What’s up, everyone? Last night, I attended the TNA Wrestling House Show in Asbury Park, New Jersey. For a brief recap of that event, click here. While I was at the show, I managed to somehow live tweet for TNAStars.com (not sure if I’ll be doing that again!) and take over 200 pictures on both my camera and my phone.
You can look at all of those pictures by clicking here. Enjoy!
And remember, I’m not a photographer so a lot of the pictures are sort of “meh” at best. The ones that I took on my brand new Android phone had a weird tendency to make everything in the ring look bright white (to the point where you can’t really make anything out). The pictures that I took on my camera were so-so at best, but my camera is about 7 years old!
With all that being said… I hope you enjoy the pictures!
I understand you reservation about live Tweeting again, when I was sending them live at Lockdown I realized it is a ton of work, snapping pics and live uploading. I thought to myself what have I got myself into?
Ha ha! That was exactly what I thought to myself last night! Between handling the phone’s camera and the digital camera I was saying to myself, “Whoa – this is a bit of a job!”
It seems like every time I would go to upload I would miss something awesome or exciting messing with the camera.