Source: Various
A variety of internet wrestling websites are reporting on WWE’s recent shareholder meeting. During the meeting, a shareholder reportedly asked whether or not Vince McMahon had an interest in buying TNA Wrestling from Dixie Carter. In short, McMahon’s answer was: “I don’t know that they are for sale.”
Some reports indicate that McMahon had a bit of fun with this question and found it very amusing. According to one of the reports that I saw, McMahon responded to additional pressing by this questioner about making an offer to buy TNA Wrestling with, “Well… maybe.”
Prior to McMahon making that statement, the questioner commented that – in his opinion – Stephanie McMahon had more brains than Dixie Carter. Apparently, Vince got a kick out of that comment and responded with: “I would hope.” Then Vince, Stephanie, and Triple H all got a good laugh out of the exchange.
If anyone knows whether or not video or audio of this exchange exists, I’d love to post it on the website both to confirm the story and to share the content with our readers. Let me know. Thanks!
vince should stay far away from tna..hope this was just all in good fun
Here’s the video of the exchange:
It didn’t seem like Vince was taking the guy seriously. He was just humoring him. Same could be said about Stephanie and Triple H.
But this is the sort of story that dirtsheets love to inflate out of proportion, but it’s not newsworthy at all.
Thanks for the link, Anon!
And you’re correct. After watching that video, Vince is clearly humored by the question and not taking the guy seriously at all. Actually, that was a somewhat entertaining 1+ minute video. I encourage all of the folks reading this right now to take a minute and watch the video. Enjoy!
I wonder if everyone was laughing because it was TNA they were talking about because its such a small company compared to WWE? Last I heard, Panda Energy was more loaded than WWE. Theoretically, TNA could buy WWE if the Panda’s allowed them, lol.
I used to watch the shareholder videos when I reported at some other sites covering WWE. There is always a few nutty wrestling fans that buy a share so they can attend the conferences. This guy I believe is a semi-regular attendee and asks some rather off the wall wrestling questions.
I guess this would be as good a time as ever to – in the interest of full disclosure – announce that I own a few hundred shares of WWE stock. I owned them a few years ago, sold, and then noticed that they were down to their 52-week low last week and sunk a bunch of money in them.
I may not like the product, but with a regular quarterly dividend (albeit 12 cents now instead of 36 cents, which is annoying), WWE is one hell of an investment at its current price. I’m actually writing a Balrog Babblings about that fact over on this week.
You should go to the shareholder meeting and ask if he would consider selling to Panda Energy!
Ha ha ha! Word is that Panda’s pockets are pretty deep…
hes actually a friend of mine, this sharholder. theres footage on youtube of what happend, and a video response of me interviewing the “shareholder”
Thanks for the links J. Funny stuff.