Mick Foley and The Rock have been having a friendly back and forth on Twitter today via their official Twitter accounts. During the exchange remarks were made by Mick that are considered by many a bad swipe at TNA’s house shows. The exchange is below.
The Rock, “In the famous “I QUIT” match, I handcuffed Mick Foley and bashed his face 14xs w a steel chair. He bled. I won. #OverTheLimit”
Mick Foley, “Maybe so, but 2 days later, I trapped @TheRock under a pallet of beer kegs to win the WWE strap in an Empty Arena Match aka TNA house show.”
This was definitely a swipe at TNA’s house shows. Was it a friendly swipe, or is Mick really taking TNA to task for their attendance? Is Mick trying to get released? Personally even if done in jest it’s bad form. If you’re going to collect a paycheck, be supportive. This isn’t the first time Mick has been critical of TNA in public and likely won’t be the last. I think it’s always important to be professional, and bashing your employer in a public forum s definitely not professional.
Guys like Foley can get away with stuff like this because most people know that he has a sense of humor. He’s not being malicious or anything here.
I think that, for a while now, Mick Foley has wanted out of TNA. Granted, the only basis I have for that assessment is my own observations – particularly after Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff joined the team.
But let me be among the first (and probably only) internet voices to say that Foley should be cognizant of falling into the Kevin Nash territory. In other words, come September Foley will have been in TNA for 3 years – that’s enough time for someone to make an impact (pun intended). I don’t think it would do Foley’s reputation of being a fair and honest guy any good if he left TNA and complained about the promotion not being able to draw… while he was a featured performer!
Don’t think he’s looking for a release. I seem to remember reading an interview where he was saying his contract was up for renewal soon anyway (and in the same interview saying he happily talk about resigning, but couldn’t see why they’d want him).
Obviously, I don’t know Mick, but I think there’s enough about him out there to know he’s a decent guy and wouldn’t intend any malice. Maybe he should have thought before tweeting that, but it’s not exactly uncommon for people to tweet stuff without thinking. We’ve all sent emails we wouldn’t have sent if we’d thought twice about it.
Theres another way to look at this. I think Mick Foley was actually being self-deprecating. He has that kind of humor sometimes, and I think he actually identifies himself as a part of TNA and so the comment was not to meant to be some negative remark about a separate entity, but rather a fun way of taking shots at himself. Of course, that’s not what it looks like.
None the less, I think that might be how he meant it.