Watch exclusive footage of The Jarretts celebrating after Jeff Jarrett won Mexico’s Heavyweight Championship at a recent AAA event in Mexico City
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I honestly dont know why they didnt just use the actual aaa belt, or at lest a replica. The title they showed last night was disgracful too me since i watch triple a alot. Its a shame
William B. Westsays
I’m not entirely sure why TNA is referring to the belt as the Mexico Heavyweight title either as it is really called the AAA World Championship. I suppose they want to pretend their belt is the only “World” championship but if that is the case I find it a bit silly to think anyone would think that.
Blagole Slamsays
The belt Jarrett had on TNA did look like the AAA title and probably was. However for whatever reason they stuck some silver plate over the original. There may be legal reasons for not showing the real plate, but at the same time might draw heat from anyone who knows better.
I honestly dont know why they didnt just use the actual aaa belt, or at lest a replica. The title they showed last night was disgracful too me since i watch triple a alot. Its a shame
I’m not entirely sure why TNA is referring to the belt as the Mexico Heavyweight title either as it is really called the AAA World Championship. I suppose they want to pretend their belt is the only “World” championship but if that is the case I find it a bit silly to think anyone would think that.
The belt Jarrett had on TNA did look like the AAA title and probably was. However for whatever reason they stuck some silver plate over the original. There may be legal reasons for not showing the real plate, but at the same time might draw heat from anyone who knows better.