Opening Segment
Footage from last week’s parking lot brawl between Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett kick off Impact Wrestling. We also see footage of Hulk Hogan giving Sting his title rematch on July 15th and Sting snapping.
Jeff Jarrett and Eric Bischoff are walking in the back and Jeff says that the Bound for Glory Series starts. Eric says that Jeff is on his way to Mexico because of what happened last week. Jeff says it was a joke, but Eric says the network doesn’t think it is a joke. Eric tells Jeff to have the influence they need to write the checks and make the rules, they need to dominate Mexico. Jeff says that he can’t speak the language and he can’t drink the water. Jeff asks Eric if he thought Kurt would have gone to Mexico and Eric says that Angle would have. Eric tells Jeff adios as his music plays in the background. ((Jarrett’s Jab – In case you haven’t heard, Jeff Jarrett has become the Heavyweight Champion of Mexico by beating El Zorro at AAA TripleMania XIX.))
Eric is now in the ring and he says that he wants to get down to business and he tells Sting to get to the ring and he calls him a miserable son of a bitch. Eric tells Sting that he has something to say to him and unlike Sting, he isn’t a coward so he will say it right to Sting’s face. Last week when Sting decided to have a one on one with Hulk Hogan, did Sting think that Eric wouldn’t notice. It is the show that he produces and stars in. He says that he knows what is going on. He calls Sting an ungrateful son of a bitch. He says that he has done nothing but treat Sting with respect from day one. Eric wants to know how much more slack does he have to give Sting.
Sting says that his feelings are hurt as he responds sarcastically. Sting says that Eric verbally abused him and cursed at him. Sting wonders what shall he do. Before he snaps his scrawny little neck, and that is what he is going to do, he is going to tell Eric why they never got along. Sting calls Eric a con artist, a thief, and a liar. He calls Bischoff a low life, a loser, the scum of the Earth, and a dirtbag. Sting tells Eric that he is a really bad virus and a cancer. Like the cockroach that crawled in, Eric ended up at Impact Wrestling. Sting tells Eric that he is a disease and that disease has spread to Hulk. It is only a matter of time before Hulk’s eyes are opened and the real Hulk Hogan returns.
Eric says that it will always be Hogan and Bischoff. They will always be a team and Sting cannot do anything to change that. The only thing that will change is Sting and it is because of Eric. Sting might have a rematch on July 14th, but Eric says that he has the ability to change that. He is going to put Sting in a match with Abyss tonight so Sting will be in no shape to win any belt on July 14th. Eric says that there is not a damn thing that Sting can do about that.
Sting says that Eric said that with such conviction. Sting tells Eric that he has the price to pay. Sting removes his jacket while Eric stays in the ring. Sting backs Bischoff into the corner and then Sting punches Eric in the midsection and then the head. Sting pulls Eric into the center of the ring and he punches Bischoff in the midsection. Sting with a Scorpion Death Drop. Sting then applies some paint on Eric’s face.
Sting pulls Eric to the mat and then he puts Eric in the Scorpion Death Lock and Eric taps because there is no reason to tap since there is no match going on and there are no referees near the ring. ((Jarrett’s Jab – For the second year in a row, I can say that heel Sting will fail miserably for TNA. Props for the new Joker face paint.))
-Commercial Break-
We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of Sting confronting Eric Bischoff and attacking him.
We see footage from last week with the Bound for Glory Series Matches at house shows. A.J. Styles, Matt Morgan, Scott Steiner, and Gunner earned points for wins. They are all tied with Rob Van Dam for 7 points. Matt Morgan and Crimson will face Beer Money while Scott Steiner faces Bully Ray in Series Matches.
We see footage from the match between Bully Ray and A.J. Styles at Slammiversary to lead us to our opening match.
