Source: John Benoit of Pro Wrestling Insider
The results below are copied from John Benoit of, who regularly attends the iMPACT! tapings in Orlando, Florida. According to John’s report, it looks like we’ll be treated to a main event between Kurt Angle & Velvet Sky taking on Jeff Jarrett, Angelina Love, & Winter; a pretty stunning turn of events involving Tommy Dreamer; a TNA Knockouts Championship Match with Mickie James and Miss Tessmacher; and the iMPACT! debut of Sangrieto.
I encourage you to read the full set of spoilers below.
*Immortal come down to the ring. Sting and Rob Van Dam come to the ring and there’s a huge brawl. Its broken up. Fortune hits the ring and says things are going to change next week.
*Mexican America have a Cinco Del Mayo celebration. They invite the Spanish announce team to celebrate with them but then beat down Willie Urbina for not being Mexican. Ink, Inc. make the save.
*Bully Ray and Gunner took on AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels. Tommy Dreamer hit the ring to save Styles from Bully, only to turn on him and nail him with a piledriver. Yes, they turned Dreamer heel.
*The Jarretts call out Velvet Sky. They go back and forth, Winter and Angelina come out. Kurt Angle comes out. In the end of this they set up a mixed tag.
*Rob Terry pinned Murphy.
*TNA Knockouts champion Mickie James pinned Miss Tessmacher to retain the TNA Knockout Women’s Championship. Madison Rayne challenges her to a title match at Sacrifice.
*Sangrieto (a masked Amazing Red) pinned Suicide.
*Kurt Angle & Velvet Sky defeat Jeff Jarrett, Angelina Love & Winter. Angle says he will reveal his mistress next week.
So did Harris debut?
Who is Harris?
think nay is referring to wildcat chris harris