He notes that he’s not going to ask them if they want the easy way or the hard way: Because they always choose the hard way. Sting says it feels good to be crazy, and he wants to start us off by talking to Hogan and Bischoff. Instead, Kurt Angle comes out with the clown mask on, takes the mask off, and tells Sting not to act like he won the title on his own because Angle neutralized Bully Ray. Sting may be trying to save the company for Dixie Carter, but he ran into a major speed bump in Kurt Angle, and their paths are going to cross again at Hardcore Justice. Angle says they’re both legends, but only one of them can walk out of Hardcore Justice with the title. Immortal’s music hits, and Ken Anderson and Bully Ray come out to confront Angle and Sting. Ray says they’ve got a bigger problem tonight because it’s the two of them against Ray and Anderson. Angle hit him with the bat last week, and this week Ray’s going to hit Angle with the kitchen sink. He’s not giving up the title so easily after everything he’d been through over the last year, and Sting’s going to have to deal with him tonight. ((Jarrett’s Jab – I hated everything up until Immortal came out. Bully Ray has been TNA’s shocker, a guy I never thought could go over as a singles wrestler has become one of my main reasons for watching Impact Wrestling))
-Commercial Break-
The Bound for Glory Series Scoreboard is shown with Crimson at 31 points as we get ready fir a BFG series match.
Bound for Glory Series: Scott Steiner vs. Rob Van Dam
Steiner jumps RVD from behind and nails him with a elbow to the face. Belly to Belly by Steiner leads to a two count. Steiner uses the ropes to choke RVD before he tangles him in the Tree of Woe and chokes him. Steiner connects with some stiff chops and right hands in the corner, and then snapmares RVD and kicks him in the face before tying him up in a standing surfboard. Steiner slumps RVD in the corner and lays in more chops and right hands, but RVD gets a leapfrog and a superkick to the jaw that sends Steiner crashing flat on his back. High kick to the face and a top rope thrust kick sends Steiner rolling out to the floor, and RVD follows him out with a baseball slide that sends Steiner crashing into the guardrail. RVD hangs Steiner over the guardrail and hits the spinning leg lariat off the apron. Steiner tries to bail back into the ring and asks for a time out, but RVD goes after him anyway. Steiner sneaks deep inside and gets a belly to belly suplex for two, but RVD comes back with another leg lariat and Rolling Thunder for two. Steiner stops RVD with a straight right hand to the gut and puts him on the top rope, then hits an awesome top rope Flatliner, but only gets two when RVD gets his foot on the rope. Steiner runs RVD over with a Steinerline and the elbowdrop followed by the pushups. Steiner gets up to yell at the referee for some reason, and RVD slips in behind him and gets a schoolboy rollup for a three count.
Winner: Rob Van Dam
Now Rob Van Dam is tied with Gunner and Devon for second. Mickie James is backstage in some sunglasses looking stunning.
Mickie James comes out to the ring and asks Velvet Sky, her challenger for the evening, to join her in the ring. She’s seen everyone mess with Velvet for months now, blame her for their problems, and try to break her down mentally and physically. She knows what that’s like, so she’s proud to give Velvet her first shot at the Knockouts Title tonight, not because she kissed anyone’s ass, but because she earned it and deserves it. She knows they are going to tear the roof off the Impact Zone, and show everyone why they’re the best women’s division out there today. Oh, and one other thing: she’s walking in the Knockouts Champion and she plans to walk out the champion, so Velvet better bring her A-game. Winter and Angelina Love come out and Angelina reminds them that they all came to TNA to be competitors, and Velvet and Mickie ought to skip the match and go right to the hotel room. It took her a while to understand what Winter has been trying to show her, but now she gets it, and as a five time Knockouts Champion, the one thing all the Knockouts have is total disrespect for her. She’s proven herself over and over, but has never been given her dues, and Winter made her see it was all due to jealousy, and none of the Knockouts want to compete against her because she’s on a level all her own, and it doesn’t matter who wins tonight because the Knockouts Title is coming right back to Angelina. Winter says she’s going to take the Knockouts Title and nobody will ever get their hands on THEIR belt ever again because night is about to fall. ((Jarrett’s Jab – I’m glad someone’s more focused on a good match. If I were a wrestler, I’d want to be the best, not worry about ‘tearing the roof down’ with someone. It’s ok every now and then, but that’s all I’ve been seeing on TNA for a month now))
Tara and Miss Tessmacher are backstage, and they’re…whoa, getting their asses kicked by Sarita and Rosita!
-Commercial Break-
Tessmacher and Tara are still getting their asses kicked backstage. Tara and Tessmacher start to fight back. Madison Rayne suddenly comes diving out of nowhere and attacks Tara.
We’ve got a four way ladder match in the Bound For Glory Series later tonight, from all of the participants. During AJ Styles’ interview, Christopher Daniels comes in. He wants a private word with AJ, so AJ kicks the cameraman out of the room. As usual the cameraman tries to hide just outside the doorway, but for the first time that I can recall someone (AJ) actually sees him and slams the door shut.