Bound for Glory Series: Bully Ray vs. Scott Steiner
The two start the match by talking smack to each other, eventually the talking leads to a collar-elbow tie up and Ray comes out victorious. Ray gets the double-sledge to the back twice, but gets reversed when he tries to clothesline Steiner in the corner. Steiner connects with multiple right hands and a hip toss while Ray tries to beg off Steiner. Steiner gets some more right hands and a “Steinerline”. Going for the pin, Steiner breaks his own count at two and starts doing Push-ups. Steiner charges for the corner Bully Ray retreats to, but Ray gets a big boot to Steiner and tries to pin him twice, only getting a two count. Ray connects with a Double Sledge and a Bodyslam, but only gets a two count (again, twice.) Ray gets Steiner in position for the Steiner Recliner and starts whaling on him with rights. Ray tries for a Full Nelson, but Steiner counters with a Back Body Suplex. Steiner gets the advantage of a exchange of rights by nailing some “Steinerlines.” Steiner Irish Whips Ray, but gets a kick in the mouth for the effort. Steiner retaliates with a T-Bone Steinerplex. The referee, Jackson James, gets bumped by Steiner and Steiner locks in the Steiner Recliner on Ray. Ray taps out, however the knocked out ref didn’t see him tap. Steiner goes to check on the ref, but Ray grabs his chain from the corner and uses it to clothesline Steiner. Jackson James revives to count Steiner’s shoulders down for a three count.
Winner by Pinfall and earning 7 points for the BFG Series: Bully Ray
Ray references that he has seven points and Tenay notes that he is now tied with Matt Morgan, AJ Styles, Gunner, Rob Van Dam, and Scott Steiner in the Series. ((Jarrett’s Jab – A decent Steiner match and a predictable match with Jackson James as the referee. Glad that the opening contest actually matters. Love the tournament, especially that they show that the matches actually happen instead of just making up numbers as they go along.))
-Commercial Break-
Velvet Sky and Miss Techmacher make their way to the ring. Sky noted since ODB and Jackie Moore aren’t under contract, they have to do things by the book. Miss Techmacher said “Come on out here bitches!” Taz talked about how she had moxy. ODB and Jackie made their way to the ring from the side of the ramp. ODB yells “Have you seem my fat ass? You can’t whip it!”
Velvet Sky and Miss Tessmacher vs. ODB and Jackie Moore
Sky takes on ODB while Miss Tessmacher gets a piece of Jackie Moore on the outside. It’s just a standard cat fight at this point with the heels taking the advantage. Miss Tessmacher starts to choke Jackie whole ODB tries to rip off Sky’s ‘Hello, My name is Gangsta.’ Tessmacher clears Jackie’s clock with right hands as ODB and Sky actually get in the ring to brawl.
-Commercial Break-
We’re back on Impact Wrestling as we actually…kinda see a tag match. Jackie is in the ring with Miss Tessmacher and laying on her with right hands as ODB get’s tagged in. ODB starts cursing at Tessmacher before Sky runs around the ring and knocks Jackie off the apron. Tessmacher tries to tag Sky, but Jackie gets in the ring before Sky can get to her corner and Tessmacher get’s launched into ODB’s corner. ODB and Jackie start some frequent tags with really nothing happening until Tessmacher gets a Spear out of nowhere! Sky finally get’s tagged in and clears house with clotheslines. A double team on Sky leads to Tessmacher trying to interfere, but ODB throws her into the steel barricade. Jackie kicks below the belt line and gets a three count from that.
Winner by pinfall: ODB and Jackie Moore
Morgan and Crimson versus Beer Money is still to come along with a Sting versus Abyss match.
-Commercial Break-
A video introduces the audience to Federico Palacios, who is competing in the Triple Threat tonight for a spot in the Destination X Tournament.
Tara is backstage talking about not being able to wait for the July 15th edition of Impact Wrestling where she is able to get her hands on the ‘Queen Bee’ Madison Rayne. Rayne walks up and says that Tara can’t stop talking about her. She gives Tara the chance to apologize and call off the match, but Tara responds by slamming her into a wall.
In another area Backstage, Beer Money is getting ready for their tag team match-up. Roode admits that he is not medically clear to wrestle tonight.
-Commercial Break-
Scott Steiner is swinging his chain at Bully Ray, trying to tear him apart due to the ending of their earlier match. Ray offers him admission into Immortal and Ray said he’d think about it. ((Jarrett’s Jab – I can see Ray being cowardly, but Abyss and Gunner were both in their and they looked more cowardly than Ray, and he was using a bench to protect himself.))
