Source: Twitter
High-flying tag team Generation Me has taken to Twitter to confirm earlier reports that they were granted a release from iMPACT Wrestling. According to both Jeremy and Matt’s Twitter accounts, they are ready to move on to other things in their careers. Here are some tweets from the brothers:
Max Buck: Want you to hear it from us first: Yesterday, we asked for our release. Special thanks to TNA & the fans for a wonderful experience.
Max Buck: Great experience, but definitely time to move on to something new. So much to say, but I’m gonna sit & let this all digest for awhile.
Max Buck: One more thing… The Young Bucks are back! Now taking dates. Book us.
Jeremy Buck: Had an awesome time with TNA thanks to everyone for the support. We just felt like it was time to move on. The Young Bucks are back!
It seems like this was an amicable parting on behalf of both Generation Me and iMPACT Wrestling. The team here at wishes these two very talent young men the best of luck in the next phase of their careers!
im gona miss them so much!!! TNA’s X Division is slowly dwindling down 🙁
But after last night’s pretty impressive showing from the X-Division (so I’ve heard), you’d think that they are actually bulking up the roster with those types of wrestlers. Or, we can hope so at least!
Give their wages to Jak Evans and LowKi….
ps. I also hear that Orlando Jordan is gone.
That’s the word – which Mickie James seems to have confirmed via her Twitter. I’ll be posting something about that later today.
I’m glad they left on good terms, but it’s not just the X Division that suffers, but the tag-team division as well. Gen Me are an amazing team that added a lot to the company, and I’ll miss them too 🙂