-Commercial Break-
We see a cell phone video of a parking lot fight after Impact last week where Sarita got her jaw broken by Tara and Miss Tessmacher, which explains (in storylines) why she’s wearing a face guard in this match.
Knockouts Tag Team Title Match: Sarita & Rosita vs Tara & Miss Tessmacher
Tessmacher and Tara jump the champions on the way to the ring and Tessmacher repeatedly drills Sarita in the face and then rams her face into the ramp. The fight makes its way into the ring and Rosita gives Tara a jawbreaker as Sarita takes Tessmacher out with a clothesline. Rosita dumps Tara to the floor, but Tessmacher takes both champions out with a double clothesline. Sarita and Rosita regain control and beat Tessmacher down in the corner while Sarita yells at Tessmacher to look at what she did to her. Nice touch. Tara tries to get back into the ring, but Sarita baseball slides her back out to the floor. Tessmacher destroys Rosita with a clothesline and tries to make the tag, but Tara again gets knocked off the apron. Rosita and Sarita with a double flapjack on Tessmacher that gets 2, but Tara has had enough and comes in, lays both champions out, and then drags Tessmacher to her corner so she can make the tag. Tara comes in and cleans house on both girls and goes for the Widow’s Peak, but Madison comes in and spears Tara, and Sarita covers for 2. Rosita gets wiped out by Tessmacher and then Tara hits a sitout powerbomb on Sarita to win the title.
Winners and NEW Knockouts Tag Team Champions: Tara and Miss Tessmacher
-Commercial Break-
BFG Series Ladder Match: AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Matt Morgan vs. Gunner
Ten Points are on the line in this contest, Joe still has no points. Joe and Morgan fight in the ring, while Styles and Gunner fight on the outside. Gunner throws AJ into the guardrail and grabs a ladder. AJ is dropped on the ladder neck first, but Joe kicks the ladder in Gunner’s face. Joe and Morgan play Tug of War with the ladder and Morgan wins with a clothesline. AJ jumps from the apron to the ladder, knocking it out of Morgans hands. Morgan goes for a choke slam, but AJ gets the Pele. Gunner comes in and nails AJ and hits a slingshot suplex, then picks up the ladder and rams it into Morgan’s guts and then hits Joe in the face with it. AJ nails Gunner and tosses him out to the floor, but Morgan just floors him with a headbutt. Morgan tries to ram AJ into the ladder that’s leaning on the ropes, but AJ just moonsaults off the ladder, Morgan catches him and hits a fallaway slam, then Joe comes right in with a senton. Gunner whips Joe to the ropes, but Joe ducks a clothesline and dives through the ropes onto Morgan. Gunner sets up the ladder and climbs, but AJ hits a dive off the ropes and onto the ladder, AJ knocks Gunner off but Joe shoves AJ off the ladder. AJ nails Joe and starts to climb the ladder, but changes his mind and goes after Joe in the corner, and Joe hits the STJoe and then Gunner dumps both men to the floor. Gunner turns around and walks right into the Carbon Footprint, and Morgan climbs up the ladder and grabs the clipboard for the win.
Winner: Matt Morgan
-Commercial Break-
Eric Young is outside a gas station. He talks to D’Lo Brown and pins him in a “match.” ((Jarrett’s Jab – Sorry I wasn’t so descriptive, I could care less about Eric Young.))
X Division Title: Brian Kendrick vs. Alex Shelly
The two shake hands before the bell rings. Kicks to Shelly’s left leg by Kenrick leads to a missed Drop Kick and a pin attempt by Shelly. Kendrick connects with right hands before Shelly counters into a small package for two. A hammerlock rollup by Shelly leads to a two count again. Kendrick charges but gets kneed and chopped by Shelly. Kendrick tries a wild swing and gets armdragged, but Kendrick nails him in the face with a dropkick and tries Sliced Bread #2, Shelley blocks and tries his own Sliced Bread #2, Kendrick blocks, but Shelley takes Kendrick down and starts driving knees into the back of Kendrick and ties him up with a side version of the surfboard. Kendrick rolls on top of Shelley, but only gets a one count and goes out to the apron. Shelley misses a charge and goes to the floor, Kendrick pops back into the ring and tries a dive of his own, but Shelley hits a leaping enziguiri from the floor and a top rope bodypress for another two. Shelley tries several more various pinning combinations, but can’t get more than two. Shelley comes off the top rope, but Kendrick dropkicks him out of the air. Shelley makes it to his feet first and tries a forearm, but Kendrick boots him in the face and then dropkicks him to the floor. Kendrick wipes Shelley out with a dive through the ropes, then rolls him back inside and tries a top rope splash, and Shelley gets his knees up. They wind up going out to the apron and Shelley hits an unassisted Sliced Bread #2 on the apron, and both men tumble onto the floor. Shelley rolls Kendrick back into the ring, but Austin Aries comes out of nowhere and hits Shelley with the title belt, and Kendrick rolls on top of him and covers for the win.