Bound for Glory Series: Matt Morgan and Crimson vs. Beer Money
Mike Tenay noted that only the person that gets the decision gets the points. Crimson gets some offense in to start off the match. Roode finally gets some offense of his own by hitting a snapmare. Roode’s offense is short-lived as he immediately get’s run over with a Crimson Clothesline. Roode favors his injured arm and Storm tags himself in. Morgan gets the tag and shoves Storm into the corner. Storm dodges each of Morgan’s Rapid Fire Elbows and connects with a Codebreaker to Morgan’s chest and gets a two count. Morgan connects with the Discus clothesline and finally gets the Rapid Fire Elbows. Crimson gets the tag and hits Storm back and locks in an armbar while hitting knees to Storm’s face. Crimson nails a swinging neckbreaker and tags out to Morgan who gets a sit-down slam for two. Crimson gets tagged in and connects with right hands to Storm. Storm gets all of a Backstabber and Morgan and Roode both get tagged in. Roode hits two clotheslines and a dropkick to the knee to get Morgan down and Roode capitalizes by kicking the hamstring of Morgan. Roode goes up top, but Morgan goozles him on the way down. Roode reverses into an armbar. Morgan uses his freehand to tag to Crimson and Storm gets tagged back in as a response. Beer Money connect with a Double Team Suplex and play up to the crowd with the “Beer Money” chant. The team turns around to eat a clothesline by Morgan. A Carbon Footprint by Morgan leads to a pin on Roode.
Winner by pinfall: Matt Morgan and Crimson
Matt Morgan get’s the points due to him getting the pin. ((Jarrett’s Jab – A surprisingly good tag team match. They confused me by running down all this stuff about the tournament as Crimson was making his entrance. I’d rather see the person with the most points get the shot, no Final 4 or whatever at No Surrender. Morgan is now in the lead at 14 points while AJ Styles, RVD, Gunner, Steiner, and Bully Ray all have 7 points.))
Abyss cuts a promo walking backstage about how he listens to “The Art of War” and Eric Bischoff. He talks about how he was ordered to take out Sting tonight and that he will.
-Commercial Break-
“The Phenomenal” AJ Styles comes to the ring to talk about the upcoming Destination X PPV. He notes that the PPV offering is an all X-Division show. He takes the time to tell Bischoff, Hogan, and the network that “he’s coming home to the X-Division.” He also asks why not bring back the six-sided ring for the occasion, which get’s thunderous approval from the audience. AJ informs the audience that he was the first X Division champion and starts to list off some of the pioneers of the division before getting cut off by the music of Samoa Joe. Joe tells him that he put the X-Division on the map. He say’s he’s not taking anything from AJ, but if AJ is the heart of the X-Division, then Joe is the balls. Joe is about to make a challenge, but is interrupted by a tie wearing Christopher Daniels, who is surprisingly being called by that name rather than the TNA-owned “Daniels.” Daniels puts over himself as one of the biggest X-Division players and wants to give the people what they want. He challenges AJ Styles to a one-on-one match at Destination X as the audience chants “What about Joe?” AJ accepts as Joe looks on in shock. ((Jarrett’s Jab – I’m sure the audience, as well as I, thought we were going to see Styles/Joe/Daniels III. That is the only time that the X Division Title main evened a PPV, Unbreakable 2005. And the rematch happened for AJ’s TNA World Title at Turning Point 2009. Surprised the fans were that happy to hear about the six-sided ring return. I was hoping it would come back, but the fans being that vocal about it may make the administration consider bring it back on a full-time basis.))
-Commercial Break-
Coming back from the break, Kazarian confronts Christopher Daniels about what happened out there by challenging AJ Styles at Destination X. Daniels says it’s all about the spirit of competition. Samoa Joe says that he didn’t know that we found the Real Housewives of Fortune. He says that it makes some compelling television. Frankie tells Joe that it would be compelling television if he smacked Joe’s head. Joe takes care of Kazarian and walks away.
We now get to look at Dakota Darsow. ((Jarrett’s Jab – To be honest, he looks like a cheap knock-off of Luke Robinson from Tough Enough personality and promo-wise.))
Federico Palacios versus Zima Ion versus Dakota Darsow in an X-Division Challenge Match
Ion and Palacios push each other and then Ion sends Darsow over the top rope to the floor. Darsow with a kick to Ion’s head and then he gets a near fall. Darsow with a punch to Palacios but Palacios with an Irish whip and drop kick. Ion with a DDT to Palacios and Darsow with a kick to break up the cover. Darsow with forearms to Palacios followed by a suplex and an elbow drop and knee drop. Darsow with a leg drop for a near fall.
Ion goes up top and he hits a missile drop kick on Darsow. Ion with a chop to Palacios and then Palacios drops Ion to the mat. Palacios with a rollup for a near fall. Ion lands on his feet and he hits a facebuster on Palacios. Darsow takes care of Ion. Darsow punches Palacios and kicks Ion. Darsow with an elbow to Palacios but Palacios sends Darsow to the floor. Palacios with a suicide dive onto Darsow. Ion goes up top and hits a corkscrew dive onto Palacios.
Ion rolls Darsow into the ring and he flips off Darsow’s chest. Darsow with a boot to Ion. Darsow with a moonsault on Ion but Palacios with a double stomp to break up the cover. Palacios tries for a superplex on Ion but Ion sends Palacios to the floor. Darsow with a kick to Ion’s chest. Ion pushes Darsow off the turnbuckles and then Ion with a 450 splash for the three count.
Winner: Zima Ion
Rob Van Dam says that he might as well jump in on the Destination X thing. He was X-Division before the X-Division. Jerry Lynn stops by and he suggests that THEY were X-Division before the X-Division. ((Jarrett’s Jab – That match was a glorified spot-fest. I hope the “veterans” next week are good because I don’t think Austin Aries can save this match by himself. Figured Darsow would win because he’s the son of Demolition Smash. And for Jerry Lynn’s return, couldn’t they at least do it in front of an audience, he was literally on camera for maybe five seconds.))
-Commercial Break-
Match Number Five: Mickie James versus Winter in a Street Fight
Mickie James and Winter are brawling in the dressing room. Winter sends Mickie into a trash can. Mickie gets up and connects with some forearms to Winter but ends up eating a punch. They fight to the place where Karen fell a few weeks ago (behind the announcers and that big metal piece) and then Mickie is hit with an empty box. Winter whips Mickie with a belt. They make their way up the steps to go into the Impact Wrestling Zone as the whipping continues. Winter chokes Mickie with the strap and then she pulls Mickie into the Impact Zone.
Winter throws Mickie across the stage and then she Irish whips Mickie into the wall on the stage. Mickie goes onto the stage and hits a Lou Thesz Press and punches Winter. Mickie grabs the strap but Winter gets out of the way. They fight down the ramp as they get closer to the ring. Winter sends Mickie into the guardrail and then she hits a head scissors off the guardrails.
They get into the ring and Mickie goes up top with a missile drop kick. Angelina hits a lungblower while Earl Hebner focuses on Winter because a wrestler has never been down before in a match. Winter gets the three count.
Winner by pinfall: Winter
((Jarrett’s Jab -That was the biggest joke I have ever seen. I thought a Street Fight was no disqualification, but yet the referee is distracted so Angelina Love can interfere.))
Match Number Six: Abyss versus Sting
Sting interrupts the ring introductions and attacks Abyss. Abyss gets an Irish whip but Sting hits a shoulder tackle out of the corner. Sting kicks Abyss and punches him in the corner. Sting connects with a punch but eats a kick by Abyss. Sting is right back on Abyss with a clothesline that sends Abyss over the top rope to the floor. Sting goes to the floor and he punches Abyss repeatedly. Sting tries for a clothesline but Abyss moves and Sting hits the ring post. Abyss gets a forearm to the back, punches Sting and then he chokes him in the corner. Abyss runs across the ring and splashes Sting. Abyss wants Sting to get up but ends up picking Sting up himself. Abyss locks an arm bar in and palms Sting’s forehead. Sting starts to get some more punches to Abyss that staggers him. Abyss hits a choke slam to and gets a near fall. Abyss gets his “Art of War” and he reads a few pages while he waits for Sting to get to his feet. Abyss kicks Sting in the back of the leg while reading. Abyss goes into his jacket for a barbed wire glove. Abyss puts on the glove and then Sting sees the glove and he avoids several punches from Abyss. Sting nails two clotheslines but Abyss connects a big boot Sting no-sells and hits Stinger Splash followed by a Scorpion Death Drop for a near fall. Sting takes the glove off Abyss’ hand and he puts it on. Sting punches Abyss with the glove and the referee calls for the bell.
Winner by disqualification: Abyss
Ken Anderson comes out after the match and Sting continues to hit Abyss with the barbed wire glove while Anderson watches. We go to credits.
Beachbum Sting was my idol growing up. Crow Sting was an awesome transition. Wolfpack Sting was soso. Stings charisma has declined year by year until the 06/23/11 edition of Impact. Joker Sting is the best of old and new Sting characters combined and I thought it was simply awesome. Nice job Steve.