Winner and Still X Division Champion: Brian Kendrick
-Commercial Break-
Kendrick is pacing talking about how he didn’t want to win the way he did and didn’t know what happened.
Mexican-America makes their entrance and Anarquia cuts a promo complaining about how Sarita and Rosita lost the titles and that their flag isn’t there. Anarquia says when they aren’t happy, they kick ass. They only want to deal with the Tag Champions. Beer Money comes out and Anarquia starts taking in Spanish. Storm tells them to shut up and leave the ring, the company, and do something they’re good at: like cutting grass. He tells them to listen or he’s going to stick his cowboy boot down his throat. Storm decides that they should reintroduce themesleves. Storm states that at Hardcore Justice they are going to kick Mexican America’s asses, and the next day their green cards will be stuck up there. Roode chimes in the trademark “Sorry about Your Damn Luck.” ((Jarrett’s Jab – I forgot Beer Money was the Champs, I’d like to forget about Mexican America. They draw X-Pac Heat worse than Sean Waltman ever did))
Knockouts Title Match: Mickie James vs Velvet Sky
Angelina Love and Winter come out and attack Mickie on her way to the ring, and Velvet comes out to make the save. Velvet and Mickie roll Angelina and Winter into the ring and do a double Thesz Press, then continue beating them down until ODB and Miss Jackie come out of the crowd, toss Mickie to the floor, then kick the crap out of Velvet Sky. Winter and Angelina just stand on the floor with satisfied looks on their faces until Traci Brooks comes out of the back to even the odds. She stares down Jackie and ODB, who try to escape up the ramp, but Velvet and company go after her again and we have another pull apart brawl. If anyone actually expects me to believe that Velvet Sky can hang in a fight with Miss Jackie, they real are nuts. Finally the babyfaces get herded back into the ring, but Jackie and ODB beat up security and go after the faces again. Officials again try to separate the girls, but have no luck at all as the crowd chants “let them fight” at the whole scene. Two of the security guys stand in front of ODB and tell her she’s got to go, so ODB just kicks one in the nuts and punches the other in the face. Finally, the cops come in and cuff ODB and Jackie and haul them back out through the crowd. ((Jarrett’s Jab – I was actually looking forward to the title match, so the brawl didn’t excite me. Why can’t they just “sign” ODB and Jackie and be done with it?))
-Commercial Break-
Velvet Sky is backstage thanking Traci for helping out and saying it’s good to have her back. Traci cuts a swear filled promo about why she is here. ((Jarrett’s Jab – It’s sad really, I’m an advocate for swearing on pro wrestling, but tonight is just ridicilious. And nice way to see The Original Knockout get such a hyped return.))
Ken Anderson & Bully Ray vs Sting & Kurt Angle
Mr. Anderson starts to announce his name, but Bully Ray tells him to not give these dirtbags what they want and to go to the ring and take care of business. Mr. Anderson responds by announcing his home town really fast and does his name routine.
Ray jumps Sting from behind to start the match and rams him into Anderson’s boot, then Anderson tags in and unloads on Sting with right hands. Anderson distracts the referee while Ray chokes Sting in the corner, then Anderson fires Sting into the ropes for a hard back elbow. Ray tags in and gets a hard bodyslam and tries several covers, but can’t get more than two so he goes to a neck vice instead. Ray knocks Angle off the apron and knocks Angle off the apron, and Anderson drops elbows to the knee of Sting. Anderson stomps Sting in the lower abdomen and covers for two, then mockingly holds Sting’s hand in Angle’s direction before dragging Sting back to his corner and tagging back out to Bully Ray. Ray with a slam and then goes to the second turnbuckle for a senton, but Sting rolls out of the way and makes the tag to Angle. Angle comes in and immediately opens up with the rolling German suplexes to Anderson, then dishes one out to Ray as well. Angle goes for the Hacker Slam, but Ray clips his knee out from under him. Sting dumps Ray to the floor and hits a Stinger Splash on Anderson, and Angle finishes Anderson with the Hacker Slam.
Winners: Sting & Kurt Angle
Sting and Angle staredown before Angle extends his hand. Sting shakes it, but Angle pulls him in for an even more intense staredown. Sting asks Angle if he’s gone too far, or not far enough?
so happy to hear matt morgan getting the win!!
this aj styles/chris daniels thing is driving me crazy trying to figure it daniels has gotten inside my head!
My favorite comment in the review (from one of Jarrett’s Jabs): “I’d like to forget about Mexican America. They draw X-Pac Heat worse than Sean Waltman ever did”
Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Made me laugh out loud. 🙂
It’s a shame about Hernandez, though. Here’s a guy who had star potential written all over him and then all of a sudden it just seemed to evaporate. Weird.